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Newborn Screening Act? National DNA Database?

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The official wording and online copy of the Act:





and from Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard's site:




from the March of Dimes:



and a report from infowars.net :) [which is pretty much my own take on it as well]http://www.infowars.net/articles/may2008/020507DNA.htm




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From the InfoWars website:



The National Conference of State Legislatures lists for all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, the various statutes or regulatory provisions under which newborns' DNA is already being collected.




In addition, all 50 states are now routinely providing these results to the Department of Homeland Security.





Um...why the h3ll does "Homeland Security"* need newborn DNA?!


Sheesh! :cursing::banghead::cursing::banghead:


*Quotation marks intended. I for one don't believe they are providing anything resembling security. Indeed, I find their over-reaching oversight most frightening.

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Makes one desire to become an expat.


The US is probably not the only country doing this, although I haven't yet checked this out. I plan to send the link to that one article to a friend of mine who is a conspiracy theorist, just to see what he has to say about it. Granted, he has some extreme opinions, but sometimes there is a kernel of solid stuff there, and he may know if it's going on elsewhere (but, then again, he may not!)

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In addition, all 50 states are now routinely providing these results to the Department of Homeland Security.



I've never heard this before, and I can't find any evidence that it's true. Anyone know of a credible source?

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Um...why the h3ll does "Homeland Security"* need newborn DNA?!


Sheesh! :cursing::banghead::cursing::banghead:




I could hazard a guess as to the excuses they're using, but it would be pure speculation. Doesn't it make you wish Ron Paul was where McCain is now? Of course, by the time the presidency is switched it may well be signed into law. When I was pregnant with my first a woman I know was telling me about some data chip that was planned to be inserted behind babies' ears, but I don't know if that ever came into being. The rationale was in case a baby was every kidnapped, but she claimed it was for more. But this, this is actually happening.

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I have my cave staked out, food rations almost prepared, and I'll be getting that 5 gallon bucket potty seat here soon. You can join me but you must bring your own food and bucket.


I'm just at a loss for words on some of this. The fact that it's even being dreamed up just astounds me.



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Can you imagine the future of this program coupled with nationalized health care? What happens when the health care money runs low-because IT ALWAYS DOES. Terrifying.


I have some calls to make and letters to write tomorrow. I can't believe this is the first I'm hearing about this monstrous policy.








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I don't have a problem screening for illness or medical conditions. With parental consent. But the govt. having a record of the dna, and having access to medical records w/out consent, is BEYOND Scarey!



Welcome to 1984-shudder!:scared::banghead:

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I'm just at a loss for words on some of this. The fact that it's even being dreamed up just astounds me.




I'm not astounded. While I'm not a conspiracy theorist like a couple of my friends, I do think that lots of power tends to lead toward corruption. And the American government has a lot of power, like it or not, and has been taking more and more since 9/11 (perhaps even before, but I wasn't following it as closely). As for Canada, as much as I love my first country, it wouldn't shock me if the same thing happens there sooner or later. Or in other countries.


While I'm not an expert in medical insurance, I do know enough to know that they like to keep costs to the point where they can make a profit. How many times can they cut off expensive care? In this state insurance companies are not allowed to reject you based on prior medical history, but we also pay a hefty premium as a result (and also because it's possible to get fertility treatment paid for by your medical insurance here if it's approved by your MD. We didn't need it, but know others who have.) So, if we do end up with socialized medicine (aka universal government sponsored healthcare) this genetic database could well come into play in choosing whether or not to treat patients.

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Guest Virginia Dawn

It doesn't surprise me. Ron Paul's current book The Revolution states that there are also steps in place that can be used to begin mandatory psychological testing of all preschool age children.


I'll quote the passage when dh gets home with the book.

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Okay, you're right. It doesn't actually astound me. I wish it did. These days not much is being proposed that "astounds" me, in the unexpected sense. It does astound me sometimes that so few see it or care, or so it seems from my corner of the world.


Our Founding Fathers would never be elected in today's society.

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:iagree: with you all 100% ! Our country is in a scary place right now. If only people would support Ron Paul!!!


But the media mostly ignored him. Most people will not check out all the candidates, particularly those the media essentially ignores. We first heard about him from a friend of ours who follows politics very closely (political science major).

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:iagree: with you all 100% ! Our country is in a scary place right now. If only people would support Ron Paul!!!


I would support Ron Paul if we could have a co-president for foreign policy. :) Sometimes I want to stand up and give him a standing ovation, sometimes I just scratch my head and say ":001_huh:".


On this issue, the Newborn Screening Act, I give him a standing ovation. The Medical Legislative Assistant I spoke to for a half an hour this morning from Senator Bill Nelson's (FL) office refused to recognize any potential harm in this legislation. I felt exactly like this=====:banghead: by the end of our conversation.


Letters with quotes and excerpts are next on my to-do list.


Call, call, call ya'll.



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I love that you care about this stuff. Most people I know, don't care at all. Well, they might if they'd just give me a chance but they aren't even interested in hearing it out.


Until now, my sister has been the only other like-minded person I've discussed these things with.

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What do you have against the PKU test? Just curious.



This requires more that just a simple answer so I will try to get back to it later. The basic answer is that it sets a bad precedent in which the government decides who needs to be tested, for what, when and why without consent and with full backing of the law. Too big brother-ish for my taste.

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Although I am not for madatory testing of anyone...and I am not for collecting data with names attached. The PKU test has saved my youngest son's life. Without it he would already be on his way to being deaf, having seizures and possibly to dying young. Big Pharma as people put it, has nothing to do with his treatment. All he has to do 9 for the rest of his life) is take 5 ml of "free" ( not attached to a protein) Biotin. Because of the PKU test he is a happy healthy and normal 2 year old.


Now, if they now want to collect everyone's names ans SS#'s etc and associate them with whatever disorder they have, I do have a problem with that. If they want to collect generic info on say how many newborns have this disorder or that disorder to see how prevelent it is etc...that I have no problem with. FWIW my state (NH), didn't screen for this disorder just 1 year before ds was born...so since it is genetic...I then had to have both other dc tested...one is fine, one is a carrier..as am I and my dh.

so, I am alarmed only if they want to collect names tec..not if they just want generic info..I'll look into it further though...but that very same ds is just waking up from his nap, so i have to go!

By the way, I'm glad all you ladies do care so much! Gives me some hope for this country!


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I've been thinking about this off and on since I posted...This has nothing to do with the database, just the screening.


mandatory for parents to test...don't like that..but fedreal standards for the PKU so that all states that do test for all these things...I like that.. had we lived in Maine (and quite a few other staes as well) when DS was born we would not have known about his biotinidase deficiency. Plus, right now...well, before this law...if you did want to test, but the state or hospital doesn't test for that...will your insurance cover it??? Just something I've been pondering...again, database aside.


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