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Daily schedules?

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Can I see your daily schedules/routines for logic stage. Including the programs you are using!! Thanks!


Here's mine (revamped after my earlier thread):

2011-2012 Schedule




(10yo: Bible-The Most Important Thing You will Ever Study, WWE4, Wordly Wise original 2, Orbiting w/Logic)

(12yo: Bible-The Most Important Thing You will Ever Study, WWS1,Vocabulary program, Art of Argument )

2. 1rst semester CLE Reading/Lit

2nd Semester lit (10yo: Veritas Narnia Comprehension guide & 12yo: Lightning Lit7)


9:30-10:20 CLE Math


10:20-11:00 CLE Language Arts


11:00-11:30 Lunch w/ read aloud


11:30-12:30 9yo piano, 12yo Apologia General Science & CLE Geography


12:30-1:30 12yo piano, 9yo CLE Science & CLE Geography


1:30-2:00 First Form Latin 1 all together w/Mom


2-3 Silent reading all together w/Mom (TQ ancients is literature based. They will have to do their outlining and writing for history during box or piano time I think)

Edited by LNC
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We are beginning week 2 of our new school year.


6am - 9am


Dd 13 - math (Art of Problem Solving) and science (online FLVS)

Dd 11 with me - history (Galore Park) and literature (LLLotR)




9:30am - 12:30pm


Dd 13 with me - history (Kolbe Greek history) and literature (Kolbe Greek literature)

Dd 11 - math (Singapore,) science (Galore Park) and music theory (online CLAA)




2:00pm - 6:00pm


Dd 13 - Latin (online CLAA,) English (online FLVS) and Art (online FLVS)

Dd 11 - Spanish (online FLVS,) English (online FLVS,) Art (online FLVS) and French (Galore Park)


Note: I spend most of the afternoon working with my younger children.

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We're transitioning to our summer schedule, but the following is the schedule we ended our regular year with:



  • 7:30-8:30: Bible Study (dh led) & Breakfast
  • 8:30-10:30: History, Literature, & Geography (Sonlight 6, Map Trek, Evan Moor 7 Continents Europe)
  • 10:30-11:30: Math (Saxon, Evan Moor Daily Word Problems)
  • 11:30-12:00: Grammar (Rod & Staff)
  • 12:00-1:00: Lunch & Break
  • 1:00-2:00: Spelling (Sequential Spelling) & Writing (a blend of: The Writer's Jungle, Writing With Skill, Evan Moor Paragraphs & Sentences, Killgallon's Sentence Composing, and whatever else strikes my fancy)
  • 2:00-3:30: Latin (Visual Latin), Greek (Elementary Greek), & Logic (Blast Off With Logic books)


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Our plan for next year (8th):


8:30 - 11 TRISMS History Makers (history, science, lit, vocab, IEW writing)

11:00 - 12 Latin Road

12:00 - 1 lunch & piano practice

1:00 - 2 Algebra 1

2:00 - 3 Flex - Art/Music appreciation/movies/piano lesson


p.m.: swim team 5 nights/ week for PE


trying to fit Logic in there somewhere...

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7:00- big boys get up and grab something quick to eat

7:30-9:00- school- try to get math and a good chunk of LA done- Singapore Math, megawords/spelling workout, writing strands, R&S English

9:00- 10:30- little kids get up, have second breakfast, I exercise, they have free time

10:30-12:30- back to school, but start with the fun stuff! History , science, and geography (2 of these each day), maybe have time to finish up LA- History Odyessey, CPO Earth, Trail Guide to World

12:30-2:00 Lunch and chores

2:00-4:00- free time, this is the time DH is home and awake- If they haven't gotten the first half of thier schedule done (basic, skill subjects), they work on it now.

4:00-5:00- dinner, clean kitchen

5:00-7:00-Do extras- Logic, Typing, Memory Work, Spanish, Art and Music. These things often get done earlier in the day, most of them are easy to add in between harder things.

7:00 snack

7:30-9:00- get ready for bed, might do read aloud, can read on your own

9:00- Lights out!


