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What ages for Liberty's Kids?


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My kids have watched them through at least twice, they both enjoy them. When we started watching them, my son was five. They both got a lot out of them. My son will have a second dinner or lunch if anyone is eating, he now likes to say, "I am like 'onri,' I am always hungry." (Henry is the youngest boy in the series, he is French.)


My daughter might not have been ready for them at 5 or 6, there is a bit of violence. She was fine at 8. She was very sensitive when she was younger.

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My 5 year old likes watching them, the 3 year old doesn't. I don't think she is picking up on a ton of the history, but it does start some discussions about slavery and George Washington and the British. We will re-watch them when we cover US history in a couple of years and it doesn't hurt anything to have her watch them right now.

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We watched them this past spring with a 10, 8, 7 and 5 y/o. Everyone loved them! Of course, I'm sure my 10 y/o got different things out of it than my 5 y/o, but they all begged to watch them! My 7 y/o even picked George Washington as his "hero" when asked by someone who his "hero" is!

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