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Hypothetical Life Choice is coming up....What would you do?

What would you choose?  

  1. 1. What would you choose?

    • Keep everything the same: I work full time, DH runs the cafe.
    • Sell the cafe and I stop working. DH travels all but 5 days a month.
    • We sell the cafe and everything else and go with DH.
    • Something else?

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Sell it all and go. Once in a lifetime opportunity. Dh and I considered it, but we could never find a decent traveling job in his industry. But we love to travel.




Assuming the job/income is for sure. I think it sounds peachy and we would have considered it at a different time in our lives.

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In theory I would love the sell everything and go with him choice. But in reality for me and our kids that would have huge things that would make it not work - health issues, personalities that don't like change, ties to the community that would be really hard to give up etc. So much of it depends on your personalities as to whether you would thrive doing something like that or wither up and die.


:iagree:If he is seriously interested in the job and he wants to do the travel and it is secure and pays more than the cafe, I would support him taking the job and selling the cafe (or hiring someone to run the cafe if it makes enough money to support that).


Then, IF it would work for you and the kids, I would probably try to do an RV travel thing for 6 months. Put the furniture in storage in the meantime. After 6 months, re-evaluate. Maybe you then you will want to continue traveling or you'll want to rent a place for a home base, but you can choose where it will be (maybe closer to the family you aren't estranged from).


I would not do hotel travel, but RV based would be nice if you are pulling a small vehicle with you for day tours, you have bikes, etc. Also then if dh needs to fly for special meetings or unplanned events, you and the kids can camp on your own without him.


A big factor to me is the security of the company/job and the expected timeframe. Will he be traveling for a certain # of years and then be up for a promotion to a different position? Would that be based elsewhere?


As Jean mentioned, the travel decision really depends on personalities. I am fairly independent so staying home while dh was gone wouldn't bother me (though it would be very hard on the boys), assuming I could afford to hire a handy man, snow plowing, lawn mowing, and maybe some housecleaning help. We could keep in touch with texting and skype. Traveling around the country would work for us as well, we love to see new places. Traveling in a small region, particularly the midwest, would get old to me very quickly. Leaving home would be a big sacrifice for one of my sons to give up sports and his friendships, so we would have to accomodate that somehow and make sure it was no longer than a year. My other son would be packing his suitcase in a flash; he is a wanderer and coming home is his least favorite part of vacation!


Good luck with your decision!

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You can get some great deals on used motorhomes, because gas is so expensive. My parents figured that would have cost an extra $500 to drive their RV from Texas to DC and back. And that didn't count the cost of finding camping/hookups.


Plus it depends on where you are stopping for the night. Is his business going to be somewhere like the middle of Manhattan? Good luck finding a place for your RV.


I share the dream of having a motorhome and traveling from national forest to national forest and sightseeing opportunity to sightseeing opportunity. But that's not what traveling for business usually means - unless you're some sort of a traveling forest ranger;)

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I haven't read all the replies, but I wouldn't sell everything and go. I voted for keeping the same. It sounds like you're happy with your lifestyle. Maybe your dh longs for something else?


My dh is in a job where he travels half the month. It's tough at times, but I'm a homebody and I need a home base.


If you do sell it all and travel, what would your accommodations be like? Hotels get small after a few days and eating out gets old. Your housing and food costs are likely to go up. You'd probably spend more on gas for traveling. Would you have separate vehicles so you could get out with the kids while your dh is at work all day? Are you and your kids willing to give up attachments to people and pets and activities and things that you've developed over the years?


It sounds like traveling would be a great opportunity for an adventurous family that is ready to take on a whole new lifestyle. You just need to figure out if that's who you are.

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I have a cousin who homeschooled her four kids while travelling with her DH for his job about 3 weeks out of most months. They did still have a home, though. So, it is possible.


That's probably what I would choose for a while. A lot would depend on the ages of the kids though. The older they get the harder it gets to not have a homebase because they want to be involved in sports and activities and so on. It's a tough choice.


I think that a lot also depends on how frequently the travel would require resettling. There is a difference between going to one town and working out of that as a home base for a week or more and on the other hand, packing back up every morning to relocate.


Also, how much of his job would involve working dinners or other evening events? When we traveled along with dh, we often didn't see him from morning until nighttime because he had a full work day, including receptions or other evening events. We did see some cool stuff and also got to do things with him on the weekends in between his work days. But he wasn't working 9-5 at all.


That might not be the case with this job. But I think you need to plan on what is most likely, not what you hope or wish would be true.

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I havent read the other replies- I would be cautious about selling something so solid and stable as your cafe and home- for a job- unless that job is quite secure. I might give dh a few months of it, make sure he likes it and it fits, before doing such a drastic thing. And i love to travel. However, if it jsut felt right and the job seemed secure, I would do it.

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As someone who has travelled with her husband for long term projects, I'll offer a bit of balance. While it can be wonderful, it can also be very challenging.


Consider the following...

Will you be at any one place long? Living in hotels? My husband has longer projects (several months), but even that can be challenging. Short term rentals are more expensive (don't forget you'll need furnished and likely need to put down deposits for utilities with each move). We often end up with a much smaller space for us to live. Packing and packing and driving. Living in tight spaces (my son slept on a mattress in the hall in our Florida place). Most homeschool groups are reluctant to let short term families join them. The ONLY friends we made in Florida were a military family that were on a short term project as well. My kids and I really miss our friends and family when we are gone. It can be lonely.


On the good side...

We get to live together as a family. We learn to live with less. We rely on each other more than friends.

Edited by amy in ks
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I havent read the other replies- I would be cautious about selling something so solid and stable as your cafe and home- for a job- unless that job is quite secure. I might give dh a few months of it, make sure he likes it and it fits, before doing such a drastic thing. And i love to travel. However, if it jsut felt right and the job seemed secure, I would do it.


:iagree: Dh and I discussed your scenario. We'd try a year of him working with myself running the cafe first. :001_smile: Good luck with your decision!

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I voted for selling the cafe, you stop working, and dh does the travel but I wanted to add that, personally, I would keep our home as a home-base and travel with him now and then. I love to travel and see different things.


Not sure what kind of travel his work would entail, meaning where he would be going, but I am imagining some wonderful learning opportunities for your kids while travelling with him. I wouldn't want to give up our home-base completely because travel constantly could get hard on the kids or the family and it might be nice not to travel now and then or at least have that choice.

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Thanks for all the votes and advice....so far we haven't talked about it more. I'll keep you posted on whatever occurs (if nothing is updated - nothing happened yet :lol:). I appreciate you all taking time to share your perspectives and experiences! They are all very valid and swirling around inside my head. :001_smile:

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