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Is it just that time of year?

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It seems that lots of forums I hang out in are erupting into open warfare.


I've seen a bunch of threads get nasty in the last few days both here and on a few gaming boards I participate on.


Is it something in the air? the water? Is it the heat and anxiety about high gas prices and the end of the world? What?


I'm usually up for a good scrap, but I'm seeing a lot more emotionally charged posts and I am, frankly, baffled.


Who can help me understand?


And everyone else just needs :chillpill:.

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We're gamers too.. role-playing (actually got to see a preview of 4th ed D&D and it was surprisingly good) a wide variety of games and lots of board games as well. My dh is a SAHD, except on Wednesdays, when he works in a comic book store for "fun". Anyhow, I'm always excited to meet gamers around here!

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Yay! More gamers! I used to hang out on a lot more boards, but with my day job I just don't have that much interest in spending more time on the computer when I get home.


I do most of my posting from the office, anyway. ;)

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I figured that it was end of school year fatigue on this board. How interesting that the testiness is not unique. I can't help but wonder if the economic situation is contributing...


Remaining cheery in my rosy little world,

Jane (wife and mother to gamers--I keep my distance!)

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A side effect of spring allergies, maybe? I've avoided the spats here, but I'm walking around in real life just raging for no good reason. I'm managing to hold it in for the most part but if people could hear what's going on in my head they'd run like heck!


I think there is more general anxiety in the world this spring though, too - people who are worried about money are cranky people generally.


BTW - my dh and kids are big D&D fans/players, too. And dh programs games for a living.

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It seems that lots of forums I hang out in are erupting into open warfare.


I've seen a bunch of threads get nasty in the last few days both here and on a few gaming boards I participate on.


Is it something in the air? the water? Is it the heat and anxiety about high gas prices and the end of the world? What?


I'm usually up for a good scrap, but I'm seeing a lot more emotionally charged posts and I am, frankly, baffled.


Who can help me understand?


And everyone else just needs :chillpill:.


I dunno. I'm not sure what it is. But I do know that I've been either rude or bordering on it for the past week.




I seem to have lost what little self-control I manage most of the time. (Which isn't really quite enough to fill a teacup. Shameful.



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Just wanted to clarify that my comment that men also have ups and downs was absolutely not directed in any way towards the OP. He's been a very sane, calm voice on this board.


Maybe I need some of these. One won't do. :chillpill::chillpill::chillpill::chillpill::chillpill::chillpill::chillpill:





It's a beautiful spring, people! Enjoy it! Be happy! Who has time to bicker?

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I dunno. I'm not sure what it is. But I do know that I've been either rude or bordering on it for the past week.




I seem to have lost what little self-control I manage most of the time. (Which isn't really quite enough to fill a teacup. Shameful.




You know Pam, I never have noticed you being rude until you point it out, and even then, I have to really squint to see it. Your version of rude is some people on a good day!



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Maybe I need some of these. One won't do. :chillpill::chillpill::chillpill::chillpill::chillpill::chillpill::chillpill:





It's a beautiful spring, people! Enjoy it! Be happy! Who has time to bicker?


I need some of these, too, only mine need to read MIDOL.


Like my friend with bi-polar disorder was reminded this week by her physician, May is the cruelest month, emotionally speaking. Go figure, with all those flowers and baby birds and strawberries.

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I know that we have had a lot of extra stress here at home and one of my friends wants to start a group called M.O.M. --Mothers Against May. I had to laugh as we have so many activities winding down but with such huge pomp and circumstance!


Here's hoping that we all REALLY take a break and do something to burn off the stress of the school year.

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