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Bile Black Place

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Thats where I'm at right now. Just so completely devestated by the results of the MPO yesterday.


Yes, my union rep is looking into things, but I just don't feel like I have any hope right now, for anything.


I thought today would somehow be a bit better. Its not. I'm still angry, still depressed, still hating everything and everyone, my body most of all.


Getting hurt at work has already cost my family so much, in terms of a healthy wife and mother. Staring poverty in the face again, unable to do anything about it just seems like too much. Much too much.


I don't know how to even begin dealing w everything.

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I just bumped your other thread back so you could see the disability support link thingamajig I posted about… I don't know if you've looked into any of the other disability services and such within the province ~ if you haven't, it might be worth checking out.

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I'm so sad you're going through this, Imp. I don't even have much advise other than I've been in the deep dark hole. I managed to get out somehow. I don't know how and I do feel this week that I'm slipping back in. You gotta keep fighting. If you give up, they win (even if it appears they already have).

When you feel like you've reached the end of your rope, tie a knot and swing a bit. It's time for you to swing (gently and carefully). Let yourself feel angry and sad. But, keep hanging on. Take pride in the little things-for me, getting out of bed was the biggest, most fierce battle of my day.

Sending big cyber hugs your way. Hang in. Stay strong.

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