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If you feel you have (or had, or are planning) a rigorous 4th grade schedule...


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Can you tell me about it? What subjects do you feel it's important to include? Do you do every subject every day? How long does your school day take? How do you fit it all in?


For several reasons (mainly, the fact that I was working), I feel I've allowed us to slack off thus far. I'd like to start adding more rigor to our schedule in the coming school year, but when I add up the subjects I'd like to include and then factor in my second DD's work too, it just seems like we're looking at a six-hour school day. Is that ridiculous for 4th and K/1st?


If you have some thoughts to share, I'd appreciate it.



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What is rigorous for one child would be too easy or too hard for others, so it's highly individual. I keep my son challenged and require a decent amount of work (we work for about 6 hours), so I consider that rigorous for him. He does, however, have dyslexia and some of his work could be considered remedial. As long as you work at your child's level and choose appropriately challenging work, I think you'll be plenty rigorous.


Anyway, for fourth grade I have had him do CLE math (400s) which did not particularly challenge him (he learned everything very easily) but was good for making sure he had tons of practice to cement skills. Next year I am doing something different that requires him to make some bigger connections (a 6th grade mastery-based Holt text).


We are still working on reading fluency so he reads to me daily, and we have moved to harder books and more reading each day. Wherever your child is at, I recommend having her read aloud to you.


We do spelling daily, and we have had great luck with spiral programs. He struggles a lot so we do Apples & Pears which includes dictation. It also counts as handwriting, although we do Getty-Dubay as well.


We have used CLE LA which is easy to do yet teaches quite a bit, but my son was very tired of the religious content. We are now doing FLL 2 and I can't say it's rigorous for a 4th grader ;) but we're getting some good review and will move into new stuff too. I supplement with worksheets from The Complete Book of Grammar and Punctuation.


I just added in Time4Learning language arts - it's fun for him and covers vocab too. I was leery of adding yet another workbook or teacher-intensive LA program, so this is great for me.


For history, I put together my own secular history program. It uses The Complete Book of United States History as a spine, and I tied in supplemental history reading, workbooks, read alouds, readers, movies, plays, crafts, etc.


For science we are using Singapore MPH 3/4. We are doing the whole program in 1 year, and we took about 6 weeks to do a separate human body study. I like Singapore because it requires lots of application of the knowledge. Oh, we watch lots of Bill Nye as well! Love that series.


We generally move from one thing to the next without too many breaks. We actually start with history or science because it helps my son to transition into schoolwork if it starts out fun. We do spelling last because it's the most frustrating. If he gets angry about spelling then it's really hard to get back on track. If we're running short on time, I will do the teaching for a few subjects (often using the whiteboard) during naptime and then save the independent work for when the 3 yr old is awake.

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My 4th grader will be doing:


Rod & Staff English 4

Finish Saxon 5/4, move on to 6/5. Evan Moor Daily Word Problems

Latin for Children A

Writing With Ease, The Writer's Jungle, Misc. Writing

Sequential Spelling

Greek Alphabet Code Cracker

Map Trek, Evan Moor's 7 Continents series

Our history will be Sonlight 7, but I will assign him different readers

Mind Benders, Building Thinking Skills 2, maybe Blast Off With Logic


ETA: Between my 5 boys, my day is 6-8 hours long. Their day lengths vary.

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I wouldn't do 6 hours a day with a K/1st grader, but that's me.


Sorry, I meant for school in its entirety, not per child! I'm thinking DD6 would be looking at 1-2 hours of school specifically for her, though many of the things we do appeal to both of them. For example, picture study was intended for DD5 this year, but DD8 enjoyed it immensely; I expected DD5 to kind of listen in on our history and science this year, but she jumped right in with both feet and held her own! So her day might end up being longer, but some of that is optional for her.


I'm :bigear:, thank you all!

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I have a 4th and K this year. I also work full time. My kids actually do school most of my work day.


