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In need of a good diet book/program

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If I lived somewhere where this was available (unlike here) and I had the funds, I would join WW. That's it. The success rate is amazing. All clear and laid out. Not a fad diet.

Looking forward to hearing what others have to say.


The No S diet is also popular, but, to me, not very clear and laid out the way you describe. Weight loss is VERY slow on it, it seems. They do have a book, but it's not needed.


There are other plans, but many are a bit on the fad side.


Again, I think WW is the way to go.

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I was going to suggest Weight Watchers as well. It helps me keep things in perspective. :001_smile:


I follow a Traditional diet (Weston A Price, Nourishing Traditions, Real food, Eat Fat/Lose Fat etc.), so it really helps and I do feel best when eating real food and not "fad" food. I don't eat anything fat-free or low-fat either or fake-sweeteners. All real food, good fats.

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If I lived somewhere where this was available (unlike here) and I had the funds, I would join WW. That's it. The success rate is amazing. All clear and laid out. Not a fad diet.

Looking forward to hearing what others have to say.


The No S diet is also popular, but, to me, not very clear and laid out the way you describe. Weight loss is VERY slow on it, it seems. They do have a book, but it's not needed.


There are other plans, but many are a bit on the fad side.


Again, I think WW is the way to go.


I've never done weight watchers. It seems a little expensive. Off to do some research!

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I really need to loose weight. I want a program that tells you what, when and how much to eat. I need something that is all laid out and easy to follow. I don't want a fad diet. I want something that promotes healthy eating. Any suggestions?



I find Tosca Reno's "Eat Clean Diet Recharged" a very good guide to lifelong healthy eating. The only thing I disagree with is some of the lower fat recommendations, i.e. egg whites instead of whole eggs. But it's very whole foods, recommends keeping track of portions rather than calories, and encourages weight lifting to help metabolism.

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I am having *great* success with Weight Watchers. The new program is awesome. Yes, $10 a week is a lot, but I figure the health benefits will FAR outweigh the cost in the long run. the new program really encourages whole food, healthy picks. I also like the flexibility and the fact that nothing is forbidden - you just have to manage yourself and your intake. It's really fabulous.

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:iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree::iagree: Although to be perfectly frank, there are quite a few reasonably diet books out there. The most important and difficult aspect of ANY program is sticking with it. For that, I think you need accountability, so WW is definitely an important component for many people--it's just too easy to slip up and down a bag of chips at night.

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I am having *great* success with Weight Watchers. The new program is awesome. Yes, $10 a week is a lot, but I figure the health benefits will FAR outweigh the cost in the long run. the new program really encourages whole food, healthy picks. I also like the flexibility and the fact that nothing is forbidden - you just have to manage yourself and your intake. It's really fabulous.


In my area it's $12 a week, plus $23 for the membership. I'm curious as to what info you get in a meeting for it to be so much? Is it just people sitting around comparing what you've eaten? I just don't know if it's worth it. Yes, the accountability would be great but for $12 a week? I'm just getting stuck on that.

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In my area it's $12 a week, plus $23 for the membership. I'm curious as to what info you get in a meeting for it to be so much? Is it just people sitting around comparing what you've eaten? I just don't know if it's worth it. Yes, the accountability would be great but for $12 a week? I'm just getting stuck on that.


There is an online version that is much cheaper.


That said, it never worked for me. I have no control, so I would "spend" my points on high calorie food early in the day and then be hungry and out of points at the end of the day. I felt limited by that point number, which is dumb I know. My husband lost 90lbs with it at one point, but he and I are very different.


I've lost weight well with Jenny Craig, but it is expensive too. My easiest weight loss has always been low carb with lots of whole foods. The Primal Blueprint helped a lot.


But the BIGGEST thing was learning to look at each meal individually, or even each bite. When I try to focus on "this is what i'm going to do for the next week, or month, or lifetime" I freak out and start eating junk. I justify it by saying that over the course of the week/month/lifetime one bowl of icecream isn't a big deal...which just keeps happening. I learned instead to take it one meal at a time. To say, ok, I can eat whatever I want, but for right now I'm going to eat something healthy.


