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Is there a toothpaste for kids that tastes good?

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My son is the same. He doesn't mind the Tom's strawberry toothpaste for kids.




This is what ds9 uses in our house. He cannot tolerate anything with the minty taste. Plus, he just does not like anything other than TOMS right now.


Good luk!

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My kids liked bubble gum-flavored Aqua Fresh when they were little.


My dd13 and ds14 still use this. It's bubble-mint flavored. My ds14 is really picky and it is the only toothpaste he has liked. I totally see him continuing to use it as an adult! But he has Aspergers and is very resistant to change.

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The only one my 13yo actually likes is the grape-flavored kind, but the stores don't carry it around here anymore, so now she uses Tom's of Maine strawberry, which is what my other kids like.


I found it online, but I wasn't willing to pay that much for shipping for a single tube and I wasn't willing to buy a dozen of them at once either.


Edited by AngieW in Texas
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Well, the regular toothpaste tasted so good to my son that I had to call poison control, so maybe that's a good thing! (It was a few years ago and luckily, he didn't have enough to be too bad and he throws up easily so he threw it up on his own. If they don't, you may have to get vomiting induced at the hospital depending on how much they ingested.)


I am now allergic to mint and several other things in most toothpastes, I found out that if you brush without toothpaste for 3 minutes you get the same cleanliness as if you use toothpaste.

Edited by ElizabethB
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