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I am so FURIOUS right now!

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Yes, and wonder of wonders...she was all packed and waiting to go! I asked dh if there were any dramatics from his sister or mom and he said there weren't. They said their goodbyes and that was that. I'm so relieved that he didn't have to deal with any drama this morning. They should be home about 9 tonight.


I just want to say again ... thank you to all of you for listening and offering hugs and prayers! I'll update in a few days to let everyone know how things are going.:001_smile:


So glad there weren't any dramatics. Try to relax a bit today, take a nap so you'll be well rested when they get there.

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Yes, and wonder of wonders...she was all packed and waiting to go! I asked dh if there were any dramatics from his sister or mom and he said there weren't. They said their goodbyes and that was that. I'm so relieved that he didn't have to deal with any drama this morning. They should be home about 9 tonight.


:001_smile: Yay!

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This is probably a big part of it. Dh found out Mon. that she had her name put on her mom's checking account and told her mom to leave a book of checks with her so she could take care of any financial "loose ends" that might come up. :confused:


Dh said he isn't going to do anything right now about it but that in a couple weeks he is going to have his mom put him on the checking account too and if he sees any misuse going on he will have her close the account.


I'm telling you guys...this woman is a real piece of....work.


I would encourage dh to have his mom open a checking account locally, have the mail forwarded and transfer the funds to the new checking account. Why leave all that around for temptation? It sounds like it will be empty in no time.


ETA: I am sorry you all are going through this. You are in my prayers as you make this difficult and frustrating transition.

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She is probably in a daze. I stayed with my mom for a month after my dad passed away last year. Though she seemed like she was pretty together at the time, later I realized that she had been really out of it. She completely forgot about a lot of things that she had done that month. It was like she had gone on auto-pilot and wasn't really thinking things through. So your mil may be going through something similar.


I'm glad to hear that your dh made it on the road today without any issues.:grouphug:

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I would encourage dh to have his mom open a checking account locally, have the mail forwarded and transfer the funds to the new checking account. Why leave all that around for temptation? It sounds like it will be empty in no time.


ETA: I am sorry you all are going through this. You are in my prayers as you make this difficult and frustrating transition.


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Yes, and wonder of wonders...she was all packed and waiting to go! I asked dh if there were any dramatics from his sister or mom and he said there weren't. They said their goodbyes and that was that. I'm so relieved that he didn't have to deal with any drama this morning. They should be home about 9 tonight.


I just want to say again ... thank you to all of you for listening and offering hugs and prayers! I'll update in a few days to let everyone know how things are going.:001_smile:


I'm glad that there was no drama and that your dh is handling the situation with patience and forbearance. I found myself wondering if his sister went into an emotional tailspin at the prospect of "losing" her mother so soon after her father. Rationally, she knows they will get to visit, but it might have been an emotional blow that she wasn't able to experience rationally, so she started behaving irrationally for a while, kwim?


More prayers for peace and some time for you all to grieve and heal. :grouphug:



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I would encourage dh to have his mom open a checking account locally, have the mail forwarded and transfer the funds to the new checking account. Why leave all that around for temptation? It sounds like it will be empty in no time.


ETA: I am sorry you all are going through this. You are in my prayers as you make this difficult and frustrating transition.


:iagree: If SIL is on the account, she can go in and withdraw money even without checks.

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:iagree: If SIL is on the account, she can go in and withdraw money even without checks.


We know. We are hoping that she won't do that but it isn't something we want to deal with until MIL has had a few weeks to settle in and rest. There is only about 500 in there right now and won't be another SS deposit until the first of June. We plan to discuss it with MIL and make arrangements before then. I wish we didn't have to worry about her own daughter taking her money.:confused:

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We know. We are hoping that she won't do that but it isn't something we want to deal with until MIL has had a few weeks to settle in and rest. There is only about 500 in there right now and won't be another SS deposit until the first of June. We plan to discuss it with MIL and make arrangements before then. I wish we didn't have to worry about her own daughter taking her money.:confused:



I think you are wise to wait a bit on the banking stuff. MIL does need time to settle in, adjust and get past the stunned and dazed part of her transition.


:grouphug: I hope you know how wonderful it is that you are taking her in and treating her with such respect and kindness. In my ideal world, everyone should have good family like that.

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Yes, and wonder of wonders...she was all packed and waiting to go! I asked dh if there were any dramatics from his sister or mom and he said there weren't. They said their goodbyes and that was that. I'm so relieved that he didn't have to deal with any drama this morning. They should be home about 9 tonight.


I just want to say again ... thank you to all of you for listening and offering hugs and prayers! I'll update in a few days to let everyone know how things are going.:001_smile:


So glad that things went so well after all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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We know. We are hoping that she won't do that but it isn't something we want to deal with until MIL has had a few weeks to settle in and rest. There is only about 500 in there right now and won't be another SS deposit until the first of June. We plan to discuss it with MIL and make arrangements before then. I wish we didn't have to worry about her own daughter taking her money.:confused:


:sad: I can imagine. :grouphug:

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I would encourage dh to have his mom open a checking account locally, have the mail forwarded and transfer the funds to the new checking account. Why leave all that around for temptation? It sounds like it will be empty in no time.



:iagree: I'd also get the mail forwarded to your home, quickly. Cancel the bank account (in case there are automatic deposits) as soon as possible. Do a local bank account. I can see this getting out of hand if SIL is involved.

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