My 4th grader daily does either a chapter of Saxon 7/6 or 1-4 chapters of LoF Fractions, writes a poem from IEW Linguistic Development either as copywork or from memory (right now she's working on The Spider and the Fly), reads a chapter from SoTW, reads for an hour from a SL Alt7 book, reads for at least an hour from a book of her choice. I also read to her for about an hour from a variety of books which are usually related to tales or myths. Weekly, she does several experiments from Mini Weapons of Mass Destruction, watches some Discovery science videos, reads from a science and history encyclopedia, cooks dinner, does an hour on RS French, practices French vocabulary and multiplication/division facts, does pottery for 2 hours, fences for two hours, takes a 20 word spelling test, and spends a day at a ps enrichment school. Next week, we are starting ClassiQuest Biology with a friend.


Her daily work takes about 3-4 hours, not counting reading. I'm not sure if we are considered rigorous by others, but we enjoy our days and are learning and increasing skills.

Edited by Karen in CO
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We are planning what I think to be a rigorous 4th grade schedule for my 8 yo. Including a 30 minute lunch break, I think we'll be schooling from 9 am to 2 pm most days. I also have a 1st/2nd grader (he does 2nd grade work but is a 1st grader) so that slows us down.


Math: Singapore 4a/b, LOF Fractions and Decimals, MEP

Writing: WWE3 and 4, Kilgallon Story Grammar, some Write Source

Vocab: Vocabulary Workshop Orange

Latin: LfC A

Grammar: Maxwell's Introductory Lessons

History; SOTW 3 and some Complete Book of US history, lots of books

Science: my own curriculum based on Core Knowledge Series, and Science readings from Spectrum Grade 4 Science book

Italian: Barron's

Spelling: Spelling Power

Geography: Evan Moor Daily Geography Practice Grade 4

Artist and Composer studies once a week

Art with Dad once a week

Daily Free Reading of 45 minutes, Daily Assigned Reading of 30 minutes (usually History or Science or some sort of biography). No narrations are expected, but we do talk about the readings.

Sports include twice a week basketball, homeschool swimming, homeschool fitness

Music: piano with 20 minutes daily practice.


We will do all subjects except History and Science from M-Th. Friday will be an all day Science/History extravaganza :D

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Math: Singapore w/ some Miquon and lots of math games. We use IXL for fun review.

Writing: WWE 3 & 4 with some Bravewriter exercise

Vocabulary: Worldy Wise

Grammar: FLL4

Spelling: AAS (we move quickly through these so I don't know where we'll be by 4th)

Phonics: ETC books & online

Reading: Assigned reading for history, science, & lit. Free reading everyday for quiet time and bedtime.

Latin: Lively Latin

Science: ES and nature study

History: HO with some activities pulled from SOTW

Geography: Trail Guide to World Geography & some Evan Moor for review

Spanish: I'm still looking into a program that will work for us

Art & Robotics with our local coop

Tennis lessons & practice every week

Piano lessons once a week with daily practice


Skill subjects will be done daily. History & science are currently scheduled for 2 x week. I'm hoping to start at 8 and be done by lunch time with a very short snack break in between. After lunch, I usually have my kids do quiet time and read. Then we head to any activities or finish up work that wasn't completed in the morning.

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I feel like our 4th grade year has been rigorous. To me, though, "rigorous" doesn't necessarily mean "lots of work" -- it means the work that you do is challenging and disciplining. So YMMV :D.


We do school year-round, so we're able to shorten our school day. We start around 9am and finish up by lunch/1200-1300 most days. After lunch we'll do independent reading, but all formal academics are done.


Most important subjects: Math, Grammar, Reading. Everyday we do math, grammar, Latin, and an hour of independent reading (assigned books from literature, science or history to be discussed with me later). I'd say this part of our school day is rigorous.


Secondary subjects: Writing, History, Science, Art, Geography, Faith. These subjects we usually do once a week, on separate days. History and science are all reading and discussion - no formal written work. We go to Starbucks, and talk 'til our throats are dry. Geography is currently US States (one per week - workbook, mapwork, reading a fictional book about the states). I'm an artist so we cover art on a casual basis frequently. My son is Catholic, and does Faith & Life plus a Saint-a-day study. He reads his Bible every day, on his own (not assigned).


Extras: Penmanship, Typing/Technology, PE, Music.


My 5 year old has only added about 15 minutes extra to any given school day by needing me to slow down or help her with sitting in on the 4th grader's projects or readings. Add another 15 minutes to do math with her, and she's not lengthening our school day by much.

