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Ideas for affordable medicine? Insulin?

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Well, my train wreck of a life continues. :) I promise we do have some good days. LOL

Right now I am trying to figure out how to afford my insulin. The prescription I have costs about $200 for a one month supply.

Any ideas besides trying to get samples from the Dr? I have a call into her and I'm waiting to hear back. We don't qualify for Medicaid. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas.

I do have pretty good control with diet and excercise but I still tend to run a little high. That's what the insulin is for.

DH has some pretty good leads on a few jobs so we are hoping one of those will pan out but in the meantime.... Insulin is pretty important. My body still makes some so it's not immediatly life threatening. But anytime your sugar runs a little high it can cause problems later on.

I'm only on insulin until the baby weans and then I'm back on oral meds. Hopefully.

I'm not willing to wean her just yet so that's not really an option.

Thanks guys! :)

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MDs don't usually have samples of insulin about. I have written to drug companies asking for a patient's prescriptions to come to the office, and have never, ever been denies, but it comes monthly and the patient has to come in and get it. It takes a bit to set this up. I haven't been in that situation in over a decade, and I don't know what the new rules have wrought on this wonderful service.


You could also ask to speak to the social work department at the local hospital for a list of charities that help with this. The bear names like Catholic Family Services or Lutheran Outreach, etc. and vary from local to local. Call county public health. Keep calling. An iron fist in a velvet glove.

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Talk to your Md's office most pharm. companies will give the medicine for free but it will have to come to the Dr's office in usually one month supplies.


This is how I got my dad's very expensive medicine that the VA would not pay for and my parents nor I could pay the $350.00 a month


He has been getting it free for 8 years.

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My parents have a very high deductible on their insurance, and order most of their meds from a Canadian pharmacy for a fraction of the cost of getting them in the US.


Another Canadian pharmacy user here! My meds:


U.S. Cost = $279/30 days

Canadian Cost = $199/90 days

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Can you call Eli Lilly and see about help? Some pharmas do that. When my dh takes his numbers, it costs us over $150 a month *with* insurance. He actually stopped doing so as he can control it easier without checking, strangely. Does your state have medicaid for parents, too? Here in IL the income limits are high and it can be an insurance assistance program to help pay for your medications.

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