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Pregnancy Woes

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So far, this pregnancy has been more challenging than all my others. First, the nausea. Ick. With my other kids, I felt a bit nauseated, but nothing that peppermint tea didn't chase away, and was never actually sick but once with all 4 of them.


This time, I was sick daily, and peppermint tea made me gag.


Thankfully, thats almost over with.


However...heartburn. If there's any truth to hair and heartburn, I'm birthing a monkey. And round ligament pain is nuts. And charley horses.


Anyone who has any suggestions about heartburn, charley horses or the round ligament pain, I'd love to hear from you.

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I missed the announcement. Congratulations! :grouphug:


Sorry, no advice. I used to get so sick that I would ask God to either let me go to sleep or take me out of my misery....all while looking at the beautiful Christmas tree lights and leaning over a bucket. :D

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I'm taking Materna at night, that way I don't get sick from the iron.


I'm not brand loyal when it comes to vitamins, so no clue what I took before :lol:


I am taking Tums, but once I've hit the max doseage for the day, then what?

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If I remember correctly, once Tums wear out (you can build up a resistance, lol), I believe Zantac is the safe next step up. I'd check first though. :grouphug::grouphug: Leg cramps, I have heard bananas (for potassium), or calcium/magnesium if they are of the restless leg variety.

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If it doesn't bother you, sipping a cup of milk when I had heartburn always seemed to help me.


Bananas for the leg cramps, but I have to be honest... In one pregnancy, nothing seemed to help those things!:glare:


Can you see a chiropractor for the round ligament pain? Mine stretches my ligament on one side and it seems to help quite a bit.


Also, sleeping on your side with a pillow between the knees helps all sorts of pelvic pain. If I do not sleep that way, when I try to get up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, it isn't pretty! I can barely get out of bed.

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Wouldn't the mat vitamins cover that? Or take extra on top?


Extra. Magnesium citrate. I'd aim for 2 to 1, or 1.5 to 1, ratio of cal to mag - I'm no expert but those are the numbers I've seen thrown around, like what's in cal/mag supplements where they come together. Add up the cal in those Tums. (Adding mag may also be a good tip for those who experience too many contractions too early on).


Congrats, by the way ;)

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Anyone who has any suggestions about heartburn, charley horses or the round ligament pain, I'd love to hear from you.


I got charley horses alllll the time! I could get rid of them by flexing my foot in towards my leg...it hurt so bad for a second and then all the pain just stopped...and I had a bathroom a couple hobbles away and the cold tile floor on the bottom of my foot helped for some reason too...

Edited by Daisy Mommy
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None of my kids had hair but several caused severe heartburn. My doctor had me take rantididine. It's availabe without a prescription and it's pretty cheap at Walmart. I could take up to 300mg a day.


For leg cramps I found that upping the calcium and magnesium made a huge difference. I think I took an extra 1000mg calcium and 500mg magnesium.

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I still vote for Papaya Enzyme. I know you went and asked and they said unsafe, but you also called it something else, was it grapefruit or mango? Anyhow, it had nothing to do with papaya. :lol: Don't worry, we all get pregnancy brain but some of us just don't have the excuse. :lol: Most midwives will agree on the Papaya Enzyme that it is safe. I had handfulls with my eldest. :tongue_smilie: It worked better than Tums and tasted like Pez! :drool5:

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Papaya enzymes for the heartburn (Tums can cause nutritional deficits if you take them all the time)

Coral calcium with magnesium for the legs

Chiropractor and stretching exercices for the RL pain. You might also look into getting a belly support device/camisole/band.

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I still vote for Papaya Enzyme. I know you went and asked and they said unsafe, but you also called it something else, was it grapefruit or mango? Anyhow, it had nothing to do with papaya. :lol: Don't worry, we all get pregnancy brain but some of us just don't have the excuse. :lol: Most midwives will agree on the Papaya Enzyme that it is safe. I had handfulls with my eldest. :tongue_smilie: It worked better than Tums and tasted like Pez! :drool5:

I'll check again, but 98.9% positive I asked for papaya.

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So far, this pregnancy has been more challenging than all my others. First, the nausea. Ick. With my other kids, I felt a bit nauseated, but nothing that peppermint tea didn't chase away, and was never actually sick but once with all 4 of them.


This time, I was sick daily, and peppermint tea made me gag.


Thankfully, thats almost over with.


However...heartburn. If there's any truth to hair and heartburn, I'm birthing a monkey. And round ligament pain is nuts. And charley horses.


Anyone who has any suggestions about heartburn, charley horses or the round ligament pain, I'd love to hear from you.

I am not pregnant:D but for the muscle issues you need to make sure you are drinking enough water, 1 oz for every 2# you weight. You also need to be taking a good calcium and magnesium sup. along with Vit D3. You will need to play with the amounts but would start with 1000-1200 cal and 1/2 that amount in Mag.

Pray you get to feeling better soon.

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