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I'm trying not to be a big, spoiled crybaby...

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...yesterday I had to hop into the pool to help my struggling 4yo (he & his brother were playing on the steps with my permission while I sun screened the baby a few feet away, and his brother accidentally knocked him a step too far). I waded in, snatched him out of danger, and hopped right back out to the baby.


And then realized my iPhone was in my pocket.:ack2:


It is currently resting in a bed of dry rice, but we don't hold out much hope for it.


We just got the phones a few months ago, so there is no way we will be eligible for an upgrade any time soon, and have you SEEN how much iPhones are if they aren't accompanied by a contract? :blink: Even refurbished & used ones are out of our price range.


Also? We didn't get insurance when we got the phones. We won't be making that mistake again.


Anyway, I know this is SUCH a first world problem. All my kids are healthy and living, I'm married to a wonderful man, I am typing this on an iPad(!), I could go on and on. So really, to act like this is the end of the world would be the height of ingratitude.


But I still...just need a hug. :( I really loved that phone.

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I got my IPhone 3 refurbished for $19.99 a new one is just $49.99.

...yesterday I had to hop into the pool to help my struggling 4yo (he & his brother were playing on the steps with my permission while I sun screened the baby a few feet away, and his brother accidentally knocked him a step too far). I waded in, snatched him out of danger, and hopped right back out to the baby.


And then realized my iPhone was in my pocket.:ack2:


It is currently resting in a bed of dry rice, but we don't hold out much hope for it.


We just got the phones a few months ago, so there is no way we will be eligible for an upgrade any time soon, and have you SEEN how much iPhones are if they aren't accompanied by a contract? :blink: Even refurbished & used ones are out of our price range.


Also? We didn't get insurance when we got the phones. We won't be making that mistake again.


Anyway, I know this is SUCH a first world problem. All my kids are healthy and living, I'm married to a wonderful man, I am typing this on an iPad(!), I could go on and on. So really, to act like this is the end of the world would be the height of ingratitude.


But I still...just need a hug. :( I really loved that phone.

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Well, your phone may be damaged, but your perspective is intact, at least! ;)


I say be a crybaby for a good 15 minutes. Punch a pillow, lol... Then come back out and hug the kid you saved knowing that it was well worth it.


Here's a (((hug))) from me and I'll be crossing your fingers that that is some magic rice your phone is sitting in!

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My daughter dunked my brand new droid in her cup of milk.

I was so upset - I feel your pain.


First of all, with the phone - open the battery cover and remove the batter and cover. Leave everything in a sealed bag or container of rice for several days.


There is a good chance that it will work again.


My phone did start working, but the milk must have crusted over the microphone part, b/c no one could hear me talking.


We ended up bringing it back to horizon, and they gave me a refurbished one for free.

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It is currently resting in a bed of dry rice, but we don't hold out much hope for it.


Give it a few days. If it just got wet it's chances are very good. I've rescued my Sansa Fuze and my cell phone, twice, from trips into the washing machine by sticking them in a zip-loc baggie of rice for a few days. A washer is considerably rougher then a pool. :)

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I feel your pain! I'm not sure what I would do without my iPhone.


I had your same scenario about a month ago. I was watching my 4 and 7 year olds swim in our pool. Four year old can swim, but she got to the middle of the pool, panicked, and wouldn't float on her back to take a breath like she was taught. She started sinking. Me and my pregnant fully clothed and shoed self dashed into the pool to grab her. Upon exiting, I had a momentary panic because I wondered where my iPhone was. It's usually hooked to me! Thankfully, it was in the chair by the pool. But I was very panicked there for a minute.

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Check with your carrier....I have verizon, so it may be different, but when my dd broke her phone, without insurance, she took it back. They said if the phone was defective they would replace it free, but if it was damage she had caused it would be $100. It was a droid, and they are pretty expensive. When she got the new phone, we had to send the old one back within 5 days or there would have been a $500 charge. We sent it back, paid $100 on the next bill and she has a working phone.

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Nahville flooded a year ago in May and my dh was wading in it to salvage as much of his work stuff as possible. With his blackberry on his belt. It was underwater for at least an hour.


He got a new phone the next day since it was his work phone, but we stuck it in rice any way. After about a month in the rice, we, on a lark, tried to turn the old phone on. Amazingly it worked.


Keep hoping!

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My daughter dunked my brand new droid in her cup of milk.

I was so upset - I feel your pain.


First of all, with the phone - open the battery cover and remove the batter and cover. Leave everything in a sealed bag or container of rice for several days.


There is a good chance that it will work again.


My phone did start working, but the milk must have crusted over the microphone part, b/c no one could hear me talking.


We ended up bringing it back to horizon, and they gave me a refurbished one for free.

I was going to suggest the rice. I know many people who have done that.

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A sealed container with uncooked rice for several days worked on my daughter's iPod after it went through the washing machine!


A tip from my husband: Don't try turning it on while it's wet! Let it dry out first because the water could short it out.

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Don't kick yourself about the insurance. I just got my dd an iphone, I have always insured her phones because she has a very active lifestyle. They (ATT&T) told me they did not offer insurance on the iphones.:glare:


They suggested we buy a protective waterproof case. There is a brand called "Otter". I send my dh with dd to get a case and they came back with a case that protects againsts scratches and impact but not water because the otters were too expensive. (30ish) Huh, I would have paid the $30 but he didn't think it was worth it. Huh? again. :lol: we will see.


Sorry about your phone, glad the child is safe, you did the right thing. :grouphug::grouphug:

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Are you sure you can't get it replaced by apple? I don't have one, but a friend of mine does and she dropped hers in the tub (she was texting me at the time :laugh: ) --- she did the rice thing, but it was still acting a bit goofy.. somehow, she got it replaced for free from apple… granted, we're in Canada - I don't know how that might effect it.. but I know she didn't have to pay anything. (as a matter of fact, she's had it replaced a SECOND time [free] since then as something wasn't working right on the replacement… I forget what… )

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