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Could use some prayers.

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I haven't been feeling good for some time. I am fatigued ALL. THE. TIME! I have pressure in my chest at times but nothing major. Really it is the simply feeling exhausted all the time that is getting to me. I get up and by the time I have my ds up showered, dressed and in his chair I feel like I can't go any longer. I am in tears a good part of the time as I look around at all that I planned on doing this summer and most of it is still there undone. That is so discouraging to me.


It seems like life has had a lot of stresses this summer with neighbor kids, me needing two eye surgeries yet to come, husbands job a bit iffy, etc. I tell myself it is just the stress but no matter I am tired of it.


I really do not like going to the Dr. I hate being on meds. Any tests that they would probably want to do on me I am not sure I would want done so..... do I just need to suck it up and make my self keep going? I guess the one real concern is heart problems. They are on both sides of my family. I have so many bad instances though that it really is something that I am not sure I even want to face.


I know you guys really can't give me the answers. I guess I just needed to put it all in writing. Thanks for listening. Could really use prayers if you are a praying person.

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Oh honey, go to the Dr. :grouphug:

It sounds like you may not be oxygenating your blood enough--

Ok, I'm so not a Dr! It just occurred to me, and I hope I'm not being stupid by suggesting such a thing.


You just don't know--go and find out. You deserve to feel better!

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I used to feel exactly like that till I got my thyroid checked! My family dr wouldn't treat me because my numbers weren't low "enough". Whatever. I guess you have to feel REALLY bad before you can get some help. Anyway, I called a compounding pharmacy and got the name of a dr (nurse practitioner, really) that treats bioidentical hormones. I was definitely hypo and my adrenal's were shot. I've been on armour thyroid and adrenal meds now for about 2 years. I wouldn't trade them for anything! BTW, thyroid problems are one of the leading causes of heart problems in women.


{{hugs}} I hope you start feeling better soon.

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Not to scare you, but they were talking about this on the news this last week. Symptoms like you're describing are supposed to be THE symptoms of heart attacks in women. The whole thing about chest pain and such doesn't apply to women like it does to men. Instead they said to watch for a feeling of heaviness or pressure in your chest and fatigue. They interviewed a woman with those symptoms who was blown off by her doctor and told it was hormonal. She went to a cardiologist and found out she needed (if I remember right) a double bypass and was told she would have died if it hadn't been caught.


I understand disliking the doctor, but please make an appointment and pursue this. If you're feeling like something is wrong, it probably is. And it's much better to catch it now! Even if it's something super simple (which I'll be praying for), think how much better you could feel!

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I used to feel exactly like that till I got my thyroid checked! My family dr wouldn't treat me because my numbers weren't low "enough". Whatever. I guess you have to feel REALLY bad before you can get some help. Anyway, I called a compounding pharmacy and got the name of a dr (nurse practitioner, really) that treats bioidentical hormones. I was definitely hypo and my adrenal's were shot. I've been on armour thyroid and adrenal meds now for about 2 years. I wouldn't trade them for anything! BTW, thyroid problems are one of the leading causes of heart problems in women.


{{hugs}} I hope you start feeling better soon.


I have the same experience, but ended up with a Dr who specializes in chronic fatigue.


I first saw him Good Friday and was feeling like a completely normally functioning human within a month, with some tweaking of the Armour.


Seriously, you need to see someone. And you may need to see multiple someones before you find one who will listen and act accordingly. Enlist an advocate. I'm sure I would have given up and crawled back into bed if my husband hadn't been as persistent with doctors as he was.


:grouphug: a LOT of us have been there.

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:grouphug: Well, I'm the praying kind so will be praying for you!


I would also strongly encourage you to see a doctor. Your symptons could just be stress but they could also be any number of other health issues. I'd be especially concerned since your family has a history of heart problems. If you go to the doctor they can do blood work and/or other tests to see if there's anything going on that needs to be addressed.


I don't like going to the doctor either and try hard to avoid meds. But it sounds like your day to day living is really difficult. You'll be better able to love and care for your family if you find out the underlying issue for your fatigue.


Praying that God will strengthen you as you work through this.

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Thank you everyone. This may sound coy but I don't have the energy to answer each individually.

I have wondered about thyroid but haven't had it checked out so will maybe go in with that to start with. My body temp is almost always low and I have heard that is a sign.

