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Part-time public schooling?? Opinions appreciated.

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I have a strange situation and would like to know your opinion on it. My son will be coming home to school starting in August. He has attended public school during his K-6 years. He is very involved in his public school's orchestra (this is the only thing he is really worried about losing). His teacher has basically begged me NOT to homeschool him so that he can stay in the orchestra. I said, sorry we really feel we must do this. Well, she approached me yesterday and said that she would like to petition the school board to see if they would allow my son to attend her 1 hour a day class and be homeschooled the rest of the time. My husband and I would love this (as would my son) but we didn't think it was a possibility. Have any of you had any experience with something like this?



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My dd still goes to our local public school for band and music - it all depends on your local laws and administrators. I'd like to have my dd in our local middle school year after next for band, science, etc. but keep her home for...math! Wonder if i will be able to pull it off? Videotext is far superior to how they teach algebra in the local schools!

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What a great teacher to root for your child :)

We considered having DS and DD join band next year at ps, but opted for private music b/c of their respective instruments. There is nothing wrong with having the best of both worlds. In fact, it's quite a blessing to teach your DC and get the perks of your tax dollars at work.


Let us know what the school board decides. It should be a slam dunk in DS's favor!

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Both my girls were dual enrolled this year. If you only have to go once a day, and if your son transitions okay, it might be fine. My older dd has to go twice a day every other day, and it isn't working well for her. It takes too long for her to transition from school to home and we have way too much wasted time. My younger dd goes for an hour each morning and that has been fine.

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I don't really have any concerns, we live less than 3 minutes from the school. It just had never occurred to me that it would be an option.


His orchestra teacher is wonderful. She is one of those people that you can see how much she loves what she does and how much she cares about the kids. We really like her. I think it is amazing that she is willing to petition for our son. It should be interesting.


Thanks for the input.



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My older son has taken math and science through our public junior high for two years, and it has been a great experience for him. His teachers have all been wonderful, and the administrators have been especially accommodating to our scheduling needs.

Jeffrey joined the school's wrestling team this year, and has participated in the lego/robotics club with his friends.

Just last night he was able to compete in the Math Olympiad with his peers, and they took third place in the district.


Our part-time PS experience has been terrific.

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It depends on your state, your school district, and the principal of your school. In MN both I and friends were able to have our children attent public school part-time. State law does not forbid this, and all of the school principals we contacted were fine with it. I think a lot depends on how your public school is funded. Where we were, the public school received money for part-time students. There are some states, I think, that will not fund part-days (CA comes to mind, although I'm not sure about that). If the school is not going to receive money, my bet is that a school principal will be less inclined to allow part-time students.

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My dd (5th grade, homeschooled since April of her 2nd grade year) rides her bike to our local elementary school every Monday for band, every Tuesday for chorus, and every Thursday for flute lessons. We live in CT, and there are not very many homeschooling families in our small town. I decided I was going to ask the Supt. about it last spring before she entered 5th grade (the first year band is offered) because I figured the worst that could happen was to be told "no." Well, the Supt said that no one had ever asked before, and he thought it was a wonderful idea and he'd see to it that Molly could join the band and have music lessons!


So I say go for it! I"m sure your son's orchestra teacher will lend her support to your cause!

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Our school district has an open-door policy. My son took a PE class at our neighborhood school last year, and could have taken music as well. We were also invited to use the library and join extra-curricular clubs.


It was a wonderful experience. I wish our schedule allowed us to continue to participate.



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