On Sat. and Sun. mornings I do read aloud first thing, before they are out of bed. I am much nicer in the morning then in the evening, so this works out better for us.

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We're just finishing up this year, but funny you should ask since I just wrote up a sample schedule for my own thinking for next year. It looks like this -


dd - sixth grade


7AM - wake up, be dressed & ready for school by 8AM (from experience, I am guessing that she will actually be ready before then and start her free reading around 7:30 most days)

8AM - finish free reading if she started it already - she spends an hour a day reading a book of her choice, I must approve the book. 5th grade year she read a lot of fantasy and historical fiction, like The Hobbit, the Narnia books, the Royal Diaries series, the Girls of Many Lands series, I expect similar choices in sixth grade. if she hasn't already started her free reading by 8 we will do our read-aloud at this time. The read-aloud is to expose her to books that I think she should read that she wouldn't necessarily choose to read herself - in fifth grade we read titles like Carry On, Mr. Bowditch, By the Great Horn Spoon!, and The Phantom Tollbooth. After the read-aloud for the day she will narrate it briefly to me. (She struggles some with writing, so we will start the year reviewing narration and dictation and basic note-taking and pick up with Writing with Style as soon as it is released.)

8:30 - breakfast

9 - Math - I want to do AoPS Prealgebra but not sure if that will be ready by our early August start date, so we are starting the year with Dolciani Algebra & some math games

10 - Saxon Grammar 6 (we don't do the writing part)

10:30 - Holt Science and Technology Physical Science - most days we will read a section, answer three to six short questions at the end, and do a short lab or activity

11 - SOTW4 with short summaries, the review questions from the activity book, or the outlining exercise from the activity book every day. Also outside reading.

11:30 - lunch

12 - Chinese homework (& finish history reading, probably :) ). On Tuesdays she will use this time to work with her little brother or do chores while I clean up after lunch and do MY chores :)

1 - Tuesday we have Chinese class, Thursdays we have co-op. The rest of the week would would do either the free reading or the read aloud & narration that didn't get done earlier.

2 - Tuesday or Thursday - still at co-op or Chinese class. Rest of the week - do Latin for Children B and then go have a snack and play for the rest of the day :)

3:30 (ish) - only on Tuesday or Thursday - return home from co-op or Chinese, have a snack, then do Latin for Children B and the free reading or read-aloud that didn't get done earlier & then done for the day by 4:30-5PM.



Of course most of these times are approximate!! :) But I have found doing subjects in the same order every day makes a difference. I will also have a kindergartener this year, but his schedule is much less rigid and basically I will work with him when she is reading or writing something that she doesn't need my help with (Chinese, answering science questions, etc.) and the rest of the time he can play on his own or sit with us and do something at the table.

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My kids follow a schedule in K-4, but once they enter the logic stage, they determine their own schedule using a planner. -I only insist that math is completed first, and I meet with each of them after lunch to discuss literature/history and help with writing or any subject that needs me(about 30 min.-1 hour each afternoon). We do start out the day as a family with Bible, read aloud, and word for the day review.


ds (11) is currently doing the following:

Math -Saxon pre algebra

Grammar- Hake

Vocab - Sadlier Oxford

Writing- various essays

Spelling- How to Teach Spelling

Literature- various novels, short stories, etc.

Logic- computer games/ orbiting with logic series

History - Hakim US

Science- Prentice Hall

Art - once a week at dh's art class

Music -co-op

Latin - Cambridge for 1/2 year - then Getting Started with Latin- moving to First Form next year

Memory -IEW poetry

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My 6th grader's schedule for the year we are finishing has been...


