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Drat. Let's try that again. A Poll: The Hair on My Legs is......

The Hair on My Legs is.....  

  1. 1. The Hair on My Legs is.....

    • A. about to be harvested to provide seedlings to reforest Israel.
    • B. (re: consistency) Being grown for harvest to provide sweaters to third world countries, or...
    • C. Saved for harvest as pulp wood to fuel the electrical needs of a small town this winter.
    • D. Reserved for inclusion in sustainable harvests for the future.
    • E. Sequoias R Us......
    • F. The scintillating "Other" (no "what hair?" or waxing stories, please)

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No waxing story here, but... I did shave the other day! For the first time, in ... well, does it really matter if you can't remember the last time? :lol: I figured since I may want to wear shorts soon, that some deforesting was in order. :tongue_smilie:

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What??/ No "Locks of Love" option???


I tend to neglect the fur coat on my legs during the winter. When shorts weather arrives I do like to keep them smooth.


That's me! I hate though that the back of the thighs is so much harder to shave. Not hard to get to, just grows the wrong direction....:glare:

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...baby fine and nearly non-existent. I've never shaved my legs.


However, I am waxing areas I never dreamed I would (so, I pay my dues in a different way).


Thanks for the funny poll.



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Ok, I'm totally jealous of those of you with fine thin light colored leg hair. Mine is thicker than the fur on my lab lol. Seriously I just tried waxing the other day and I noticed I have 3 hairs that come out of each follicle. Whats up with that?



So with all this thick leg hair you'd think I'd have nice thick hair on my head.. nope I have baby fine hair.


It's a no win situation here.

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Mostly blond and very fine, so most if it does not get shaved. So I won't write about the front of my shins where it's still fine, but not quite blond, because that part is in the taboo category.


How about arm hair? Should we do a poll on that? Because mine is also very blond and fine, but I knew a very sweet, feminine (most would consider her more "feminine" than me, not that I was any tomboy) woman who had to...wait, no hair removal stories. I'd best be off!!!

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Bingo! I, also, notice multiple hairs per follicule. And in the past year of so, it seems to be increasing exponentially! WHY? I thought you got bald when you got old? Only my eyebrow hair is disappearing (and I think it's actually migrating through my sinuses and out through my nose)..... Am I actually going to have to consider doing something about this?


I SO wish that I could be like all of you who don't have to really do much except pluck a piece here and there! And they're so very bristle-like? What's happening to me?

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Ahhh! Perfect! But that's why I left "other" for all you wonderfully intellectual persons who I knew would think of other analogies than me.


This is all making me consider trying to find an artist who still knows how to make those "lost-art" hair wreaths. Maybe I could actually make some money from my dilemma....


And I did think of dreadlocks, now that might be really cool.....

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