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Out of curiosity- are you a twin?

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I often wonder what my twin girls' relationship will be like when they are adults. My best friend in elementary school was a twin, and she and her sister have always pretty much hated each other. Weird dynamic there. My great aunts (who are also identical twins) are best friends. They even dress alike!


My girls are pretty close, but they don't really embrace the whole twin thing.


I also worry a bit about one of my girls being lonely when/if the other gets married. (I have one that I would be surprised if she ever maintains a close relationship outside of family)


So if you are a twin, what is your relationship like now as adults?

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Well, I cannot really speak to how we are as adults. [My twin brother died at the age of 14] However, we were really starting to get close. Apparently this was the same time that my brother and sister [mom's first set of twins] got close. They drifted apart a bit after high school. My brother became a Christian, my sister did not. However, they were still pretty close until marriage. They lead very different lives, but still find time to share a pint of ice cream with each other.


Dh as identical twin aunts, who never married and live together to this day. They are very close.


Hope this helps a little.

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Not a twin, but I have twin sisters. They've always had a side that they've kept from each other and yet no one had better mess with the other. They can fight like cat and dog just like any sibling group, but they still love each other. They basically can get along, but must have space from one another. They are identical twins, but due to life circumstances, health issues, etc, they no longer look identical.

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Not a twin, but I have twin sisters. They've always had a side that they've kept from each other and yet no one had better mess with the other. They can fight like cat and dog just like any sibling group, but they still love each other. They basically can get along, but must have space from one another. They are identical twins, but due to life circumstances, health issues, etc, they no longer look identical.


:iagree:My sister's are twins too, mono mono twins.


My sisters freak each other out periodically. Just the other day they called each other one evening to chat and discovered they were watching the same movie, Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang, at the same time and they were even at the same spot/frame in the movie! At the time one lived in WI and the other in CA.


If I get a call from one twin I know that the other will be calling shortly. I've never told them this because I know it would make them upset. Sometimes they just hate doing like things. DH laughed at first when we were married at this cause-effect. But now he just hands me the phone and says, I'll catch up after the other one calls. :001_smile:


They call my mother, individually, and tell her they went shopping. Usually they both buy the same item in the same quantity. Again, they lived across country from each other for 20 years.


They both have the same number of children, they're both nurses, they've both served in the military, and they look exactly alike. Their ssn's are only one number different and they were born eight minutes apart in an era that didn't have ultra sound--so surprise!


They always made me want to have twins someday. Incredible people, IMO.

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I have twins the same age as yours. And my mother is an identical twin.


After my dad retired, my parents moved within a mile of my mother's twin. My mother and aunt get together every Thursday to shop, lunch, and visit. After that day together, they don't talk to each other over the weekend. Then they talk every day via phone for about an hour until they get together again on Thursday. I asked my mom why they don't talk after visiting in person, and she said they need space after spending so much time together. :tongue_smilie:


Over the years, they have worked together (they are both nurses and have also catered together) and volunteered together.


They married best friends who look quite similiar.


Growing up we didn't live near my aunt's family, but they visited every summer. I would say my mom and her twin are pretty close.


Although, they live in the same small town, they don't share the same circle of friends and both have had their husbands "warned that their wife is cheating on them with some other man!"

Edited by missmoe
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My dad was a twin. His twin sister lived several states away, but he seemed particularly close to her near the end of his life. When he died at 73 y.o. (following a two-year brain cancer ordeal, so not sudden), the weekend of the funeral, it was clear that she was crushed. She was calling him by his childhood nickname through her tears. (Makes me cry - for her - just remembering.) For a long while afterward, she and my mom spoke on the phone daily.


I hope my ds8s are close when they grow up. They're so different, both feeling the other is better/smarter than they are. Being boys, there's a lot of wrestling involved....:D

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I have twin brothers, they are 23 years old. They are very close, They live 500 km apart. If one is sick the other starts to fret, even if he doesn't know his brother is sick.

One lives with his girlfriend. She use to get very jealous of their close relationship.


My Dh has twin siblings ( boy girl) they have been fiercely competitive with each other their whole life.

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I have boy/girl twin siblings. They weren't any closer than any of the rest of us nor did they fight any more or less. They don't speak now because one is studying to be a pastor and the other is a drug addict so that causes a lot of problems.

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Twin here, unknown whether we are identical or fraternal...we are close but made huge differences in life choices I married at 27 my sister waited until 29....she is sciency and I was a teacher. But we are still closer than my other sister. We do have a unique connection even across the country from each other.

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