6:45 Up, Bible, breakfast

7:30 Independent science (Apologia Exploring Creation with Anatomy for fall and God's Design for Chemistry now)

8:00 Math lesson with mom and independent math (SM6 and CWP6)

8:45 Piano practice

9:00 Work with Mom (memory work, history intro (M) or logic using Critical Thinking 1 & 2 (T-F), grammar lesson)

9:30 Independent grammar work (R&S 6)

9:50 History (Truthquest Middle Ages, TruthQuest Renaissance)

10:30 Classical Writing Homer B w/ Mom (switched to Poetry for Beginners and CE1 for spring)

11:00 Classical Writing Homer B independent (switched to Poetry independent for spring and free time)

11:30 Play with 2yo

12:00 Vocab (CE1 making or reviewing cards and quizzes)

12:15 Greek and Latin lessons

12:30 Lunch

1:00 Combined science (God's Design for Heaven and Earth series)

1:30 Elementary Greek 1

1:50 LfC C

2:30 literature

3:00 Clean up, snack, chores

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This is my tentative schedule for next year for my oldest:


8-9 Literature discussion and Spelling

9-9:45 Science (with DH)

9:45-10:15 P.E.

10:15-11:15 Math

11:15-12:00 Reading time (History and Literature)

12:00-1:00 Lunch/outside time

1:00-2:00 Typing and writing time

2:00-3:00 Grammar

3:00-3:30 History Discussion

3:30-4:00 Foreign language (taking multiple next year- his request)

4:00-??? dance/soccer/baseball


I have two younger I school, so there is a lot of learn the lesson for 15-20 minutes with me and then work on your own. Without a schedule I would be lost. I do let my son have input though. He has told me what order he wants to do things, and then I put the schedule together.

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Tentative shedule for next year (beginning in July) for my (will be) 13yo:


7-get up, get ready, eat breakfast

7:30 -practice music

8- together time (poetry, chants, memory work, Bible study, read alouds, that kind of thing)

8:30 - Forester's Algebra I (1 hour), Henle Latin I (1 hour), Classical Writing Diogenes Maxim + literature (reading list) (1.5 hours)

12 - lunch & break

1 - U.S. History (1 hour) - (mostly literature based), Elementary Greek II (30 minutes), RS4K Chemistry Level II (1 hour)


He has to be done by 3:30 because he has a couple of neighborhood jobs and will have to leave for football by 5 most days. Also, we do an arts enrichment program one day, so this is only 4 days a week. It's basically 7 hours a day (if you count music) with a 1 hour break. I can't give more specific times because I have 3 other children to teach and I have to move subjects around depending on who is working independently and who I need to teach. But those are the times I try to plan for.

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I will have two logic stage kids next year; DS in 5th and DD in 8th.

Here's our plan (which is basically the same as this year).


6:30 - Wake up, get dressed, prayer, chores

7:30 - Breakfast

8:00 - Religion and prayer

9:00-12:00 (with short breaks as needed) Latin, Greek (DD only), French (DS only), Logic (DS only), Math, Writing (DD will need all three hours, DS will finish around 11:30)

12:00 - Prayers, lunch, free time

1:30 - Either history (M,W,F) or science (Tue, Thu)

2:30 - For DD: Either more histoy (M,W,F) or logic (Tue, Thu) For DS: Cello practice

2:45 - For DD: Either spelling/grammar (M,W,F) or more logic (Tue, Thu) For DS: Cello practice

3:00 - Prayers and Break DS is know finished

3:30 - For DD: French

4:00 - For DD Violin

5:15/5:30 - DD is finished

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Monday & Friday

7:30-11:30 Gymnastics

11:30-12:30 Lunch/Break

12:30-??? English (OM), Math (TT), and Science (SYRWTLS2)

**I hope she is done with her work by 4:30, but she has the rest of the day to get it done if needed


Wednesday (similar to Monday & Friday, but her gym practice runs a little longer)

7:30-12:00 Gymnastics

12:00-1:00 Lunch/Break

1:00-??? English (OM), Math (TT), and Science (SYRWTLS2)


Tuesday & Thursday

7:30-11:00 Gymnastics

11:00-11:30 Lunch

11:30-1:30 Vocabulary (Dynamic Literacy), Logic (Critical Thinking Book 1), Grammar (Winston), Geography (World Geography and You)

1:45-2:00 Break/back to gym

2:00-4:30 Gymnastics

4:30-???? Finish up school work, but I don't think she'll need to do this. I expect her Tues/Thur subjects to only take 15-20 minutes each, with the exception of geography, probably.


