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Problem with Social Groups on WTM Forum?

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I'm glad to know it's not just me! I came to tell all you EO'ers about my visit with Krista and Carli and now will just have to wait!! ;)


(But I will say this: It was SOOOO lovely meeting both of them! And I can only hope Krista will forgive me for leaving without saying goodbye!)

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Missing everyone from the Exploring Orthodoxy and Orthodox Homeschooling groups!! Hi!!


I know! And it's been killing me. DH keeps asking me to check the group and I keep having to tell him it's down. I think we have him hooked now. I would suggest that he get his own account... :lol:


I can tell you that Meg was churched yesterday though :D Then her nouna-to-be came and claimed her "Nutmeg"...then my Eritrean friend stole her from me to show off to the Eritrean grandmothers... then over to the yiayias.


New book I picked up: Orthodox Christian Beliefs About the Bible (Real Answers to Real Questions from Real People) ;)

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Alright, forget it. I can't stand it anymore.


Tell us about the visit Milovany', Krista, and Carli.


MD - very cute about little Meg. Please get the names of those books you mentioned that your dh read about the Theotokos. I would like to see if I can get them here before we move. I read a little pamplet by concilliar press, and it was okay, but too vague.

And is this the new book you picked up? http://www.light-n-life.com/shopping/order_product.asp?productNum=ORTH023


PJ - any updates coming on your blog. I checked it last nt.


AM - how was DL on Sunday? Did you make it?


MFL, LN, MB, SM, and everyone - :seeya:

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Hail, Holy Queen (The Mother of God in the Word of God) by Scott Hahn (this is an RC book, but he has discussed it with one of our priests and it's good).


The Orthodox Veneration of Mary The Birthgiver of God by St. John Maximovitch (same priest just loaned him this one this past Sunday)

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I think we have totally hijacked this thread! Sorry op, but since it is here. Dh has started reading a good book to. Something about the hard sayings of Jesus. Our priest gave it to him sun and he hasn't put it down.



No worries :D Does anyone on The EO thread want to talk about Dr. Who? :lol::lol::lol:

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No worries :D Does anyone on The EO thread want to talk about Dr. Who? :lol::lol::lol:


You know what? I just started watching it, so I probably wouldn't be that much fun to talk with. I'm trying to find the time to get the kids into watching it with me....maybe that is what we can do for family movie night?! :lol:

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Well, I've only seen the episode where he meets Satan (or some demonic being that looks like he came out of LOTR).


Well...that is not the best episode unfortunately. It is one of the few that I won't let my DS watch (he is an avid Dr. Who fan).


My suggestion for you would be to watch "Blink" one of the better episodes and really downright creepy :D

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You know what? I just started watching it, so I probably wouldn't be that much fun to talk with. I'm trying to find the time to get the kids into watching it with me....maybe that is what we can do for family movie night?! :lol:


:lol: I would pre-screen depending on the age of your children! Some of the episodes (2nd reboot of the series)are a little more intense than others!


Start at the beginning of the reboot (the episodes with Chris Eccleston) and then move on from there! Also the first show in that series is not the seasons best, so know that the episodes only get better :001_smile:



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I'm so having withdrawals from the EO group being down. :tongue_smilie:


MD, congrats on Meg's churching.


I want to hear all the details on the "meetup".


I just ordered two kids' EO books on paperbackswap - Pictures of God and A Child's Paradise of Saints. I'm so excited :D

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Hi everybody-- yes it looks like this thread is officially hijacked. Sorry OP! I miss everyone! Sparkle, DD4 loves your avatar.

I was looking at the social groups and it seems like the EO ones are the most active groups of all-- though I did not have enough energy to scroll through all 7 pages to see for sure. Yes, I have such withdrawal that it made me happy just to look at the description of the group!

