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Would you be in a wedding at 37 wks pregnant?

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I wouldn't be in a wedding at 37 weeks pregnant, not because of how I would look (though I would expect special consideration in the choice of bridesmaid dress:001_smile:), but because at 37 weeks I would be uncomfortable and would not want to have to stand during the ceremony or be available and helpful for the bride. Well, I would want to be helpful, but I wouldn't want to be depended on to be helpful. In other words, I'd want to be able to say, "I'm tired; I'm going to sit down for a while," without feeling like I was letting down the bride.

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I haven't read any other replies yet, but I was in a wedding at 36 weeks. UGH!!! I wish I had said no! It was probably one of the worst days of the whole pregnancy. My feet were so bloated that I could barely fit in the shoes. By the time the church service was over I could barely walk. My belly was so huge, and I was losing so much weight that I was just so drained and uncomfortable. I couldn't make it through the whole reception, so I wasn't in many of the pictures from there. I regret saying yes, but it was my sister, and she asked me to be the matron of honor.

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Stupid question, but I'm wondering what others think. I can't trust my own judgment because I have body image issues and hate the way I look pregnant. Regardless of the answers, I won't be in it ;). My mom is on the other end of the spectrum and says she would be totally fine with it, so I know not everyone feels how I do.


All that to say, imagine you are 37 wks pregnant - and not cute little basketball belly in the front pregnant, like you usually gain 30-40 pounds and have swollen ankles and fingers - would you be in a wedding? I know at 37 weeks there's also the possibility of not being around for it because of delivery, but pretend you have always been on time or late so far.

Thanks for allowing me to waste your time :D


No, I would not, except for my sister. And only then if she was VERY nice to me. :lol:


Then again, by the time I was 27 weeks pregnant with the twins, I was on bed rest and not allowed to move, let alone be in a wedding.


Are you having one or two babies? Twins might make a difference.

Edited by Sahamamama
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My sister was actually due on my wedding day, but the baby came a week early, and she was the maid of honor in my wedding one week after she gave birth. We planned all along for her to be in the wedding, and our grandmother was making her dress, so she sewed as much as she could and waited until the last minute to finish it so she would know whether to go by the original pattern or alter it for a pregnant woman.

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absolutely not. I wouldn't make it through the wedding without needing a toilet any way.


Nor could I stand formal wear or heels at that point.


Not because of my appearance, but because I am miserable tired pregnant person.

Edited by fairfarmhand
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I was in my sister's wedding at 34 weeks. It was fine:) I was a very matronly matron of honor. ( i offered to serve cake and punch instead, though)


It turned out beautifully, and the photographer did a great job helping me look good in the pics.

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I wasn't technically "in" my SIL's wedding but I had one of those minor roles like guestbook or something when I was 39+ weeks with my first. The church was not air conditioned and it was 90+ degrees in there that day. I was miserable and I barely had a chance to sit down. I was sooo swollen my feet were pouring out of my most comfortable shoes. I went into labor 2 days later. Needless to say, I don't have many memories of the wedding only that I was so happy to be home at the end of the night.

Hopefully your sister's wedding will have a more comfortable setting and you will be able to put your feet up when you need to. I was pretty naive with my first.

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Thanks so much ladies, the encouraging replies and the sympathy have made me feel better. I think I have some depression going on (went to the doc today, we're working on it) and I have cried about this too many times. It's not just me I'm worried about either, I don't want to ruin her pictures, oh and then she'll be looking at me ready to explode for the rest of her life :lol:. Poor thing, but she cried and was happy when I called. She really is so sweet. And her fiance said, "why wouldn't she be in it? She's so pretty and I'm sure she'll stay that way pregnant" :001_huh: Just remember, he really wants to get married soon and has never seen me pregnant, and my sister and I look a lot alike, so he has to say that. he's in for a surprise :tongue_smilie:


Thanks again, I am breathing and releasing the worries :)


Hey, and I think I just felt the baby for the first time, YEA!!!

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Okay Ladies.....I'm emailing now to tell her I will. You just have to promise that no one will indeed be looking at the giant whale waddling down the aisle and taking up all the room on the altar! :001_huh: I said I wouldn't change my mind, but I guess I have. :tongue_smilie:



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and if I didn't have to travel. And if there was no reason to think I would have to stand for a very long time. I may not do a ceremony that was likely to go on for 2 hours that I had to stand through.


Even if I looked miserable, if my sister wanted my miserable looking self standing next to her when she said her vows, and if this was important to my mother, I would do it.

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