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Would This Be a Deal Breaker for You?

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I was in an informal co-op where many were always late. I started just coming much later. That eased my annoyance a bit. Although it always seemed that when I'd aim to come at the time most usually showed up, I was one of the later ones. It was so weird. But overall it still annoyed me to no end.


If my children really enjoyed the coop, this is what I would do. Just start showing up when everyone else does. Then, if you have to leave at a certain time at the end of the day, let it be known that you will be leaving at that point.



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It would be a deal breaker for me. I believe promptness is important. Chronic lateness and obviously no concern for arriving on time would do me in. I am one of those early people too.


However, because I know myself I wouldn't schedule anything to be out of the house at 9:15 on a Monday. Mondays are always rough.


I would consider changing the co-op if the others thought they might be able to be more prompt on another day.

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I guess what really sticks out to me in the situation you describe is their response when you discussed it with them. This is just the way they "roll"? They might be your friends, but they don't have any respect for your time and feelings.


I have been late before, but I always make an effort to correct the situation and make sure it doesn't happen again.


I don't understand why they wouldn't make a change if they knew it was inconveniencing you. If they are habitually 20 min. late, then they should get out of bed 20 min. earlier in the morning. It is as simple as that.

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That is a deal-breaker. I don't understand why so many homeschooler's think they can be late to everything. The rest of the world runs on a schedule. If dh is consistently late to work, he is fired. End of story.

Edited by coffeefreak
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Haven't read all the posts yet...


Can you still end the first class on time, and then the rest of the day will go on as scheduled? So, for example, if the first class is supposed to go from 9-10 am, and they get there 20 minutes late, then you still end the class at 10 am. The kids will miss out on the first 20 minutes, but maybe that'll get the point across. Maybe the first class can be the one that is the least essential.

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I had another thought after reading gardening momma's post. You could post a sign that if you are more than 5 minutes late to class you will not be admitted.


Just a thought. . .

I'm wondering if it's still 3 families, though. Plus, at least one is a relative, so it could cause some pretty hard feelings if they are locked out.

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Would you quit the co-op because of it? I have guilt because it was my idea and they love going, they're just not terribly punctual


I'd quit. Chronic lateness drives me bonkers. I taught a class at our co-op once and one family was 20-30 minutes late EVERY week. Then, the mom complained because we didn't do anything worthwhile. We did - but her kids were constantly missing the "lesson" part of the class and only came for the "application" part, which I guess was not informative enough for her. Blech!

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I'm wondering if it's still 3 families, though. Plus, at least one is a relative, so it could cause some pretty hard feelings if they are locked out.


I might fantasize about it...:D All 3 moms are required for the opening classes-1 for the older kids, 1 for the middle kids and 1 for the nursery so I'd be shooting myself in the foot as 6 of my 7 kids are in someone else's care during the first class. ;)

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I think the late/unpredictable ending time would be more of an issue for me than starting 10-20 minutes late. I could deal with people walking in or even starting 10-20 minutes late, but I'd be driven nuts by having the rest of the day be so unpredictable, especially the lunch and ending times.





I know that around 2:30 everybody at my house, including me, is ready to wind down and get some rest/fun before we do evening stuff. That extra hour would be rough for us.


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I also have another rule I live by. Once I start getting to the point that I consider not participating in something involving others because something seems off or something does start irritating me; I know it is time to move on. I try not to waste time deliberating about it. I have yet to regret that rule.


This is great. I'm going to remember this. I waste so much time deliberating.



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I guess what really sticks out to me in the situation you describe is their response when you discussed it with them. This is just the way they "roll"? They might be your friends, but they don't have any respect for your time and feelings.




And are you really getting 7 children, including triplets, there on time? That is impressive! I would be embarrassed if I was the family that was always late and you were there before me, ready to go!

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And are you really getting 7 children, including triplets, there on time? That is impressive! I would be embarrassed if I was the family that was always late and you were there before me, ready to go!


:blushing: Thank you. I do spent a large chunk of my Sunday evening packing everything the night before (and loading the van). For anything last minute (ie lunches) I have a list on the counter of what to bring. My kids are really great about getting up and getting ready to go without me hassling them (mostly, but not always:tongue_smilie:) and it helps that we're all naturally early risers.

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Coming in late on this and do not have time to read responses....


Here are two options I look at:


1) Quit and move on.


2) Have a contract with each of these families about starting on time. Your time is valuable. Have them start paying a fee for being late. I have seen in the avoiding paying a fee really gets these people on time.



If it were me and I was doing all the work in prepping and such....I would quit all together. They do not respect the time you put into the class and your expectations of being there on time.



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I'm wondering if it's still 3 families, though. Plus, at least one is a relative, so it could cause some pretty hard feelings if they are locked out.


I don't know why, but this gave me the giggles. Probably because there are PLENTY of family members that we would like to lock out or leave behind because they refuse to be on a schedule, but we don't feel like we can. Sorry I missed that in the original post.


In that case, I'd drop the whole thing. We've dropped out of things before because of the irritation and frustration of other families, and sometimes, that's all you can do.




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