I am in the midst of wondering what our schooling plans should be for the next year. Trying to be patient & wise about it & listen to what God wants, and not hijack our plans for my own will. HSing may get more difficult with the WA state changes [for ALEs] which may be coming up, and PS will be a struggle since I will have to fight for accommodations to be made for DS's health issues (asthma). Wonder which struggle is my destiny...

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And now, for a totally "OT" topic, dd11 got her first period. Sigh. I wasn't quite ready for this, and neither was she, apparently, even though we've had numerous talks. We even went to a mother-daughter program just 2 weeks ago on this very subject, but I think some info went right in one ear and out the other. Oh, well, we are coping.

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And now, for a totally "OT" topic, dd11 got her first period. Sigh. I wasn't quite ready for this, and neither was she, apparently, even though we've had numerous talks. We even went to a mother-daughter program just 2 weeks ago on this very subject, but I think some info went right in one ear and out the other. Oh, well, we are coping.


Congrats to your dd :) It is a tough time.

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"Simochka" - I like it, very cute.


The Evlogia curriculum sounds very intriguing. I'll be taking a peek at it for sure, although I don't know that I want to totally switch gears at this point. I think it would be great for someone just starting out or wanting something new.

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Our visit was GOOOD! I so enjoyed meeting Krista and Carli. I met up with Carli on Saturday night after my conference, and we went to Vespers at a smaller OCA church. They had just purchased an older church and are in the long process of fixing it up. The service was lovely (I'll let her write her impressions) and, as always, it was enjoyable to meet the priest.


I spent the night at Carli's, and the next morning we drove a little further to Krista's parish. It was very, very beautiful. We got there with about 20 minutes left of Orthros. It went from a dozen or so people to full in that 20 minutes! I had asked the lady standing next to me if she knew "catechumen Krista" and she said she did, so pointed her out to me when she came in. What a lovely soul with a joyful smile and eyes! After the liturgy, we went downstairs to the coffee hour and enjoyed meeting people and perusing the wonderful book store. We also met Krista's priest as well.


SOOOO glad I could go. Thanks to Krista and Carli for your hospitality! I will post a picture on the social group when it opens back up.

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Our visit was GOOOD! I so enjoyed meeting Krista and Carli. I met up with Carli on Saturday night after my conference, and we went to Vespers at a smaller OCA church. They had just purchased an older church and are in the long process of fixing it up. The service was lovely (I'll let her write her impressions) and, as always, it was enjoyable to meet the priest.


I spent the night at Carli's, and the next morning we drove a little further to Krista's parish. It was very, very beautiful. We got there with about 20 minutes left of Orthros. It went from a dozen or so people to full in that 20 minutes! I had asked the lady standing next to me if she new "catechumen Krista" and she said she did, so pointed her out to me when she came in. What a lovely soul with a joyful smile and eyes! After the liturgy, we went downstairs to the coffee hour and enjoyed meeting people and perusing the wonderful book store. We also met Krista's priest as well.


SOOOO glad I could go. Thanks to Krista and Carli for your hospitality! I will post a picture on the social group when it opens back up.


Oh, that sounds so nice. Glad you all had a good time. Can't wait to see pics.

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I like it! New nickname!!


M - sounds like a great time was had by all.


LN - I'm doing the same about school next year, but I am teetering on institutionalized school, on line school, or trying to figure out something that will work with our quirks better.


Sparkle - there's a child's book called "It could always be worse". One of my very favorite books of all time. Check it out at your library if you can.

Very good for all parties involved that you were home for dd.


PJ - going to read your blog tonight and thanks for the link, looking forward to reading that too.


MD - saved the Maximovitch book to my wish list. Looks good.


Our move is coming up sooner than I want it to. I spent 5 hrs in the playroom today, and still have another 5 hrs to go probably. It just takes so much time to find all the parts, figure out if I am going to put it in storage, take it with us, sell it, give it away, or throw it away. I should have taken a pic of it to share with everyone before I started; then MFL wouldn't feel so bad about her playroom.

