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Science for 6th grader to do on her own

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Science isn't getting done for my grade school children and I'd like to get something for my rising 6th grader to do on her own. Any topic would be fine. Christian content is fine. What are my options?


I could just do library and home library books but wondered what my other options were.



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My dd did SL Science 5 in 6th grade (then finished it into 7th) on her own. She followed the schedule herself and worked independently. SL Science works with readings from living books and then has worksheets to fill in as well. My dd also kept a notebook where she summarized each day's reading and added pics. It was a good course.

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Any of the Fulbright editions of Apologia science are suitable for independent learning. You would only need to be nearby for the experiments and possibly to do a weekly summary of some sort. I've heard from a number of moms on this forum that stated that their dc did the courses all on their own.




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Thank you everyone. I'm investigating all of the things mentioned and watching the thread for more ideas. I may have her start something this summer a little early to help her get into a routine before school starts and I am less available to monitor and help.

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