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I don't ever want to be a single parent...

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My dh took a contract job on the other side of the country leaving me to take care of dd, dpuppy, and a foreclosed house that we bought. DD and I are going to be out there in 2 weeks to stay with him...but the insurmountable amount of work here that needs to be done between now and then, AAAAAAH!


There is a family member helping us out with some of the work on the house, but I miss my dh, partner, best friend. He does so much more than just opening jars.;)


There I feel better now.

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To us all-

military wife, at the beginning of the 12th deployment in 6 years :(

Any time apart is a bummer - whether it is a week or a year.

Dealing with house and kid issues by yourself is a bear (sometimes don't you wish you lived in a small condo with a manager that fixed everything???).


One good thing, though -DH and I have found that - no matter how hard it is - we are always stronger as a couple and a family when he returns. At least the time apart makes you really appreciate each other :)

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:iagree::iagree: Oh how true that is!! :) And you treasure every moment together!



To us all-

military wife, at the beginning of the 12th deployment in 6 years :(

Any time apart is a bummer - whether it is a week or a year.

Dealing with house and kid issues by yourself is a bear (sometimes don't you wish you lived in a small condo with a manager that fixed everything???).


One good thing, though -DH and I have found that - no matter how hard it is - we are always stronger as a couple and a family when he returns. At least the time apart makes you really appreciate each other :)

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I actually think in some ways it is harder for married moms to be alone (whether it is a temporary separation or divorce) because you are used to someone else being there.


:iagree: I am married, but I agree that it is harder to have my husband home "on again, off again." When he is away for more than a few days, we miss him, but we do get into our own rhythm. KWIM?


But when he's simply working late, or has irregular hours, or :willy_nilly:has a "late start," that gets us so off-track. The irregularity of it drives me crazy.


Sigh. He's still working tonight, probably until 9 pm, then an hour's drive home. It is what it is.

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I actually think in some ways it is harder for married moms to be alone (whether it is a temporary separation or divorce) because you are used to someone else being there.

:iagree:I was a single parent for a decade. Much easier when its always been you, as opposed to having a fully participating partner go away.

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I'm a single mom and I have to say that I really don't mind it at all. In fact, I love it. It kind of annoys me when married people say things like "I can't wait til so and so gets home" so he/she can take care of the kids...or things like that....so many people act like being a single parent is the most horrendous thing in the world, when it's not, at least in my case and I praise the Lord for all that He has blessed us with.

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I'm a single mom and I have to say that I really don't mind it at all. In fact, I love it. It kind of annoys me when married people say things like "I can't wait til so and so gets home" so he/she can take care of the kids...or things like that....so many people act like being a single parent is the most horrendous thing in the world, when it's not, at least in my case and I praise the Lord for all that He has blessed us with.


:iagree: Well, with some of what you said. I am also a single mom and really enjoy it. I think I'm a better mom as a single mom than I would be married. I'm just not good with relationships. I definitely see DD as a gift from God, even though I was 19, way too much into partying and being irresponsible, and worked just enough to make money for my next evening out.


But, I got the impression that the OP wasn't saying that she wanted her husband to come home and "take care" of the kids, more that she missed him. And it is tough being a single parent. For women with very involved husbands who are used to having their partner right there with them it can be a big shock to do it all alone.

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My mom was a single parent. I know it wasn't easy on her.


I have a great marriage and I love my dh and know that he loves me. We have been apart for 3 weeks and have 2 more to go. He helps to keep me balanced. He loves spending time with me and dd. We do projects around the house, some he does, some I do, and some we work together.


This week I have had problems with the mower and the pressure washer, I ended up changing the oil in 2 vehicles with some help from our cousin. I am in the middle of trying to pack to be gone for an unknown amount of time, I am doing all I can to make sure our cousin has what he needs to do a good job, and I am taking care of my almost 1 yo dd.


It is easier when there are 2 to share the load, support each other, and have some fun together.

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I'm so glad that you realize the value of your dh while you are apart. I was a single mom with three little boys for seven long years, and agree that it isn't fun at all. You are right: you DON'T want to be a single parent! Anyone that intentionally sets out to raise children by themselves is a F-O-O-L! There is a reason God created mommies and daddies to partner in raising children.




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You get used to it. It turns out, we really can do it all. When you are used to having help, you depend on it. Where there is no help, you learn not to need it or expect it. You survive, because you are a mom.


:iagree: I've been widowed for almost 6 years now. It's also easier as the kids get older.


I have noticed that I have a LOT easier time than women who are divorced. It seems to be very difficult to work out how to raise children when you no longer work as a team.

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