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If you had $10

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for all your school/art/craft supplies for 2 months for 3.5 kids what would you buy?


I already have




some crayons

1/2 a thing of colored paper

100 or so sheets of white printer paper


glue sticks


I know I need atleast 3 journals so that is at least $3 (unless I can find them cheaper) I will need notebook paper atleast 1 pack.

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I don't use notebook paper for art. I would probly want more craft paper, regular glue, tissue paper, flour, salt and any other household ingredients needed to make playdo/modeling clay. Water colors, paint brushes, and tape.


The notbook paper would be for school work but part of the supply budget.


Well for $0 dollars I would pm a certain someone and she would send you some art stuff/curriculum she has around that she will never get her money out of again. That way you would have stuff and she would feel good:)




Printer paper and colored pencils.

I just found a brandnew pack of colored pencils in my silverware drawer... amazing how things end up in strange places when you are packing/moving

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I wonder if you have a store anywhere around you like the one we have here? It's a really gross looking discount store. And they sell stuff cheap. You can usually buys school supplies marked down to next to nothing. They always have buggies full of stuff and you can buy the whole buggy full for $5. If you have something like that, I'd check there first.

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Gel Pens from the $1bin at target


Hole Punch


I do have a 3 hole punch. and I do have foam letter stickers that I bought to do the kids accountable kids boards, forgot aboot them!


I wonder if you have a store anywhere around you like the one we have here? It's a really gross looking discount store. And they sell stuff cheap. You can usually buys school supplies marked down to next to nothing. They always have buggies full of stuff and you can buy the whole buggy full for $5. If you have something like that, I'd check there first.

that sounds awesome what is the store called?


tissue paper

wooden craft sticks (Popsicle sticks)

I do have 1/4 of a pack of popsicle sticks just found them going through my bow making stuff.

I agree with Kelly. We are getting ready to move and I am already finding tons of new, unused school supplies. PM me with your address and we will pack a box for you.


aww..will do thanks Jennifer.:D

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Staples has 20lb acid free beautiful copy paper. I think it's on sale for $5.99 and has a $4.99 rebate. End cost $1. Go to their clearance areas for other low cost items.


Then I would utilize the public library for books and their internet for ideas. I'd try to encourage them in their artistic and writing pursuits during this time. I'd also suggest making a stop at your local schools and asking if they have any curriculum they'll be discarding. You never know. And by all means, take up those awesome friends on their offers. :)

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Other than buying the paper which you've said you needed, I wouldn't get any more supplies at this point (esp. if you're moving). Instead, I'd spend the remainder of the $$ on ice cream or supplies to make cookies. Then, I'd have 'treat' times outside while we looked for natural supplies (leaves, twigs, rocks, etc...) & use those for some new projects. You could even do things like make outdoor sculptures using found objects: just use what you find, create an outdoor sculpture. The sculpture won't last for the long term (nor do you need to find a place for it in your home), but you need no supplies other than time, what you find, & creativity.


BTW, I wanted to mention the Think! blog has some great ideas.


(Don't know if you have time for that w/ moving, but I thought I'd toss that idea out there.)

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I would try to find a Teacher Recycle Center like we have in St. Louis: http://stlouisteachersrecycle.homestead.com/ and I totally second the go outside and create from nature. I remember as a kid drawing on rocks with other rocks.


Also if you have a digital camera and use picnik to edit.


What about stuff in your pantry too? Pasta, beans, food coloring. Or your sewing box, old buttons, old t-shirts... pretty much anything can become art.


Oh and I saw a really neat thing the other day I forget where, but it was a reusable art canvas. Rice paper and water. Paint with water on it and then it drys back to normal.


Good luck and have fun!

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