I also purchased IEW TWISS/SWI-B, but I'm not sure we'll use it just yet. Might do it as a summer program, or if we find her school work is not taking as much time as we though (yeah, right!), we'll add it in.

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Noticing a lot of early birds in this thread... ;)


I schedule by blocks instead of by time of day, it just works better for me, given our family style (lots of stuff going on all the time, late to bed, late to rise).

Really, I could use more structure, but it just makes me feel totally imprisoned, so I keep to the block scheduling.


I made up a checklist document so that ds could keep track of what he's done; kind of like workboxes on paper.

I cross out whatever we're not doing that day.


First, he does a little thinking skills, page or two, then math, then language arts.

I used to have math in the afternoon, but ds asked me to switch it to first thing in the morning, and he's doing better with math (between my curriculum change and time change).

By then it's time for lunch.

I find I didn't get Bible in like I had wanted to in the morning.


Then after lunch we do science and history and any reading we need to get done.


Next year for 7th I have to get better at getting to everything, so I have promised myself I won't set us up for failure by OVER-scheduling us! :blushing:

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Dd, who is in the 7th grade, receives a weekly schedule. She is allowed to schedule her own work, but it has to be done by Friday 3pm. This is hwat she needs to complete.


Math (EPGY Algebra 1, min 5 sessions, extra work Liall Algebra)

Grammar (A Beka Grammar I)

Vocabulary (Vocabulary from the Classical Roots, 1 lesson each week)

Composition (Writeshop I, 1 lesson spread out over 2 weeks)

Literature (Lightning Literature, finished 7 and started 8 in same school year,She does not finish all writing assignments)

Logic (Fallacy Detective)

Science (alternating Life and Earth Science with CPO Focus on Life Science, Focus on Earth Science. Not sure yet for Physical Science next year. It seems hard to do experiments at home) Experiment with typed report every week.

History (Human Odyssey)

Latin (Latin for Children C, 1 chapter each week)

Spanish (tried Rosetta Stone unsuccessfully, now use Lifepac Spanish 1)

Scuba Diving Course (PADI Course, finished! Yahoo!)


For P.E., our entire family hikes, bikes or dives. :)

Music (guitar lesson once a week)

Art (co-op)



Ds, who is in the 5th grade, receives a daily schedule, 5 days a week. He decides the order in which he completes the subjects and how long he spends on each. (needs to be finished in a timely manner)


Math (EPGY combined with Singapore Math)

Language (A Beka)

Reading (books assigned by me that go with history)

Writing (IEW and Writeshop Apprentice)

Science (Real Science 4 Kids Chemistry and Physics I)

History (Human Odyssey)

Latin (Latin for Children B)

Spanish (same as sister)


P.E., art, scuba diving (same as sister)

Music ( Guitar Lesson)



We usually start around 8:30 till about noon, eat lunch and continue around 1. We finish up by 2-2:30 ish. On Friays we stop earlier or whenever the kids have finished all their work.

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Our possible schedule- have no idea how my time plans work. I have one that speeds through quickly and one that dawdles.


8:00 Bible study and current events

8:30 Breakfast -art narration, music appreciaiton


Official School

9:00 M: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy (or Justice later on) and read and outline history spine

T/W/Th-Where the Brook and River Meet (selected topics)

F: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy (or Justice)/Art

10:00 Classical Writing, Vocabulary Cartoons, SWR Spelling

11:00 AOPS Beginning ALgebra (DS 6th) or Kinetic Pre-algebra (dd7th)

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Independent Reading: Lit book (1 chapter); non-fiction history book (1-2 chapters); biography (1 chapter 3 times a week) OR Personal Development book (1/2-1 chapter a week) OR Plutarch segment (1 times a week)

1:30: Latin

2:00 Physical Science (Exploration Education)

2:30-4:00 M: Nature Studies

T: Movie

W: Logic, Book of Centuries, Poetry Tea

TH: Hands on Projects

F: Geography documentary and map drills


On Fridays that we have Co-Op (9:30 to 12) or AHG (1-3), we will drop the 9:00 and 2:30 assignments and do half of their reading in car and do a little more in the morning before going/end a little later.



