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Ted Kennedy has brain cancer!

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What a terrible piece of news. That family has endured so much.

I just saw Ted Kennedy speak live a couple of months ago when he introduced Barack Obama at a local rally. His voice was so strong and sure, and he swept up the whole coliseum in his enthusiasm and his larger-than-life persona.

This really makes me sad.



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It's the last "Royal" American family, with Ted Kennedy really being the last member of this amazing, political group. Sad to hear about the brain tumor. CNN report stated that this type of cancer has a 1-5 year survival rate. That should give him time to enjoy his family and create additional strong memories.

He's been a fascinating man to watch from afar.

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While I strongly disagree with this man's politics, and I can't look at him without thinking of Chappaquiddick, this news has broken my heart. I know that personally he's been through so much, and he's been a tremendous supporter and help not only to those in his own family but others as well.


I have been praying for him and his family, and I'll continue to do so.

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While I strongly disagree with this man's politics, and I can't look at him without thinking of Chappaquiddick, this news has broken my heart. I know that personally he's been through so much, and he's been a tremendous supporter and help not only to those in his own family but others as well.


I have been praying for him and his family, and I'll continue to do so.

:iagree: I very much dislike this man, but I felt a little gut punch when I heard the news. :( I too am praying.

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I am really surprised by this. In my gut I really thought his seizures over the weekend were going to end up being nothing.


That family - wow. Very sad.


That while it's devastating to him and his family, that I know he will get the greatest of care in this wonderful nation and at least he can greatly afford that care.


It's really interesting, I've been following a brain tumor journal online by David Welch at 38lemon.com. I know that with Kennedy getting this dreaded disease that it will hasten the research in this area greatly which is positive news.

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I know he will get the greatest of care in this wonderful nation and at least he can greatly afford that care.


It's really interesting, I've been following a brain tumor journal online by David Welch at 38lemon.com. I know that with Kennedy getting this dreaded disease that it will hasten the research in this area greatly which is positive news.[/quote


The articles say Sen. Kennedy has a malignant glioma, a very broad category of brain tumors. The articles haven't specified what kind/grade of glioma he has. Grade IV gliomas are the most common, and unfortunately that 1 to 5 year survival range that CNN quoted isn't quite accurate for those kind of tumors. Of course, there are patients that survive a year and even some that survive five years. Both the widow of the founder of McDonald's and baseball star Tug McGraw died within a year of being diagnosed with this type of tumor, despite their money and connections. The attorney Johnny Cochran died about a year after being diagnosed with a brain tumor. My husband died three months after being diagnosed with a malignant glioma.


In my gut, I "knew" it was a brain tumor when the news hit about his seizure. Otherwise, they, usually, don't keep you in the hospital a few days for seizure.


While I hate that anyone else has to be diagnosed with this disease, Sen. Kennedy's diagnosis has certainly put a lot of attention on brain tumors.


Thanks for the reminder to check David Welch's website. I think his website is good for brain tumor awareness. I remember when he was originally diagnosed, because his mom joined an online support group that I read. He and my husband had the same kind of low-grade gliomas. He has a very different approach to living life with a brain tumor than my husband did, but to each his own. I hope Senator Kennedy is able to spend his future fully living.



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The Kennedys have been a public presence my entire life, starting with JFK (whose assassination I distinctly remember). Dh and I were talking tonight about how this is the last of that generation of men, and what that means is that our daughter will spend her entire adult life post-Kennedy. That seems strange to us. She'll think about the Kennedys the way we think about the Roosevelts. What a major passing of an era this will be. I'm feeling older and older all the time.

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She'll think about the Kennedys the way we think about the Roosevelts. What a major passing of an era this will be. I'm feeling older and older all the time.


Wow. I hadn't thought of it that way. Excellent insight, Robin.

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