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Bed times

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At that age he went to bed at 10pm on school nights. He doesn't have a set bedtime on Friday or Saturday.


We start school later and we purposely let ds stay up later than some of his peers. Dh works late sometimes and they get more time together this way.


We also reserve the right to change bedtime should his attitude or behavior be affected.

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I send all the kids up to bed around 8:30 because *I* need the break. The readers are allowed to stay up as late as they want after that as long as I DON'T SEE THEM ANYMORE. I usually wake them by 7:30 or 8am, so if they aren't getting enough sleep they'll pass out earlier the next night.

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My oldest is only 11, but I don't think our rules will change any in the next couple of years.....so......


start getting ready for bed at 9:00 (pj's, teeth, story time with dad)

in bed by 9:30

half an hour of reading if she wants to.


Pretty much the same on weekends....maybe a half hour later for everything. Unless there is something special going on.....then she gets to stay up until whenever.

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Well, my 11 1/2 year old goes to bed at 8:00 on weekdays and probably around 10:00 on weekends. I make the kids get up at 7:30 to start school and while he is able to get up on his own many days at this point, he is still tired. He is growing like crazy and I think he needs the sleep. When he lays down at 8:00, he is usually asleep within 10 minutes.



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My 12 yr old is in bed by about 9:30 but he sometimes reads for while after that. I think he falls asleep somewhere between 10-10:30 most nights. He's usually up between 8-8:30am.


Weekends there is no set time but it's usually 10pm for him. But of course, last weekend I went looking for my DH at 11pm (I was in bed reading and he was downstairs in the family room) and he and my son were watching TV with no sense of time! :glare:

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My kids are all on quiet time at 9:30. I'm not sure when they fall asleep to be honest they all have itouches or tvs to watch. They all get up by 8AM, if anyone is grumpy they get an early, monitored bedtime and most of the day spent alone so the mood doesn't rub off on anyone else. I have found that a grumpy,foul mood is contagious in our house. This doesn't happen very often because they accept that grumpy to being tired is not acceptable most of the time.

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My youngest is a night owl, and has always been. It doesn't matter to me when she goes to bed. She is high energy, self-motivated, and does what she needs to do. I would say 11 -12 midnight.


Ditto, except my children and I are generally awake until about 2am. We are not morning people and have never been good at homeschooling in the am hours. We are afternoon/evening homeschoolers. :tongue_smilie:

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My two oldest, 12 and 13, usually go to bed around 11 on weeknights and they can stay up until about 1 on weekends. I'm not a real stickler about it unless someone starts having issues getting up in the morning. If you don't get out of bed when I call for two mornings in a row then you get an earlier bed time for a few nights in a row.


We all like to sleep late, not getting up until about 8 most mornings. We tried a schedule earlier in the year of the two oldest and myself getting up at 6 and starting school at 7 so we could get work done before everyone else got up....it about killed me! Tried it for several months and couldn't get used to it.

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