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Broken ankle question...

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I broke my ankle 6 weeks ago. It was a tiny chip off the pointy bone that sticks off the outside of the ankle. I also sprained it at the time. Ortho said to wear the walking boot for 3 weeks. I did. X-ray showed that the bone healed (though not in the exact position where it came from) and everything looked good. So, why does my ankle still hurt? I can't move that ankle as much. Walking feels okay, but running hurts. Laying it bed hurts unless I am careful in how it lays.


Should it still hurt? Should I give it more time? Should I call the doctor? What thinkest thou?

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I fell on my knee almost 2 years ago. It was bruised and swollen. Running still hurts, poking it hurts, it still looks bruised. Xray and MRI show nothing wrong (beyond normal wear and tear for almost 40 y/o knees). I have been back to the doctor and physical therapist a few times. Official word? "that's weird."

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My 13 year old son, 12 at the time, was not the same for 7 or 8 months after he broke and sprained his ankle. He is a high level gymnast so hyper aware of lost function, but even for just every day things it was months. He had 9 weeks casted followed by months of physical therapy and his ankle hurt after practice for the 7-8 month time frame given above. Ice and elevation helped, but ultimately, there is tremendous muscle loss associated with immobilizing, and it takes a long time and intentional effort (with associated muscle soreness) to come back.


We are now struggling with properly rehabilitating his thumb, which he broke only 9 months after the ankle break, and general burn out on rehab activities. Even so, he was not able to make nationals this year as a result of the second break, and I know it has to be dealt (along with the pain (muscle soreness) associated with rehab) in order for him to be set for next year.

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3 WEEKS!!!?! and you are running again? I think that is why it hurts.


Seriously consider another exercise for a while. You could do some damage. Tendons, ligaments, muscles and bones all need time to help. Your foot has terrible blood flow so at night when you are off your feet; you feel it.


I have had loads of ankle issues and the best advice is the simplest - rest, ice and elevate!


If it hurts - stay off!

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I sprained my ankle five weeks ago and am just now back in regular shoes without a brace or wrap. I've been doing lots of stretching of the ankle and calf to help, and balancing several times a day on the hurt ankle to try to build up strength. Took my first two mile walk yesterday, but I did it slowly, and with shoe inserts to keep my arch high (which helps with ankle support).


I've found it helpful to take it very slowly. Stretching, basic exercises (like trying to pick up a marble with my toes, or using my big toe to spell the alphabet), and rest have been a regular part of ankle rehab.


Good luck.

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I broke my ankle in December (the lateral bone just above the bump) and I still can't really run, so in that regard you're doing better than me. But the fact that you're still so uncomfortable sleeping seems a little troubling. Maybe sleeping in an air cast or even an elastic brace for added support would help??

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Ok that makes me feel a little better about your situation. (that you are not thinking you can run yet). The short answer is... you don't know. Everybody heals differently and ankle injuries are known for reoccurring so take it easy!

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Last summer I sprained and barely broke my ankle. The ligament broke the knobby part of the bone as I was falling. It was far more sprained than broken. I was on crutches for two weeks and then in the air cast for three more months. It was a good six months before it was comfortable being without any support.


I thought it was all better. Then about two weeks ago I stepped in a hole at the park and hurt it again. I don't think anyone else would have been hurt by the hole. But the ankle is still weak. It has been almost a year. I don't know if it will ever be back the way it was before.

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As long as it doesn't hurt, you should bike more. Just don't push through pain. 6 weeks is really nothing.


I twisted my foot and damaged a large tendon in October. Because I have an existing issue in my feet (accessory navicular bones that the damaged tendon runs over and under), I'm still healing. I bike as much as possible because it keeps everything moving with minimal weight. I do a few stretches, and sleep in a night splint.

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