Basically I had to take the rebellion factor out of it, and put the emphasis on the moment rather than on the big picture.


Right now I'm eating lower carb and lots of veggies in an attempt to lose the baby weight...from the 1 year old, lol.



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If you're looking for something to stick to for life that will help you make life changes you might want to read The Smart Weigh by Pam Smith. :) It includes some meal plans as well, though not gobs of them. It's more about an entire lifestyle change. Worth the read.

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I actually love the previously mentioned No S diet. I lost 20 lbs in 5 months on it last year, reaching my goal, and have maintained that loss for a year now. :)


The terrific thing about No S is that, while it doesn't tell you what to eat, it shows one to build solid habits that lead to sustainable weight loss. No counting anything, no giving up entire categories of foods, no spending money on membership fees or diet products ... and you get to enjoy treats every now and again ;) ... No S is a lot like how people once ate before our society had such an issue with obesity. It is a way of eating that I feel very good about modeling for my DD because it is just plain common sense.


Prior to finding No S, I was on a constant crazy search to find the "perfect diet" ... I haven't browsed the diet section of a bookstore since December 2009, I enjoy food again, I feel comfortable in my own skin, I'm wearing my size 4s ... Plus, it is FREE and has a free support forum. Love it! http://nosdiet.com/

Edited by sophiasapientia
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I really need to loose weight. I want a program that tells you what, when and how much to eat. I need something that is all laid out and easy to follow. I don't want a fad diet. I want something that promotes healthy eating. Any suggestions?


I will put in another vote for the NoS diet: http://www.nosdiet.com I've lost 45+ pounds over the last two years and love being able to live and enjoy life and food without fear of regaining.


But, as someone else pointed out, NoS is all about forming good habits and not a "what to eat" book. Because of that NoS is a great foundation for following any other "what to eat" plan.


One book that I've found very supportive of NoS (three meals, enjoy them all, one plate only) is the New Sonoma Diet by Connie Gutterson:




I like this book because


1. It clearly delineates what constitutes a "good meal" with easy-to-follow portion control guidelines by using an ordinary plate as a guide which jives well with NoS.


2. An emphasis on whole foods, somewhat akin to the Mediterrean diet. I don't follow all her recommendations (only whole-grain pasta/bread or low-fat cheese, for example.) I will use white flour/rice and reg. cheese because it is what is available to me, and when eaten in proper portions, has virtually no negative effect on weight loss/health.


3. I like the style of food found in the recipes. Check out the Amazon site and do a google search on Sonoma Diet recipes and you'll get a feel for the suggested menu.


FTR, I've never followed the Wave suggestions in the Sonoma Diet (something akin to phases, where Wave 1 lasts 10 days, and Wave 2 until you lose the weight you want, Wave 3 for lifetime eating). However, it is here, under the "Wave" section that you will find specific menu plans: 10 daily meals for Wave 1; 14 daily meals for Wave 2 with all recipes included.


NoS has been my plan-of-attack for losing/maintaining weight and I highly recommend it as a first step, but I found that the New Sonoma Diet supports my NoS lifestyle with its emphasis on good food, suggested portion sizes, and encouragement to cultivate a love of good food/mealtime enjoyment.



Edited by vmsurbat
addl info re: waves
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I'm currently doing Weight Watchers and having decent success. I don't like doing meetings (or feel they are necessary for me) so I just went into a meeting location, bought the Basic Starter Kit ($29.95), which has the Food Guide, Eating Out Food Guide and a 3 month tracking notebook, and I'm doing it on my own. There's a free 7 day trial online that I signed up for to take a quick look through the plan guidelines and find out what my daily points/weekly points are. I found the Points calculation online and set up a formula in an excel spreadsheet so that I can plug in my own foods when necessary.


I'm also trying to do an hour workout with the Wii at least 5 days a week (its harder on weekends). I do the Body Test and check my weight on Wii Fit once a week.

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