You are right, day to day is very difficult right now. I get my oldest son up and in his chair, and I have been laying down for a couple of hrs. I get back up and get lunch and try to do a couple of things but mostly I just sit as it is just two much effort to take on anything more than load the dw or put a load of clothes in the washer. I can't tell you how many loads of clothes I have had to wash twice as I don't get them taken care of.:confused: I get so irritated with myself.


I will get an appointment tomorrow. I have been thinking of going to a different Dr.than I normally see. He is one that treated my youngest in the ER a while back and really worked at finding him meds that didn't have colors or gluten in them so I am wondering if he would be a bit more thorough. Guess I need to talk to oldest son and DH about that. When I mentioned going to a DR they both looked at me like a deer in headlights.:tongue_smilie:


I do appreciate the prayers. I just want to be feeling better by the time school starts the middle of Aug. The thought of pushing my youngest through another year right now is just simply over the top. I really need to have some answers.


Chris, I forgot to mention that I feel short of breath much of the time. Not when I am sitting but when I get up and start to do something. I have to constantly take deep breaths.

Edited by mom4him
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Thank you everyone. This may sound coy but I don't have the energy to answer each individually.

I have wondered about thyroid but haven't had it checked out so will maybe go in with that to start with. My body temp is almost always low and I have heard that is a sign.

You are right, day to day is very difficult right now. I get my oldest son up and in his chair, and I have been laying down for a couple of hrs. I get back up and get lunch and try to do a couple of things but mostly I just sit as it is just two much effort to take on anything more than load the dw or put a load of clothes in the washer. I can't tell you how many loads of clothes I have had to wash twice as I don't get them taken care of.:confused: I get so irritated with myself.


I will get an appointment tomorrow. I have been thinking of going to a different Dr.than I normally see. He is one that treated my youngest in the ER a while back and really worked at finding him meds that didn't have colors or gluten in them so I am wondering if he would be a bit more thorough. Guess I need to talk to oldest son and DH about that. When I mentioned going to a DR they both looked at me like a deer in headlights.:tongue_smilie:


I do appreciate the prayers. I just want to be feeling better by the time school starts the middle of Aug. The thought of pushing my youngest through another year right now is just simply over the top. I really need to have some answers.


Chris, I forgot to mention that I feel short of breath much of the time. Not when I am sitting but when I get up and start to do something. I have to constantly take deep breaths.


I am so happy to hear that you'll be making an appointment. :grouphug: and prayers--it stinks to feel so awful. Praying that you'll feel better soon.

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I know how difficult this can be, but I believe that it is only a season.


When my dc were little, on the days that I knew we would have to leave the house, I used to dress them the night before in the clothes they would wear the next day. Otherwise, after getting them ready I would not have enough energy to accomplish the outing. I would drive around to find parks where the play area was a short enough distance from the car so I could manage to walk to it. The list goes on but eventually, medical and naturopathic doctors were able to help and I will be forever grateful for my praying friends. Know that we're doing that for you.:grouphug:

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Thanks to those who have shared some of their own struggle. Sometimes I feel so guilty because we aren't doing so many of the things that I had planned for this summer. We went to Mt.Rushmore yesterday and I simply couldn't do the whole Presidents trail. As soon as we got to steps we turned around and came back. I just knew I really struggle to get back up the steps and that I would then be totally finished for the day. I cried most of the way back to town. It was so disheartening.

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I hope your appt. went well. I went through similar this spring (off and on for tears and years but this last spring was the worst). God graciously answered my prayers and I got help and feel sooo much better (for me it was multiple things). PM me if you want to talk. I know how miserable it is and I had gotten so down on myself.

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He increased one of my BP meds and I am scheduled to go in tomorrow morning for fasting blood work. He is going to check an as-sundry of things including my thyroid. He is also having me scheduled for a stress test.:tongue_smilie: The thing is he wants things settled before I have my first eye surgery on the 26th. I am going to talk to the gal that takes care of all that tomorrow as I have an appointment Wed. for eyes and if I need to reschedule that would be the time to do it. We also have the "Sturgis Rally" coming up starting the 7th of Aug. I don't go anywhere I don't absolutely have to that week. Think a town of 6000 converged upon by 500,000 to 1,000,000 bikers.:smash::tongue_smilie::smash: TALK ABOUT STRESS! I was hoping to get school started the week after the rally but will have to see now. I may simply have to put it off a week or two. I have to say I really do HATE all of this. I am the one that is supposed to be up, doing, taking care of everyone and I have felt like cr@p now for several months so instead of things getting caught up this summer that are farther behind.