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I was finding it interesting that most people who responded who are doing rigorous work with their 4th grader----it is their oldest child!


I have a rising 6th and rising 3rd grader and I was doing all the things mentioned here in 4th grade with the older, BUT the younger will not be even near ready to do all that in 4th grade! Younger child syndrome....:)


(Not saying others don't have their younger dc who is in 4th grade doing rigorous work; just that I think it's interesting and that I feel guilty that I don't have him doing more rigorous work like I did with the older dc!)


Anyway, carry on....

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I do think it depends on the child. I have an average kid who is wiggly and possibly disgraphic. I think his 4th grade has been rigorous for him. Our day lasts roughly 4or 4.5 hours.


CLE math lesson and RS math lesson ( or Math Detective)

CLE LA lesson including spelling

Reading (vintage Open Court Reader and historical fiction/ biographies)

History Guesthollow American


He has been outlining science and writing a weekly narration on his reading and history. We've just recently returned to WWE. This writing is painstaking for him and takes much longer than it "should".


Spanish 3xweek

Song school Latin 2xweek

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My current 4th grader's schedule is:

Math: MM 4 (we're adding in supplemental material) + Time4Learning Math

Grammar: R&S 4

Writing: WWE4, tried MC - meh (just bought WJ in place of) and Flash Kids Writing 4

Spelling: Megawords

Science: Apologia Anatomy + lots of Bill Nye and Beakman's videos

TYping: DanceMat typing

Art - we study one artist a month with picture study

Music - one composer a month + piano 2 lessons/week +daily practice

History: VP Greece and Rome

Not doing much in terms of Geography other than Sheppherd Software site

Memory work from Living Memory and our science and VP cards

Literature: VP Literature and 4Real learning list.

We neglected Languages so far, pick up again in summer with Latin.

+ tennis lessons

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I was finding it interesting that most people who responded who are doing rigorous work with their 4th grader----it is their oldest child!


I have a rising 6th and rising 3rd grader and I was doing all the things mentioned here in 4th grade with the older, BUT the younger will not be even near ready to do all that in 4th grade! Younger child syndrome....:)


(Not saying others don't have their younger dc who is in 4th grade doing rigorous work; just that I think it's interesting and that I feel guilty that I don't have him doing more rigorous work like I did with the older dc!)


Anyway, carry on....


Mine is my middle child. The youngest is doing an enjoyable K year, but we've plans for more rigor as she matures. The oldest in a hs graduate in college.


By comparison, the K daily does 2-3 pages of math (Kumon, BJU 1 or Miquon), 2 pages of ETC, 1 page of GD Italic B, and reads eith one Bob Book or a lesson from McGuffy's Primer. I read to them both an hour daily. She also has a weekly spelling list of 15 words, memorizes poetry, does Elemental Science Biology with daddy, works on RS Japanese, and does French vocabulary.


I think rigor should increase as a child ages, and the young should enjoy their youth. I work on foundational skills with the younger kids so that when they're older, they will have the skills for self-education.

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We have what I think is a rigorous schedule planned:


Language Arts: FLL4 (3X per week); Aesop B/WWE4 (every day); SWO "F" (every day, plus test each week); Cursive Penmanship (5 minutes every day); Reading tied to history and/or science done daily; Family literature read aloud done w/Memoria Press lit guide or similar (3-4X per week)


Math: Singapore 5A/5B (every day); ALEKS online (a little each day); Life of Fred Decimals & Percents (done on her own time...she loves Fred)


History: Finish SOTW2 and into SOTW3 (3X per week, with written narrations 2X per week, and mapwork/activity 1X per week).


Geography: Maps, Charts and Graphs "D" (1X per week)


Science: Chemistry (3X per week, with written narrations done about 1X per week, and write ups for experiments done as needed)


Foreign Language: L'Art de Lire, level 1: a little each day; Spanish at charter school: 1X per week.


