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Childhood books that "stick" with you

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I loved...


The Black Stallion

The Trixie Beldon series

The Ghost of Dibble Hollow

Old Bones

The Five Little Peppers


I'm sure there were more, but I read these books over and over.

You are the only person I know (besides my kids and me) who has ever mentioned The Ghost of Dibble Hollow. My parents bought me a copy at a garage sale, and I loved it and read it many times. I still have it and my kids love it too.

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Lion's Paw by Robb White

Little House series

Trixie Belden series

horse books by Jean Slaughter Doty

Cathy & Carl of the Covered Wagon series

Sugar Creek Gang series

Scholastic mystery/adventure books (like The Ghostly Trio)


Junior high/high school:


K.M. Peyton -- everything of hers I could find

Flambards series

Gormenghast trilogy

Shannara series

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Baby Island

The Secret Garden

Island of the Blue Dolphins

Where the Red Fern Grows

Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry

To Kill a Mockingbird

The Miracle Worker (Annie Sullivan/Helen Keller)


Little Mommy - a little golden book

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Richard Scary books

Winnie the Pooh

A Child's Garden of Verses



The Blue Fairy Book

The Yellow Fairy Book

The Red Fairy Book

The Green Fairy Book



The Little House Books

Wrinkle in Time Series

Narnia Books

Phantom Tollbooth - LOVE THIS BOOK!

Little Women

The Hobbit

Lord of the Rings

Jane Eyre


Clan of the Cave Bear - read when I was 14 or so


I also gobbled up mythology books. My first were the D'aulaires mythology books- I had the Norse book and the Greek book.

My mother gave me a gorgeous copy of Bulfinch's Mythology that I loved. I also had Edith Hamilton's Mythology, a book on Celtic myths and legends and one on Chinese fairtales/myths & legends.


Great topic!



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You are the only person I know (besides my kids and me) who has ever mentioned The Ghost of Dibble Hollow. My parents bought me a copy at a garage sale, and I loved it and read it many times. I still have it and my kids love it too.


Thanks for the comment. Yep, I let both of my girls read my old childhood copy and they loved it.


By the way, I see your name and avatar is also on my childhood 'favorites' list. :001_smile:

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The Boxcar Children {original}

Little House Series

Little Women {many times}

The Middle Sister

Honestly Katie John!

Riff Remember


Island of the Blue Dolphins



Mmm, thinking of a couple more but can't recall their titles!

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Peter Spier's Oh, Were They Ever Happy!

Need A House, Call Ms. Mouse was given to my older cousin one Christmas and I always thought it was the coolest book. It is usually insanely expensive, but I bought myself a "cheaper" copy this year and my aunt gave me a copy, so now I have 2 of this book!

Gyo Fujikawa's Babies and A to Z Picture Book



Chapter books:

Loved any Beverly Cleary

Where the Red Fern Grows

Roots read in HS


I read a ton of books, but lots of them must have been brain candy, b/c I am blanking on others.

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In no particular order


A Wrinkle in Time

Meet the Austins

The Moon by Night

Gone Away Lake

Miracles on Maple Hill

Very Far Away from Anywhere Else

Follow My Leader

World Book Encyclopedia

Go Dog Go

Journey to Jupiter

Have Spacesuit Will Travel

Daddy Longlegs

Danny Dunn series

Windy Foot series

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Great thread!


I remember in 3rd grade reading all the Judy Blume books available in our library. Then I discovered The Hobbit, and that just blew me away. That led to Narnia, and I became a fantasy addict from there... Meanwhile, my mom picked up a box full of Cherry Ames books from a garage sale, and I devoured them over the summer. I wanted to be a nurse so much after reading those, but the sight of blood made me sick...:tongue_smilie:


From middle school into my teens, I most remember:



Piers Anthony Xanth series

Stephen R. Donaldson - Thomas Covenant series

Pern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How I wished I could be a dragon rider, but a harper would have been cool too...


Douglas Adams

Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land (grok?)

Watership Down

Flowers for Algernon


I was very lucky growing up. 4 of my older brothers were voracious readers, and they all loved sci fi/ fantasy. I had my pick of all the greats from the late sixties to the eighties: Asimov, Zelazny, Simak, Pournelle, Dick, Le Guin, etc... I was reading 2 books a week, at least. Now I'm lucky if I read a book a month.:glare: I did read other genres, but not much stands out in my memory.

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Little House books (I still have my set from when I was younger)

Ramona series

The Secret Garden

Island Of The Blue Dolphin

Black Beauty

Anne of Green Gables series

Encyclopedia Brown

Diary of Anne Frank

Sweet Valley High series

Louis Lamour books (my 8th grade English/history teacher was a big western fan and I got hooked)

Emily Dickinson poetry

Edgar Allen Poe poetry


I'm sure I'll remember more later.

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Such a fun thread! I loved to read (still do). :D


Books that have stuck with me:


Little House on the Prairie series

Crime and Punishment

any Janette Oke book

We Were Tired of Living in a House


Anne of Green Gables

Bridge to Terabithia

Five Little Peppers and How They Grew

The Little Princess

The Boxcar Children

Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret.

Little Women


Do any of you remember a series of teenage historical romantic fiction where each title was a girl's name? I still have a few of those books. I LOVED them. :lol: Just can't think what the series is called.

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Bridge to Terabithea

Maniac Magee


Both of these, plus Number the Stars, The Taste of Blackberries, and The Boxcar Children.


When I was a bit older (middle school) I read Face at the Edge of the World about ten or fifteen times, but the themes were probably a little too mature than I should have been reading.


It seems a book didn't stick with me unless someone died. A little creepy, now that I think about it.

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Do any of you remember a series of teenage historical romantic fiction where each title was a girl's name? I still have a few of those books. I LOVED them. :lol: Just can't think what the series is called.



I remember them--I really liked them, although the plots were so thin that even at that young age I could see the "formula".:lol: Much of the history trivia I know came from these--like the San Francisco earthquake happened in 1906 and in WWI civilians were asked to save peach pits to make cyanide from. I *think* they were called Sunrise books. "Sun" something anyway... :D They were a lot of fun!


Other than my forays into formula teen romances, I also loved:


Ramona and Beezus books

Emily's Runaway Imagination

Little House on the Prairie series

Anne of Green Gables series



ETA: I found some on Amazon--they are *Sunfire* Romances. "Nora" can be yours for just 12.95 and shipping! LOL!

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Ah yes. Sunfire!! :001_smile: Thank you!


They were weak but I loved history so much and would read practically anything that was historical. They were some of my favorite books in 6th and 7th grade. It didn't help that I was completely boy crazy. :D


I bought a bunch a few years ago and reread them and then promptly resold most of them. LOL

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