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I do not understand the rave about Apple products. DH just got me an ipod, and I hate it. It is not doing what it "should" be doing according to the Tech Support.


Since it's not allowing me to create a new library, I was told to create a new user account on my computer. Seriously?! In order to not get my playlist not mixed in with DH's, I have to create a new user on my computer? That is just ridiculous.


I have an MP3 and I have no problems with it. It is super user friendly and not complicated at all.


I do not understand why people like ipods.


The only reason I got one was because the majority of audio books from my library can be played on ipod but not MP3.


I'm ready to smash it to bits.

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Turn off the automatic syncing, manually sync your music instead. Then you can move over only the playlists that you want on the iPod.


I tried that.



Ok, I've managed to create a new library. I think I should be complaining about the Tech Support as they were not helping me.


Now to see what happens when I plug my ipod back in and try to delete DH's stuff from it.


How does one import audio books to a specific library?

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I do not understand the rave about Apple products. DH just got me an ipod, and I hate it. It is not doing what it "should" be doing according to the Tech Support.


Since it's not allowing me to create a new library, I was told to create a new user account on my computer. Seriously?! In order to not get my playlist not mixed in with DH's, I have to create a new user on my computer? That is just ridiculous.


I have an MP3 and I have no problems with it. It is super user friendly and not complicated at all.


I do not understand why people like ipods.


The only reason I got one was because the majority of audio books from my library can be played on ipod but not MP3.


I'm ready to smash it to bits.


I hear you, I can't stand Itunes, life it too short.

Hope you get it to work.

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I have never had this level of difficulty trying to figure something out.


Now, I've created a new library. I've figured out how to switch from DH's and mine.


Now, when I plug my ipod in.....nothing happens. My itunes library pops up yet it shows nothing. No playlists. Yet, all his songs are on my ipod. How the heck do I get them to show up in my library and delete them?

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I hate iTunes. The whole library thing is stupid. (jm.02. Really, really stupid PITA. Have I mentioned stupid ? )


So I turn off the syncing and use Sharepod (free software) instead. It basically lets me use the iPod as an external drive on my computer (or any computer with Sharepod on it). Awesome !!!!


The iPod is no longer dependent on a library existing on a computer somewhere in order to make changes. Sharepod does not need the libraries. Does that make sense ?



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I have never had this level of difficulty trying to figure something out.


Now, I've created a new library. I've figured out how to switch from DH's and mine.


Now, when I plug my ipod in.....nothing happens. My itunes library pops up yet it shows nothing. No playlists. Yet, all his songs are on my ipod. How the heck do I get them to show up in my library and delete them?


They should disappear when you re-sync your iPod. We just do all our stuff off one library and have multiple playlists. You want to manually sync your music, video, books, etc., and will have to do so in each tab once it brings your iPod up. I don't think you can really transfer your husband's playlists to your library, unless they're purchases, and if you're just going to delete them there's no reason to. Just make sure they aren't checked when you go to sync.

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Bless you. I have a Sansa Fuze and I LOVE it. Drag and drop...Easy.


I've had to put music on a neighbour's Ipod and absolutely hated it. I know I could probably get used to it if I had an Ipod of my own but why would I when my Fuze was straightforward and simple from the moment I plugged it into my computer?


If I wanted overpriced, underpowered products I'd buy...well, I guess I'd actually go buy something Apple makes. :D

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So I turn off the syncing and use Sharepod (free software) instead. It basically lets me use the iPod as an external drive on my computer (or any computer with Sharepod on it). Awesome !!!!


The iPod is no longer dependent on a library existing on a computer somewhere in order to make changes. Sharepod does not need the libraries. Does that make sense ?




I will look into this. Thank you.




Bless you. I have a Sansa Fuze and I LOVE it. Drag and drop...Easy.


I've had to put music on a neighbour's Ipod and absolutely hated it. I know I could probably get used to it if I had an Ipod of my own but why would I when my Fuze was straightforward and simple from the moment I plugged it into my computer?


If I wanted overpriced, underpowered products I'd buy...well, I guess I'd actually go buy something Apple makes. :D


I have a Sansa Disk and love it. So super easy, so lovely, so nice. It took me one minute to have it set up and figured out.


DH hates his ipod and now I hate mine. As I mentioned, the *only* reason he bought me one was because so many audio books at my library were only available for ipod. I have no idea why an audio book can be available for ipod but not mp3. :confused:


So I reset my ipod and that erased all dh's stuff from my ipod. I have now put two audio books on it. One audio book went to the Music section and one went to the Book section. I have no idea why. I didn't do anything different.

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One audio book went to the Music section and one went to the Book section. I have no idea why. I didn't do anything different.


Some audio books don't have a "book" tag - it's nothing you did. All you have to do is highlight the files in the music section, then right click and choose "get info". Then on one of the tabs (I think the last one) you have a choice of "media type" and you can pick audio book.


We all have ipods and we use the same library. We just make our own playlists. Each of us has our own folder with our playlists in it. Easy-peasy. (But then, we have way more mp3's than would fit on any of our ipods, so we have to have playlists anyway.)