Logic: Building Thinking Skills 2 CD-rom (1-2X per week)


Piano: daily 30 minute practice


Art: Meet the Masters -- coop 1X per month


P.E.: Ballet 3X per week

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My kids are about the same age as yours. My goal isn't rigorous....sounds too harsh for my taste. I want to consistently teach all subjects and my kids to be challenged but not overwhelmed. I want resources that I know I will use to teach all subjects (not something that overwhelms me). I want my kids to work hard and I want them to know that if they work hard they can improve and see that improvement.


6hours of school would not consistently be done at my house. I don't have the stamina to keep a 4th grader and K/1st interested for 6 hours straight. :tongue_smilie: My goal is 3-4 hours. We start after breakfast and want to be done with the majority of subjects before lunch. I'm ok with doing a read aloud during lunch or doing a longer art project or science experiment after lunch. If I find that I'm consistenty running over into the afternoon to complete school then I know that I've scheduled too many extras.


I combine my kids in content subjects. I start my older child on a skill subject and let him finish it independently and I use this time to teach skill subjects to the younger.


Skill subjects--LA/Math/Latin--- are the most important and are done everyday. Content subjects---History/Science--- can be done less frequently. Currently we are using MFW and we usually just follow the grid. If you scroll done to pg 7 and you can see what is a typical school day for us.. We use AAS for spelling, FLL for English, and LfC for Foreign Language.



I work as well and we do a 4 day school week.



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This is what I have planned out for 4th grade so far:


Math-RS D

History-STOW 3 and 4 (will be doing 3 over the summer)

Spelling- AAS (not sure what level we will be on)

Vocabulary-Wordly Wise 4 and Dynamic Literacy (kid loves words)

Grammer-FLL 4

Writing-WWE 3 (looking at IEW)

Latin-LFC A

Logic-not sure

Geography-homemade us state study with literature included

Science-Mr. Q Physics co-op

Art-Meet the Masters

--maybe--HWOT-4th grade cursive

PE-Fencing 3 times a week and in summer intensive swimming practice to get diving certified next year


Electives I have found that he might like or he has asked to do:

Greek Code Cracker (may teach as co-op class)

The Brain-McHenry (will teach as co-op class)

Carbon Chemistry (summer)


It seems like a lot but we school year around and space it out. We average about 3-4 hours a day. I also spend about 2 hours with my dd in K. Most of that is her never ending love of crafts.

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We are currently doing 4th grade. We use:


Math: Teaching Textbooks 5

Spelling/LA: Word Study & Phonics 4 (Spectrum), Spelling Skills 4 (Flash Kids)

Spanish: Immersion Spanish

And the Ambleside Online booklists and schedules for:

History, Science, Geography, Biographies, Literature, Poetry, Artist Study, Composer Study, & Nature Study


All readings (except AO's "free readings") are narrated (oral and written). We also include copywork, dictation exercises, history timelines, mapwork, and independent/silent reading.


Math, Spelling, History, and Literature are about 3x a week. Everything else is once or twice a week.


Ds's week also includes: CCD, Scouts, homeschool group co-ops/classes, field trips, art projects, & science experiments


Academic seatwork takes about 2-3 hours each day (10-20 minutes per subject). Afternoons are free for classes, trips, nature study, and pursuing interests.

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My oldest DD will be in 4th next year. We do the bulk of our school M-Th and then attend co-op classes on Friday mornings and finish up a few things on Friday afternoons. Here's what we have planned beginning in Sept:


Saxon 5/4 - M-Th

WWE4 - M-Th

FLL4 - M-Th

Spelling Workout E - M-Th

Assigned Reading 1/2 hour - M-F

HO 3 + additional history reading - M/W/F

Evan Moor Continents Series Geography - Tu/Th

Logic Liftoff - Tu/Th

Zaner Bloser Cursive - M/W

Elemental Science Chemistry - W/F

Artistic Pursuits (with Dad) - Sun

Memory Work - daily (all 7 days)


Choir - 2 hrs/wk + daily practice

Irish dance - 1.5 hr/wk + daily practice

Soccer - 2 hr/wk practice, 1 hr/wk game


This is almost exactly the same as our schedule this year, she's just moving up one level in everything. I think we would get it all done in about 5 hours if we didn't have a toddler wreaking havoc on the side. Her antics tend to slow us down quite a bit, and we usually end up taking 6-7 hours with several short breaks.

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