How am I going to get a whole house plus a basement pared down? :confused:

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I like it! New nickname!!


How am I going to get a whole house plus a basement pared down? :confused:


Me too! I love being given new names...I collect them. My priest laughs at me. My first name is January, so after we had already picked one saint name...he came back and said, "I forgot there is a Saint Januarius." I said I wanted to stay with the one we already decided, and he said I like to collect names. Dh calls me by my middle name so it gets confusing. ;)


As far as moving, we just did this and I was in the same boat. Here is what I learned. All clothes, towels, blankets get packed in garbage bags. It is a lot easier to squeeze in a bag in an akward space, than a box. Toys...really cull, be thinking about the little places you will have to put misc stuff. Drawers of dressers. We could see we were running out of room and I had to make the kids unpack their toy boxes and wedge them in dresser drawers. Prioritze, we couldn't fit everything and I was left last second deciding what I could let go of. I ended up bawling in my van :glare: There is nothing like having to make those decisions under the waiting gaze of those who have come to help load the moving van. If it is easily replacable do not bring it. It is not worth brining a huge box of hangers when you have to leave part of your library behind...ask me how i know :tongue_smilie:. (and no, that wasn't my decision. A helper loaded the hangers before i knew it) I was dismayed when we got to the new house and unloaded the hangers...knowing I left behind stuff that was more important.

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PJ - that is the most amazing link you gave!!


Several things he said resonated with me. I have to quote. I want to share it with others. :w00t:


"Take your time. Please. Think of the journey in terms of years, not months. Be patient. When you think you’re ready, you’re probably not. Your priest will not be in a hurry. Follow his lead. Assume that God’s providence is operative and will work everything out with impeccable timing and grace. After you think you’re ready, if you can be convinced that you’re not ready, and you’re resolved to wait another couple of years, then you’re probably ready."




"Do not expect to show up to services on Sunday and transfer your membership the following week. You must test this way of life and this way of prayer. It must test you. If you have not yet been offended by something or someone in your journey to Orthodoxy, give it another year so that there will be an opportunity for such to happen. You are not simply received into the Orthodox Church and then leave if you don’t like it. You are encountering the life-giving Way and a way of life. If you encounter it truly it is meant to reorient your life.

That said, if you are a Christian from among the evangelical churches, you will find here solid dogma with some of which you may agree. If you are a Christian from among the mainline churches, you will likely find here dogma and practice with which you will have more agreement than you find among your own churches. But coming into Orthodoxy, while it is certainly about correct belief, isn’t simply a rearranging of one’s mental doctrinal furniture. It may be that in part. Orthodoxy is about first and foremost the reorienting of our distorted and frequently disoriented hearts and lives by means of prayer and worship, and turning those hearts and lives toward union with God.

That is going to take some getting used to. So take your time.

And ignore the Orthodox blogs. Like this one."



There was a lot more in there and I would have loved to put more in my post, but then it would be almost the whole blog post. :tongue_smilie:


Anywho, great link, thanks PJ. (I liked his sense of humor too).

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Simochka - (haha I'm the 2nd to use it.) :D


Thanks for the advice about moving. Keeping in mind what we can easily replace will be a big help in paring down.



@ EO friends - I just got off the phone with Fr. Jeff (the parish priest where we will be moving). My draw drops every time I talk to him. I can't wait to get there and start learning. I am so hungry and ready for this. If it were up to me, we would leave everything and go tomorrow. :tongue_smilie:

And it is so weird, I told him something I haven't ever admitted to anyone except dh. SO WEIRD!! It just came up naturally and right on out of my mouth. My brain was going, "Hey, wait a minute, you dont know this guy from Jack what are you doing?" LOL

BUT it was comforting after all was said and done. SO WEIRD!! I am not usually that open with people I know I am going to have to meet face to face and see on a regular basis.

Are all O priests this easy to talk to?

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