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You never....!

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I ALWAYS. We should switch up. :D




She was wailing on my lap for about five minutes...to the point the her older siblings and I had trouble holding in our laughter. Drama queen...she really does need to go on stage (she wants to be an actress).

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Sounds like someone needs to write out the definition for "never" about 25 times LOL.


My 10 year old recently started with the "I never" and I looked at him like he was spouting three green heads and a guitar. I joked that if he wanted to go head-to-head, we could do that, but I would win. And loser has to rub my feet for as many minutes as he is old. Then I started listing things I never get to do. Like have a bathroom visit all to myself, without knocks on the doors or barge-ins :) Or eat adzuki beans as often as I want to because both kids prefer black. I can (and have) go on and on until he gets just as annoyed with me as I was getting with him to begin with LOL. It brings him back to reality, so long as I keep the tone light. It's more fun, though, if I do the full-fledged whine and rolling tantrum on the floor routine.

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She was wailing on my lap for about five minutes...to the point the her older siblings and I had trouble holding in our laughter. Drama queen...she really does need to go on stage (she wants to be an actress).


:lol: We always joke with my little drama queen that nobody is around to hand out any Oscars today so she may as well save the scene for better audience.


Be nice if she took it to heart, but alas!

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Sounds like someone needs to write out the definition for "never" about 25 times LOL.


My 10 year old recently started with the "I never" and I looked at him like he was spouting three green heads and a guitar. I joked that if he wanted to go head-to-head, we could do that, but I would win. And loser has to rub my feet for as many minutes as he is old. Then I started listing things I never get to do. Like have a bathroom visit all to myself, without knocks on the doors or barge-ins :) Or eat adzuki beans as often as I want to because both kids prefer black. I can (and have) go on and on until he gets just as annoyed with me as I was getting with him to begin with LOL. It brings him back to reality, so long as I keep the tone light. It's more fun, though, if I do the full-fledged whine and rolling tantrum on the floor routine.





This reminds me -- a roommate of mine told me once that she threw tantrums when she wanted things until she was 11, and her parents often gave in. Then one day her mother did a parenting workshop -- the next time they were at the mall, my roommate asked for something, her mother said no, my roommate threw herself on the floor and threw a tantrum -- and her mother threw herself on the floor next to her and threw a bigger tantrum. My roommate picked herself up and started trying to get her mother off the floor, like "mom! mom! stop it! PEOPLE ARE LOOKING! MOM! STOP IT!" ... but the tantrum went on for a few minutes.


Roommate said the next time she started to throw a tantrum, she thought about that ... and stopped herself. Didn't throw another :P

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She was wailing on my lap for about five minutes...to the point the her older siblings and I had trouble holding in our laughter. Drama queen...she really does need to go on stage (she wants to be an actress).


Once my oldest was really going through a period of major complaining. I got tired of it and finally made him sit down at the table and pulled out a sheet of paper. I started numbering and then gave him my undivided attention--told him I was listening carefully--and to be specific about all the complaints in his life. He named off a few, and then for the next few days every time he started up I dropped whatever I was doing, pulled out the list, and sat down and insisted he do the same.


The complaining rapidly dropped off after about four days. Apparently it just wasn't as satisfying when I was going on board the complaining program. ;)


I kept the list on the kitchen counter for whenever we needed a booster shot

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my daughter complains that every time she is mad at me about something (and she's whining or being grumpy or argumentative), I make her laugh... I can agree with her about anything, and act really melodramatic and top her with something atrociously silly and she will laugh and get over herself. we have a good time, most every day. I love being her mom.

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My sister pulled the "I do EVERYTHING around here" when she was a teenager. So, Mom stopped doing her laundry. She didn't say anything. She just stopped doing it. About a week later, my sister said, "Mom, I don't have any clean clothes." Mom said, "Oh, I thought you were doing it. You do EVERYTHING around here." My sister never made that complaint again. :)

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My sister pulled the "I do EVERYTHING around here" when she was a teenager. So, Mom stopped doing her laundry. She didn't say anything. She just stopped doing it. About a week later, my sister said, "Mom, I don't have any clean clothes." Mom said, "Oh, I thought you were doing it. You do EVERYTHING around here." My sister never made that complaint again. :)



Oh.my. You have just kick started the old synapses here. This may just happen at my house with my little absolute-lovers. We've been experiencing the "I never/always....." way, way too much lately. Thanks.

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Once my oldest was really going through a period of major complaining. I got tired of it and finally made him sit down at the table and pulled out a sheet of paper. I started numbering and then gave him my undivided attention--told him I was listening carefully--and to be specific about all the complaints in his life. He named off a few, and then for the next few days every time he started up I dropped whatever I was doing, pulled out the list, and sat down and insisted he do the same.


The complaining rapidly dropped off after about four days. Apparently it just wasn't as satisfying when I was going on board the complaining program. ;)


I kept the list on the kitchen counter for whenever we needed a booster shot


I'm going to do this!:D

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