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Please recommend very small cage pet for dd10

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DH has given dd10 permission for a small cage pet. She was thinking about a small rat. DH really wants her to have only a single animal and not two because he is not wanting more than 2, if you get my drift. Plus, 2 is twice as much trouble to take care of, so he says. We want to be sure to get a pet that can be happy alone in the cage OR reassurance about getting 2 pets. Dd and I are worried that if we can't find something that is happy being alone, that DH will change his mind.


My oldest dd had a chinchilla for a couple of years that we all loved. We don't want anything that big again though. She wants a small furry, friendly animal.


Suggestions? Thanks!

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Hamsters are good. They are solitary, so they actually do best with just one! They are friendly and fun to play with. Gerbils do best with at least two, and are much more of a hassle to keep in their cage because they chew and jump a lot more than hamsters.

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NOT a guinea pig. They are NOT supposed to be alone. They also aren't all that small (if a chinchilla is considered "big" as perspective). Also, the PROPER caging would make it pretty big. And they can be quite loud.


These sound like things that would be an issue for dad. I would want to make sure we're careful to meet dad's requirements.


I really don't know. ANY small animal would be happier with a 2nd of the same kind.


If you could get a 2nd, I'd HIGHLY suggest rats due to their size and sweetness and intelligence and they don't bite.

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We got a female rat. I may go back tomorrow for the other one if I can get my DH to agree. The girl who helped us assured us she would be fine alone. But of course I worry.


Dd10 is so happy to have her very own pet. She was all excited and said "I'm a mother now! I've never been a mother before!" :)

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We had 6 rats at one point, but unfortunately they mated and the mother would always eat the babies--we had one survive. We eventually separated them! lol So I agree with 2 females or 2 males (although the male's "parts" are more visible if you care about seeing that...LOL). We loved our rats. :)

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  • 1 year later...
We got a female rat. I may go back tomorrow for the other one if I can get my DH to agree. The girl who helped us assured us she would be fine alone. But of course I worry.


Dd10 is so happy to have her very own pet. She was all excited and said "I'm a mother now! I've never been a mother before!" :)


Try your best to talk him into it because rats really like having a (same sex) buddy! :D


We had two males for a few years (Merlin & Jasper) and they really do make awesome pets. Rats are kinda like the dogs of the rodent world - they're very intelligent, enjoy lots of human companionship, can learn their names and come when you call them, stuff like that.


Rat bonus: Mean neighbourhood boys who liked to pick on dd suddenly realized that she had something "way cool" at her place and quit bugging her so much. :lol:


Rat downside: life expectancy is only a few years.. and as they do tend to become closer to their human companions than many other 'caged pets', it can be really sad when they die.

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I vote hamster. Very content being alone, not difficult to care for, easily tamed, fun to play with, etc. My ds10 has had one for a few months now and loves it. He doesn't like cleaning the cage :glare: but it's only once a week or so.


I had hamsters as a kid and then a dwarf rabbit which would be larger than you want.

Hamsters are great and fun to watch - they pack their pouches full of food and empty it in their house. A simple wooden house would do.


The only drawback is the short lifespan. They don't live long past 3 years. After my mother went through several traumatic funerals I staged for all my deceased hamsters, she decided we were going to get a dwarf rabbit. He was wonderful and lived for seven years - they (rabbits) are amazingly smart too if you spend time with them.

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WOW...how far back do y'all read?!?! I was looking at the date and said, "I didn't just write that" (my response), but I see that it was a YEAR ago!


I know!! This was too funny. We have had the rats about 9 months now. They are so awesome! Their names are Apple, Jelly, and Dora. :)

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WE LOVE OUR RATS, TOO! Hooray for you, I'm pleased you got them! I think they get a bad rap, but we adore our little Fancy Blue Rats ("Izzy" and "Emmy") and we don't think they're boring at all. They each have their own distinct personalities and idiocycracies that we enjoy. We also have many other animals and I think they're a great size (too big as "treats" to the other cats and dogs we live with, but small enough to be cute and cuddly).

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We have four right now and love them. We've been keeping rats for 6 years now and they really are fabulous "pocket pets." We had a 2nd-hand hamster for a while and the only fun things about it were watching it in its wheel & ball. I much prefer rats, and they are much less apt to bite!

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