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Prayer Request

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We received a message from our best friends in CA that they are at the hospital. The husband, Peter, has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. They are scheduling surgery, most likely for tomorrow. These friends were our family when we lived there and had none in the area. They helped us do all the planning for our wedding and later also for our son's dedication. They have two young boys. I am awaiting more info and searching for flights as the baby and I may fly out to help as soon as tomorrow. I will update when I have more information. Whatever prayers you can offer are more than appreciated!


Update - Surgery scheduled for 11am PST today - Wednesday. Thank you for your continued prayers!

Edited by IlluminatedAttic
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I just spoke with Peter's wife. The back story is that he has been displaying cognitive issues increasingly for the past 6 weeks. Over the past two weeks he has been late several times due to taking the wrong freeway or exit, he has been making an increasing number of mistakes at work (they work at the same place) and he has outright forgotten to pick up one of their boys at karate practice. Sometime last week she discovered that he had been forgetting to take his diabetes medication and she has had to nag him to do so the past several days. (He is non-insulin dependent and up to this point very healthy. You wouldn't look at him and think there were any health issues.) She felt that perhaps the cognitive issues were diabetes related and made an appointment to take him to his doctor next week. On Saturday she felt that he was very lethargic. On Sunday he went to work but she was so uneasy that she felt the need to follow him there, and when she arrived found him perplexed and unable to set-up or work equipment that he has been using for years. She took him to the ER where they first tested his sugar which proved to be high but not through the roof. They did scans and found a minimum 5cm mass in his frontal lobe, I believe she said right side. There is significant inflammation in his brain so he was put on medication to reduce this and then the scans need to be repeated. At that point the neurosurgeon will determine the course of action and the surgery will be scheduled. Right now they are forecasting tomorrow at the earliest.


They boys do not know what is happening yet, she had sent them to spend the night at a friend's yesterday, so she will be telling them this evening.


Thank you all for your continued prayers!!!

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Sorry for the delayed update, we were out all day and came home to no internet connection.


Surgery was postponed. They are having difficulty regulating Peter's sugar. They had a more in depth meeting with the neurosurgeon and the tumor is baseball size with a large solid mass surrounded by a significant liquid area. The surgeon feels it is in a "good place" that provides straightforward access. He feels that it is most likely benign, thank goodness, and expects there may be some minor paralysis due tot he surgery but is very hopeful that it will be temporary.


Thank you all again for your continued prayers! I will update as soon as I know the new surgery time, they are hoping for a slot today or tomorrow morning.

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