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Is it rude to lurk?

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As a most-of-the-time lurker, little-of-the-time poster, the thought just occured to me that maybe some of you regular posters consider lurking to be rude? Am I breaking some sort of internet ettiquette rule here?:eek:


FWIW, I do most of my lurking on the Curriculum Board:p

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Not at all, especially if you're thinking kind thoughts, lol! I don't post on every thread I read. Often I have nothing to add or just nothing to say on the subject, but either I'm interested in it or it's by someone I like to read because they usually have something helpful, interesting or entertaining to say.

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Okay...whew, lol. Now I shall sleep well tonight, lol! :D


I know that everyone "lurks" to some degree; I was talking about true "lurkers" like myself who might take months to make it to 40 posts.;) Thanks to all you chatty people who so graciously don't mind if there are people reading over your shoulder!


I agree with this: QUOTE/Often I have nothing to add or just nothing to say on the subject, but either I'm interested in it or it's by someone I like to read because they usually have something helpful, interesting or entertaining to say./QUOTE

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The problem lies with the term "lurk" that evolved pretty early on in the internet. Originally it was quite rude, I believe. But now a forum can be closed and private, in which case you don't have unknowns watching, or public, in which case it is expected.


I would prefer a neutral word, like "reader." Actually, that's a pretty positive word, eh?

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Not in the slightest. I admit when it comes to my blog I like it if people say "Hi" now and then so I know that my hit counter doesn't represent the 10 frequent posters + 200 weirdo stalkers! LOL But really, I don't mind even there that people just lurk and only "talk" once in a while. And I certainly don't mind it on message boards. :D

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The problem lies with the term "lurk" that evolved pretty early on in the internet. Originally it was quite rude, I believe. But now a forum can be closed and private, in which case you don't have unknowns watching, or public, in which case it is expected.


I would prefer a neutral word, like "reader." Actually, that's a pretty positive word, eh?


To be a "lurker" does sound kinda creepy, doesn't it? I would prefer a different word, too. "Reader" is much better! :)

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Well, it depends. I was on a parenting board way-back-when with the same format as the old WTM board. We wound up having a problem with male stalkers. One of our members started a board in this format with registration and you had to be referred by one of the known board members in order to join (most of us had been posting for 8 or 9 years at this point and knew each other pretty well). All of the sudden these lurkers who had been following the lives of the posters as if they were a soap opera wanted to join the new board. It was kind of creepy. I think what people are talking about here is a bit different.

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