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Madelynn's labwork came back good this morning. The doctor's chose to do a challenge and turn off her IV to see if she could/would take in enough fluids orally. She was upgraded to "all fluids" rather just clear fluids. She did great and took in considerably more than she needed to. So, they discharged us.


Shortly after leaving the hospital, DH texted me that DS9 threw up at taekwondo. I have him on clear fluids, but he's feeling mostly normal now. I hope he continues to feel well because his black belt testing for taekwondo is a week from tomorrow.


DD11 wasn't feeling well. Until she actually vomits, Dh and I are kind of assuming it's anxiety. She tends to get herself really upset thinking about things.


Not long after getting home, Madelynn threw up again. Instead of acting really sick, she handled it well. She's just short of the amount of fluid intake she's suppose to be drinking, but I think it's because she's exhausted (we got almost no sleep in the hospital) and doesn't want to be bothered. I'll be pushing them pretty hard in the morning.


We're suppose to follow up with our doctor Monday, but since Monday is a holiday, tomorrow.

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We've been through it this spring with stomach bug too. DS threw up or had diarrhea for 2 weeks, then just off and on for the last month. The dr. said his guts were just so exhausted that it's not suprising the he's having random diarrhea and vomiting.


Hope your kiddos feel better. The only thing that is keeping my kids on an even keel these days is lots of yogurt. Yogurt for breakfast, yogurt pops, yogurt drinks - we're all sick of yogurt!

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Everyone seems fine this morning. The big kids are nearly back to normal. Madelynn slept great all night, waking up to nurse just once. She wanted water the second she woke up. The biggest concern for her was whether she would/could keep up her hydration, and it appears that she can/will.


We're suppose to follow up with our doctor today. I'm expecting it to just routine. She threw up once but recovered well. She's drinking plenty.

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