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I despise my ipod. I hate the sucker. It's a pain to use. I want a regular mp3 player so very badly. About the only Apple product I really, truly want is a Mac, and that's b/c I hear they last much longer than a regular computer, which I tend to go through pretty quickly. (I have the worst luck, I swear...) But my ipod is a real pain. I keep hoping DH will surprise me with a new player. ;)

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I despise my ipod. I hate the sucker. It's a pain to use. I want a regular mp3 player so very badly. About the only Apple product I really, truly want is a Mac, and that's b/c I hear they last much longer than a regular computer, which I tend to go through pretty quickly. (I have the worst luck, I swear...) But my ipod is a real pain. I keep hoping DH will surprise me with a new player. ;)


We have a Dell that's now almost 12 years old and still going strong. If you want a PC that lasts have one built at a local shop with good quality parts. It will still likely be cheaper then a Mac and you won't have that learning curve the the "intuitive" Mac demands.

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DH hates his ipod and now I hate mine. As I mentioned, the *only* reason he bought me one was because so many audio books at my library were only available for ipod. I have no idea why an audio book can be available for ipod but not mp3. :confused:


You can convert the files to MP3. Here's a link I think might help. If it's not exactly what you need a little googling along the lines of "convert ipod file to MP3" should get you what you need.


Then you can regift the Ipod. :D

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Personally, I think it must be a brainwiring/personality thing, b/c I could have written this thread almost word for word and substituted "Microsoft", "IBM", "Windows", etc.. I love every Apple thing I've ever had, and they all make perfect sense to me. But I absolutely believe you that Apple is driving you this nuts.


Good luck! You deserve to enjoy your iPod!

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Some audio books don't have a "book" tag - it's nothing you did. All you have to do is highlight the files in the music section, then right click and choose "get info". Then on one of the tabs (I think the last one) you have a choice of "media type" and you can pick audio book.


We all have ipods and we use the same library. We just make our own playlists. Each of us has our own folder with our playlists in it. Easy-peasy. (But then, we have way more mp3's than would fit on any of our ipods, so we have to have playlists anyway.)


Easy-peasy? Please come to my house and show me how to work this darn thing!

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The iPod is a pain because of the iTunes software and the libraries thing. Using a program like Sharepod or similar does an end-run around iTunes. An iPod used with Sharepod works like any other mp3 player.


:D Super happy dance!


I need time to check it out. Someone make my kids play quietly.

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Count me in with those who abhor iTunes. With how intuitive many find the iPhone/iPod touch, WHO thought the iTunes design was a good one?! I'm definitely not tech impaired--heck! I'm only 26! I grew up with this stuff! But iTunes? It makes me want to throw my computer and curse.

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Guess I'm in the minority. I love my iPod Touch and MacBook Pro. Wouldn't trade them in for anything else. We manage 4 iPods (1 touch, 3 nano's) with 1 iTunes software program on my laptop. I even have all our music files on an external drive to save space on my laptop. We have never had a problem. I dunno.


I hope you get yours to work correctly. It really is not meant to be as hard as it is for you. :grouphug:

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I'm glad to see that I'm not the only one with problems using iTunes. I'm pretty sure I'm not an idiot.


You most assuredly are not, nor am I. And although I ♥ my iPod Touch, I loathe iTunes and I'm forever questioning why they made it so difficult. I can do it, it's just not the way I think it should be done.


Now, kids of Kleine Hexe, do play quietly so she can figure this thing out. :D

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I was okay with it until I moved computers and although I followed all the instructions to move my library, and then all the instructions to recover it, the library didn't survive and I was locked out of the iPod. That was when I formed my opinion about the libraries. I started looking for another way into it and that's how I found Sharepod.

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I seriously agree that it is a brain-wiring or personality thing. I LOVE Apple but know tons of people who hate it! Some people it just makes perfect sense for and to others it is ridiculously confusing. I don't have an IPod so I can't help you but I hope you get it all figured out! (Or are able to return it and get something else!)


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This is definitely a YMMV thing. :001_smile: I find Apple, iPods, iTunes, etc. to be quite intuitive (with iTunes being the least intuitive). Then again, I grew up on them, so that probably has something to do with it.


:grouphug: Hope you figure it out! Try manual sync, or "sync only checked items" in the settings. I would try and explain more but baby is calling.

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Some audio books don't have a "book" tag - it's nothing you did. All you have to do is highlight the files in the music section, then right click and choose "get info". Then on one of the tabs (I think the last one) you have a choice of "media type" and you can pick audio book.




I just did this and it worked. Thank you! However, if you had not told me I would never have figured it out. Is this procedure supposed to be intuitive? Cause it's not.


Maybe you should write an iTunes tutorial. :)

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Maybe you should write an iTunes tutorial. :)


:) What else do you want to know how to do?

Do you know how to make a playlist? That's necessary if you have more music than space on your ipod.

Do you know how to subscribe to podcasts?

Anything else?


Here's another tip: Sometimes, if you have a compilation album (with a lot of songs gathered from different artists, for example), iTunes treats it as a whole bunch of separate albums. To fix this, highlight the songs, then right click and choose "get info" (same as to fix the audio book). Somewhere in there (last tab again?) there's a box you can check for "compilation". Check it, and iTunes will now treat all of the songs as one "compilation" album. Handy!


(I will admit the "get info" trick I learned from my college boy...)

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