Oh, the other thing was if the stress test comes out ok and the blood work all comes back good he wants me to go on an anti depressant. Words can not even begin to describe how I feel about them.:glare:


It didn't sound like I would know anything about the blood work until Thur. so I will have to just wait that one out. Now that I have finally gone to the Dr I want answers, NOW!:lol:

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I'm glad you were able to get an appt today and get the ball rolling. Sounds like you have a busy summer ahead and the sooner you can get answers the better. Maybe your dr will push things along quickly since you have eye surgery scheduled.


Take one thing at a time and try to not think about school at this point. If you have to push your start date out a few weeks so that you can get yourself well then it will be worth it. Thanks for the update, it helps to know how to pray for you.

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I have not read the other responses, but PLEASE go to the doctor. They will start with bloodwork before deciding whether to run any other tests. Make sure the bloodwork is very thorough, including a complete panel for thyroid, not just TSH.


I have been exhausted for a long time and even very simple things became very hard. I usually go to the doctor every other year, but I never made it there last year because my exhaustion caused me to be behind all the time, so I never got around to going to the doctor. I finally went at the end of June. The next day, I was diagnosed with leukemia. Now, leukemia is rare and I'm not saying you'll be diagnosed with it!!! I'm just saying that when you have symptoms, stop and listen to your body and take care of yourself. Go to the doctor!!!!!! Many, many things can cause exhaustion - allergies and thyroid dysfunction are probably two of the most common culprits.



I am the one that is supposed to be up, doing, taking care of everyone and I have felt like cr@p now for several months so instead of things getting caught up this summer that are farther behind.


I'm glad to see that you already have an appt scheduled. The above quote was me for so long that I completely forgot what normal even feels like. I kept thinking that I just needed to get my act together. At least you recognize that you're exhausted. I kept blaming myself, thinking that middle age was making me lazy. Now that I am paying attention to my body, I even realized that I have been spiking fevers for months, but I never took my temp because I thought it was aging. I hope you get some answers and relief soon!

Edited by LizzyBee
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He increased one of my BP meds and I am scheduled to go in tomorrow morning for fasting blood work. He is going to check an as-sundry of things including my thyroid. He is also having me scheduled for a stress test.:tongue_smilie: The thing is he wants things settled before I have my first eye surgery on the 26th. I am going to talk to the gal that takes care of all that tomorrow as I have an appointment Wed. for eyes and if I need to reschedule that would be the time to do it. We also have the "Sturgis Rally" coming up starting the 7th of Aug. I don't go anywhere I don't absolutely have to that week. Think a town of 6000 converged upon by 500,000 to 1,000,000 bikers.:smash::tongue_smilie::smash: TALK ABOUT STRESS! I was hoping to get school started the week after the rally but will have to see now. I may simply have to put it off a week or two. I have to say I really do HATE all of this. I am the one that is supposed to be up, doing, taking care of everyone and I have felt like cr@p now for several months so instead of things getting caught up this summer that are farther behind.


Oh, the other thing was if the stress test comes out ok and the blood work all comes back good he wants me to go on an anti depressant. Words can not even begin to describe how I feel about them.:glare:


It didn't sound like I would know anything about the blood work until Thur. so I will have to just wait that one out. Now that I have finally gone to the Dr I want answers, NOW!:lol:



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Went this morning and got the results of my blood work. Everything was very good except my cholesterol. It was not ok. Dr wants me to loose 30#:tongue_smilie: but in the mean time he wants me to start on med.


I have appointment for the stress test next Tue afternoon. Will be very happy when that is over.


I am starting today with lower/smaller portions, less red meat and exercise. I know I NEED to do this not only for my family but for me.

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Good for you that you're embracing your drs suggestions and taking steps to improve your health! Praying that the stress test goes well.

Thank you for your words of encouragement. I am not doing so well on one of the meds he put me on. Will have to call Mon. and ask for a change.

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