This should get us through a few weeks then the schedule will look like this


8:45 yelling at kids to get up

9:15 why are you not up yet

9:30 It's nice of you to join us. Have you done your chores?

10:00 start school

10:05 first kid takes a potty break -ther other remembers he didn't eat breakfast and is off to pour a bowl of cereal.

10:15 phone rings

10:35 By now, somebody has touched/looked at/hit/disturbed another somebody.

11:00 Why are you on your email?

11:35 When's lunch? I can't read because I'm STARVING!!! Didn't you eat an hour and half a go???? So! I can't think. One child wanders off to fix lunch.

12:00 Lunch time

12:30 Lunch is mysteriously still cooking

12:45 Time to hit the books again. We can't! Lunch JUST got finished cooking. What are you guys eating that took an hour to cook? Ramen Noodles!!!!

1:00 back to books for real

1:05 Argument over who gets what bathroom

1:15 MOM! I don't understand this math question! Two seconds later second child-Mom! I don't understand this (fill in something easy -they just don't other child to have my attention!)

1:45 Where's my book

2:15 Still can't find my book (it's in dad's car)

2:20 Another fight.

2:55 I don't want to redo my writing.

3:05 You're the meanest mommy in the world. I want to go to public school OR I give up. If you guys are not going to learn from me, I am sending you back to public school right now.

3:15 Why are you on youtube/texting/checking email when school work isn't done.

3:24: Call DH and tell him that I don't like HIS kids.

4:00 check my calendar to see if I have to drive anywhere that evening so I know whether to reach for the wine or the chocolate.

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8am-9am breakfast


9am-10:00 history (sotw 4 with Modern History Through Canadian Eyes

and Canadian geography using Our COuntry, Canada)


10:00-11:30 math (right now using an M3 product Factors and Multiples and Lessons for Teaching Multiplying and Dividing Fractions by Marilyn Burns)


11:30-1:00 break, dd does yoga, we make lunch, watch videos


1-1:30 french (Arc-en Ciel I - old program can't find it anywhere)


1:30-2:30 science (right now using Story of Science I by Joy Hakim and GEMS Earth Moon and Stars, The Real Reason for Seasons and Living with a Star)


2:30-4:00 LA (Read aloud, vocab (Super Smart by Prufrock Press), Grammar (GV by MCT), Spelling Power, Writing (various writing resources)


DD is also involved in Girl Guides, a theatre program, competitive jump rope and competitive water polo

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8:45 yelling at kids to get up

9:15 why are you not up yet

9:30 It's nice of you to join us. Have you done your chores?

10:00 start school

10:05 first kid takes a potty break -ther other remembers he didn't eat breakfast and is off to pour a bowl of cereal.

10:15 phone rings

10:35 By now, somebody has touched/looked at/hit/disturbed another somebody.

11:00 Why are you on your email?

11:35 When's lunch? I can't read because I'm STARVING!!! Didn't you eat an hour and half a go???? So! I can't think. One child wanders off to fix lunch.

12:00 Lunch time

12:30 Lunch is mysteriously still cooking

12:45 Time to hit the books again. We can't! Lunch JUST got finished cooking. What are you guys eating that took an hour to cook? Ramen Noodles!!!!

1:00 back to books for real

1:05 Argument over who gets what bathroom

1:15 MOM! I don't understand this math question! Two seconds later second child-Mom! I don't understand this (fill in something easy -they just don't other child to have my attention!)

1:45 Where's my book

2:15 Still can't find my book (it's in dad's car)

2:20 Another fight.

2:55 I don't want to redo my writing.

