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Tell me more about Tubal Ligation.

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I don't know the stats, but I've had it done.


I wish I hadn't because I was too young and it was TOO permanent, but that's another issue :glare:


For me, yes it's effective and permanent. Contrary to what my doc thought, it DID have an effect on my cycle. My periods were heavier and more painful afterwards. I was also in a lot of pain immediately after the surgery.


Other than that, I've had no issues. It was a quick surgery and I healed rather quickly (other than a small infection at my navel where one of the little incisions were)

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Well, mine was done 12 1/2 years ago and so far, so good! I was 35 and had some health problems that made it necessary, so no regrets here.


I can't speak to the laproscopic surgery part, as mine were done during my 4th C-Section. I couldn't tell that it changed my cycles at all.

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I don't know the stats, but I've had it done.


I wish I hadn't because I was too young and it was TOO permanent, but that's another issue :glare:


For me, yes it's effective and permanent. Contrary to what my doc thought, it DID have an effect on my cycle. My periods were heavier and more painful afterwards. I was also in a lot of pain immediately after the surgery.


Other than that, I've had no issues. It was a quick surgery and I healed rather quickly (other than a small infection at my navel where one of the little incisions were)


I'm 40, so permanence is a good thing. (Sigh - can't believe I'm really done having kids, sad to admit that season of life has passed), but we really are "done".


Thank you for sharing your experience.




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I had mine done in 2005 when I had our last DD. Mine was done during my c section so I can't speak to all that is involved in the lap procedure.


My neighbor had the lap procedure done with hers and she was sore but overall was not to bad. She came home the same day.


There is still a risk of becoming pregnant but that risk goes down after so many years. DD will be 6 in Nov and I have not been Pregnant yet! So in my opinion that's success! :)

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Very effective, very common, more invasive than a V. That is why Vs are more common. I encourage you to look at stats for effectiveness and side effects, as the latter is very low in the general population, but rather high here. :)


As for as different styles, the more tube removed or closed, the more irreversible and effective it is. I believe it is above 99% in all types.

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had my tubal about 5yrs ago....had health issues where they told us it might be better to not have anymore pregancies....I had a tubal plus ablation done together (plus removing a cyst)--so mine was a little more entailed than just a regular tubal...I guess from the tubal alone it wasn't so bad....my procedures were done as outpatient-once I got over the initial pain of other procedures everything was OK-I had some tenderness around bellybutton but nothing major...:grouphug: and LOL haven't had any little surprises so I assume it's working LOL...

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Also check out the Adiana. After looking into the different methods of sterilization, this is what I'm getting in a few weeks. Like the Essure, it is inserted through the uterus via the vagina and cervix. Unlike the Essure, there is no metal (important to me as I have metal sensitivities).


For various reasons, we weren't willing to risk DH to a V. One being, *I'm* the one that physically has the babies and it's my body that is shot. We find the Adiana less invasive than a vasectomy. I've also heard and known horror stories of men that have had a V...everything from inability to perform to chronic and severe pain leading to consecutive surgeries (when dh had surgery to reconstruct his wrist, he was one bed over from a man that was on his fifth surgery due to his V and in terrible pain...and yes, they conversed about it; that was enough to put DH off of it). I feel I'm the lesser risk for side effects and DH is the bread winner (aka, can't afford for him to have complications).

Edited by mommaduck
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had mine done lap. small incision is done in belly button and 2 other stab wounds. You may have (gas) pain that radiate to shoulder area but no real pain. (surgical gas which they use to expand abd.)


I had mine done when the lap procedure was very new. It was done at a teaching hospital in the drs. office not surgery area of the hospital. It really is a simple procedure now. I had mine done in 1998.


I had no problems but wonder if the 15 pounds I struggle with now is because of the tubal.


I was thin and could eat anything without gaining weight before having the tubal. I was only 28 at the time so it was not age weight.

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Also check out the Adiana. After looking into the different methods of sterilization, this is what I'm getting in a few weeks. Like the Essure, it is inserted through the uterus via the vagina and cervix. Unlike the Essure, there is no metal (important to me as I have metal sensitivities).



How are you feeling since the last little ducky arrived? Are the pg complications you were having all gone? I felt just awful for you.

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How are you feeling since the last little ducky arrived? Are the pg complications you were having all gone? I felt just awful for you.


The rash is gone, the sores are slowly healing, the itching is still here. It's lessening, but taking it's sweet time doing so and driving me batty some moments. I noticed I'm taking longer to heal this time than normal, but I am healing and DH took three weeks off (he finally went back to work last night). So I've had time to truly babymoon over the newest duckling. She's a sweety, but very attached to mama. She looks so much like her daddy. Thanks for asking...just pray the itching goes away :p

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Thanks ladies! I didn't know about the other two alternatives. My ob/gyn (have a visit schedule for the beginning of May), is even one of the docs that

can perform the Essure procedure. I'll have to discuss it all with her at my visit.


I think I might post a separate post to see people's experiences with those other two procedures.


Thanks so much!


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I had it done 11 years ago. I really wish I hadn't . I have had many complications, including heavy periods, a clip tearing through my tube and getting embedded in my ovary( extremely painful, woke DH up to tell him that I was dying). Had to have surgery to remove ovary. Found tea painful for a few years, and managed to get pregnant twice ( one was a miscarriage).

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