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Now what? BC issues (women's issues)

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My cycles are difficult to deal with. I get really bad mood swings with lots of irritability, which I end up taking out on my family. If my husband and I are going to fight, it's always the week before my period. We can just about keep track of my cycles that way. My kids get the brunt of it, though. I feel perfectly rational, of course, and think they are being unusually badly. It's not until after my period starts that I can see that it was me all along. I also have very heavy bleeding to the point that I avoid leaving my house for 2-3 days every month. I have to use both a Diva cup and an overnight pad together to leave the house for an hour on my heavy days.


So, I agreed to go back on the pill. The problem I ran into with that is the pill I was using wasn't helping enough. It was the same one I used for 6 years before kids. At that time, we noticed that it was no longer effective with regulating my mood swings. Most recently, it still wasn't effective, and my periods were still heavy despite the pill.


So, I opted to try Jolessa which is one of the 3 month pills where you only have a cycle every 12 weeks. I was hoping no cycle meant no mood swings. Only I'm still having mood swings, though much more minor. The biggest issue is spotting. The first pack had me spotting daily for 7 weeks straight. I had hoped it would get better with the second pack. But I just started spotting again last week and it is getting a bit heavier like last time, so I'm looking at 5 1/2 weeks of spotting. I find panty liners useless so I use a maxi. I hate living in maxi pads for that long.


So, what now? Will I ever be free of mood swings, heavy bleeding, or prolonged spotting?

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I was the same way a few years ago. Not so much the mood swings because I take a B-Complex vitamin (Shaklee) that I truly believe helps. Two years ago my doctor recommended the Novasure ablation for me because of my heavy periods, my anemia, and the fact that we were done having children. I'm FREE!!!!!


I have noticed that I have pretty been edgy lately, but I chalk it up to the fact that I live on sugar and caffeine. I need a intervention in that department.


I really hope you find something that works for you soon.

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How old are you? (Don't answer, just think about it.) Could you be perimenopausal? Borage Oil can really help with the mood issues, you know, the ones where the wrong choice of ice cream flavor by the stranger ahead of you is infuriating. Those.


It's a nutrient, not a drug, so it feels a little 'safer' to me than BCP, especially after age 40 when the risk of clots and stroke goes up so much.


Try two big capsules night and morning starting day 14, and then see if it helps. The 1200 mg ones are the ones I mean. Then back off to a level that is comfortable.

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Surprisingly, I've never had anemia. I was borderline once when I tried to give blood, but every other time I've been tested, I was just fine.


There is no known cause of my heavy bleeding. I've been this way since I started my cycles at age 11.


We think we are done having children, but I'm unwilling to do anything permanent. Plus I have no insurance or income to pay for expensive procedures.


I'll look into finding the borage oil. Will it affect my nursling? I'm under 40.

Edited by joannqn
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I would think the spotting issue would get better the longer you're on the pill-takes a bit for the body to get adjusted to it and all....have you considered the IUD? it can cut down on the heavy bleeding--but like the pill it can take a few weeks/month for the body to adjust and get into a new regular cycle....I had the IUD and each month my periods got lighter and lighter to where at about 2 yrs I was basicly spotting for a few days as a period.....good luck-have had heavy periods all of my life so I know where you're coming from --after I had my IUD taken out I had a tubal/ablation and I love it-basicly spot for 2-3 days as a period.....

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I had some similar issues, but not quite that heavy of bleeding. I found Vitex and evening primrose oil to be a godsend. They really evened things out, so my cycle wasn't so crazy. I like you, found i was spotting constantly if I tried to go without a period. I do better off of BC and using herbs every now and then to even things out. And they are both safe while nursing.

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According to my current chiro, my lower back is a mess and I should have a lot of back pain. I go in when my neck is out and causing me a lot of pain for too many days in a row. It is feels better before I'm sick of the pain (like a migraine for me), then I head in.

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I used to use Evening Primrose Oil for the ten days leading up to my period. It made a big difference to my mood swings. Now I have a Mirena and don't have noticeable mood swings. I do get (very light) spotting. Nothing that a panty liner can't cope with.



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I have ID anemia. But still not willing to do UA because everyone I know of personally, had good luck for about 6 months, and then ended up with a hysterectomy. No thanks.


Have you tried the IUD? I tried it and it didn't work for me. So now I just deal with my periods, because at some point I know it will come to an end(I am almost 44). I also cannot take BC.


Honestly, I really do not think their is the perfect solution. No matter which route you choose, you may end up with some kind of side effects.


Millions of women have dealt with heavy periods, and perimenopause for centuries. That is how I look at it. But, I can only suggest to try and find the most natural thing you can. Some women on here gave some great advice.


I think UA are way overrated, and just one more procedure that can make Dr's millions. I think once you start "fooling around down there", it leads to other bigger issues. I know many people here have had excellent results. Just not from the people I know of personally.


Of course, there are instances it may be an emergency. For now, I take iron pills, and probably will until I hit menopause. Which is fine by me.



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