3:05 You're the meanest mommy in the world. I want to go to public school OR I give up. If you guys are not going to learn from me, I am sending you back to public school right now.

3:15 Why are you on youtube/texting/checking email when school work isn't done.

3:24: Call DH and tell him that I don't like HIS kids.

4:00 check my calendar to see if I have to drive anywhere that evening so I know whether to reach for the wine or the chocolate.


YEP! This is pretty much what came to mind when I saw the title of this thread!

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Theoretically, mine go to bed at 9:00 -usually it's ends up being 10:00 before. They usually get up between 7:30 and 8:30. Let me clarify that, they usually WAKE up between 7:30 and 8:30. I have one that will stay in bed until I call him. He only gets out of bed early on the weekends.

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My 12yo is an early bird. She's up between 6 and 6:30 most of the time... goes to bed about 9'ish. She's always been that way. As a baby, she would wake up and lie in her crib making humming and singing noises. What a way for mom to wake up! :001_wub:


My 15yo is NOT an early bird by nature, but she knows how much she has to get done and is able to get herself up about 6:30 because she has to. But she has trouble getting to sleep at night, too. She and I both would prefer to sleep until 7-7:30 if it were an option. (Which she is doing this week since we're taking the week off.)


These two will get started on independent work right away while I and the 8yo pull ourselves together.

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Here's a link to my tentative schedule for next year. Ari is the one who'll be in 5th grade. Here's his part, typed out:


8:00-8:30: poetry and Bible (with brothers)

8:30-9:15: math (Singapore 6 until he finishes it, then AOPS pre-algebra)

9:15-10:00: Spanish for Children/spanish homework/Greek for Children

10:00-10:45: logic or writing (i.e. work on writing assignments from other subjects)

10:45-11:30: assigned reading

11:30-12:30: lunch and break

12:30-1:15: MCT Voyage, Killgallon, literature

1:15-2:45: history or science

2:45-3:15: rotating geography, art, drawing, music (with brothers)

3:15-3:45: piano


....we're NOT early risers, historically. We have to work on that. And this is for the 3 days a week when we're usually home all day. I still have to figure out what to take out and how to tweak it for our out of the house days.

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Our possible schedule- have no idea how my time plans work. I have one that speeds through quickly and one that dawdles.


8:00 Bible study and current events

8:30 Breakfast -art narration, music appreciaiton


Official School

9:00 M: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy (or Justice later on) and read and outline history spine

T/W/Th-Where the Brook and River Meet (selected topics)

F: Whatever Happened to Penny Candy (or Justice)/Art

10:00 Classical Writing, Vocabulary Cartoons, SWR Spelling

11:00 AOPS Beginning ALgebra (DS 6th) or Kinetic Pre-algebra (dd7th)

12:00 Lunch

12:30 Independent Reading: Lit book (1 chapter); non-fiction history book (1-2 chapters); biography (1 chapter 3 times a week) OR Personal Development book (1/2-1 chapter a week) OR Plutarch segment (1 times a week)

1:30: Latin

2:00 Physical Science (Exploration Education)

2:30-4:00 M: Nature Studies

T: Movie

W: Logic, Book of Centuries, Poetry Tea

TH: Hands on Projects

F: Geography documentary and map drills


On Fridays that we have Co-Op (9:30 to 12) or AHG (1-3), we will drop the 9:00 and 2:30 assignments and do half of their reading in car and do a little more in the morning before going/end a little later.



This should get us through a few weeks then the schedule will look like this


8:45 yelling at kids to get up

9:15 why are you not up yet

9:30 It's nice of you to join us. Have you done your chores?

10:00 start school

10:05 first kid takes a potty break -ther other remembers he didn't eat breakfast and is off to pour a bowl of cereal.

10:15 phone rings

10:35 By now, somebody has touched/looked at/hit/disturbed another somebody.

11:00 Why are you on your email?

11:35 When's lunch? I can't read because I'm STARVING!!! Didn't you eat an hour and half a go???? So! I can't think. One child wanders off to fix lunch.

