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DD says we need to move.

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To a city with a better library. :glare:


Our library is tiny and does not have a good book selection. We were looking for books on Abe Lincoln [she loves him] and we could not find any GOOD books. She kept asking to go to Barnes and Noble b/c their books are better. I had to explain to her that we have to BUY those books.


I need to scope out our sister libraries b/c ILL is so slow and by the time I get the books she has moved on to a different subject.

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My advice? If there's anything remotely close to you, drive. It's worth it.


I pay $50/yr for my library card in a neighboring county and drive 30 minutes to get there. I do go to that town for many other things, so it's almost never a special trip just for the library, but still. It's worth it!

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Same here. Fortunately we live near the county line and the libraries are pretty good in the next county. It costs me $25 per year--well worth it. Funny thing is that in spite of the economic downturn, our county just built a lovely new library. I haven't been yet, but will probably not get out there soon. A friend went and told me how it went: beautiful building, very modern interior, computers . . . where are the books? There were NO BOOKS! She asked the librarian, who answered that they were still building their collection. :001_huh:

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Look into neighboring counties. Here, I am a resident of one county. Our library system is very good, with small branches in several towns (so a limited number of books at each branch), but since it's a small and rural county overall, the county's collection on a whole is smaller than the neighboring counties' collections. I can have my county order books from other counties, but I can only request a couple at a time (and I hate to keep bothering my dear local librarians with my many requests -- not that they ever seem to mind, but I do). Otoh, I can take my library card directly to the other counties' libraries and have it coded for those counties, so I can request books from those counties myself; I can request 10-15 at a time online and pick them all up at once. This has been such a blessing to me. Maybe your state has something similar?

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