12:00 Lunch time

12:30 Lunch is mysteriously still cooking

12:45 Time to hit the books again. We can't! Lunch JUST got finished cooking. What are you guys eating that took an hour to cook? Ramen Noodles!!!!

1:00 back to books for real

1:05 Argument over who gets what bathroom

1:15 MOM! I don't understand this math question! Two seconds later second child-Mom! I don't understand this (fill in something easy -they just don't other child to have my attention!)

1:45 Where's my book

2:15 Still can't find my book (it's in dad's car)

2:20 Another fight.

2:55 I don't want to redo my writing.

3:05 You're the meanest mommy in the world. I want to go to public school OR I give up. If you guys are not going to learn from me, I am sending you back to public school right now.

3:15 Why are you on youtube/texting/checking email when school work isn't done.

3:24: Call DH and tell him that I don't like HIS kids.

4:00 check my calendar to see if I have to drive anywhere that evening so I know whether to reach for the wine or the chocolate.


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We will be starting our new school year on June 13 (I like to take a long break in the spring instead of the summer, for various reasons.) I will have only a 4th and 6th grader--my two oldest will have both graduated. Our currently planned schedule:


1. Together Classes (~8AM-9:30AM)



  • Bible memory: 10-15 minutes. A longish (4-6 verse) passage in one language and a verse in the other. (Alternating monthly between long English/short Spanish and long Spanish/short English)
  • Poetry: A poem a day read aloud, 3 days a week. MCT Music of the Hemispheres one day a week. ~15 minutes
  • Literature: ~20 minutes. Different book each day. Shakespeare on Fridays, various other books (mostly from AO 4-6) on the other days. The 3 of us will mostly take turns reading aloud--a paragraph or page or so each.
  • Math facts: 15-20 minutes. various games
  • Music: ~15-20 minutes. hymn, folk song, Spanish song--same ones for a month
  • Vocabulary: 20 minutes (MCT Caesar's English I)
  • Spanish grammar & writing: about 20 minutes. Recite some basic verb conjugations. Mad Libs or sentence analysis (MCT style) or dictation or copywork.
  • Spanish read aloud: ~20 minutes. Usborne Encyclopedia of Planet Earth/Big Book of Astronomy (in Spanish) 2-3 times a week. Bible passages with a picture to color or draw 1-2 times a week. Oral narration after listening.


2. Alternate one child with me, other child independent (~9:30AM-1:30PM, including 20 minute lunch)


Classes with me:



  • Grammar: ~20 minutes. Rod and Staff 4 & 6. mix of oral and written
  • Math: ~20 minutes. Singapore Primary Math workbook and/or textbook. listen to composer during this time
  • Spanish reading: ~20 minutes. Read aloud from Rod and Staff Spanish reader (or other books in Spanish toward the end of the year when they have finished a year's worth of readers). oral narration.
  • Spelling: ~20 minutes. Dictation sentences from AO Copywork group. some are from books we are reading, others are just sentences I liked.


Independent classes:



  • Bible: ~20 minutes. Read assigned section. Narrate orally to me. 4th grader will read from Genesis 3x a week, Acts 2x week. 6th grader will do the same, but read longer sections so that she will also read Exodus and Joshua.
  • Reading: ~20 minutes. Read assigned chapter(s). Narrate orally to me. Free choice reading on Mondays.
  • Drawing: ~20 minutes. Draw picture narrating something we have read, or from nature, or of topic of choice--assignment will vary.
  • Science: ~20 minutes. Read assigned section. Do experiment sometimes. Draw diagram sometimes. Narrate orally to me. 4th grader will be using Apologia Zoology 1 & 2. 6th grader will be reading The Way Life Works, DK Amphibians, and DK Reptiles and will do occasional reports and projects.
  • Writing: ~20 minutes. Usually a written narration from one of the assigned books from another class (~1 paragraph for 4th grader, ~3/4 page for 6th grader. hand written). This is in addition to the outlines, reports, and stories assigned in Rod and Staff. Once every 6 weeks they will also spend a week doing other writing assignments instead of written narrations.
  • History: ~20 minutes. Read assigned section. Narrate orally to me. Some map work. 4th grader will be using Kingfisher History Encyclopedia along with SOTW 3. 6th grader will be using a slightly modified AO 6, terms 2 & 3 along with Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt and a few other books I added/substituted.
  • Intensive Practice (technically math again, and not 100% independent, since they sometimes need help): ~20 minutes. from Singapore Math.


This schedule will probably be disrupted by taking my second son to the bus stop for college classes (the bus stop is about 4 blocks away). If I end up also starting nurse's training (as I have considered), it might be disrupted by that also.


We may also end up starting at 9AM instead of 8. This seems to happen every year, even though I keep planning to start at 8.

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This should get us through a few weeks then the schedule will look like this


8:45 yelling at kids to get up

9:15 why are you not up yet

9:30 It's nice of you to join us. Have you done your chores?

10:00 start school

10:05 first kid takes a potty break -ther other remembers he didn't eat breakfast and is off to pour a bowl of cereal.

10:15 phone rings

10:35 By now, somebody has touched/looked at/hit/disturbed another somebody.

11:00 Why are you on your email?

11:35 When's lunch? I can't read because I'm STARVING!!! Didn't you eat an hour and half a go???? So! I can't think. One child wanders off to fix lunch.

12:00 Lunch time

12:30 Lunch is mysteriously still cooking

12:45 Time to hit the books again. We can't! Lunch JUST got finished cooking. What are you guys eating that took an hour to cook? Ramen Noodles!!!!

1:00 back to books for real

1:05 Argument over who gets what bathroom

1:15 MOM! I don't understand this math question! Two seconds later second child-Mom! I don't understand this (fill in something easy -they just don't other child to have my attention!)

1:45 Where's my book

2:15 Still can't find my book (it's in dad's car)

2:20 Another fight.

2:55 I don't want to redo my writing.

3:05 You're the meanest mommy in the world. I want to go to public school OR I give up. If you guys are not going to learn from me, I am sending you back to public school right now.

3:15 Why are you on youtube/texting/checking email when school work isn't done.

3:24: Call DH and tell him that I don't like HIS kids.

4:00 check my calendar to see if I have to drive anywhere that evening so I know whether to reach for the wine or the chocolate.


Aunt Pol

dd 11 ds10

Cuddy Academy

TOGY3-D/Singapore/Life of Fred/MCT-Town/SRW/The Elements/Prairie Primer



Oh my gosh! My kids are laughing, and I am crying laughing!! Did you sneak into our house and record us??? This is how every stinkin' day goes in our house!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

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:lol: Aunt Pol, I loved your post. It sounds like my own home, but I would have to add potty breaks for our 2 dogs into the schedule. Since we have started hsing, I think it somehow affected their bladders. I don't know how they used to make it all day long without us here because now they need to go in and out every 20 minutes. I would install a doggy door, but I am sure my ds would use that as an escape route to get away from school work.


In regards to our real schedule, I don't actually use set times. We are using more of a work box approach. Our start and end times have been pretty flexible. As we near the end of our first year hsing (and as I read over everyone else's schedule), I am beginning to question whether I am making school to easy for my kids. :confused:

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What time do your early bird children go to bed? My preteen need nearly 10.5 hours of sleep. Doesnt always get it, but she really still needs that much.


Mine does, too. In fact, she always has, but it is starting to bother her that she gets up so late. I tell her to go to bed earlier but we like to stay up late as a family in general so it isn't easy to pull away.


Her subjects this last year, at the age of 11, were grammar, history, writing, Greek, spelling, logic, religion, cursive handwriting (she finished this early on), reading, art and math. M-W-F were our subject heavy days with Friday being mostly catch-up if we needed it to be. T-H were lighter days unless they didn't finish their work from the previous day. I decided to plan in plenty of time for catching up this year and it worked out very well. We got more done this year than any previous year home educating.

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