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I ran into Harrison Ford at a homeschooling convention last night . . .

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. . . in my dream.


I was pal-ing around with Susan Wise Bauer during the convenstion, and I left her in the lobby for a bit while I checked out the gift shop. When I got out, she was engaged in conversation with Harrison Ford and his two kids (same ages as my two youngest!). He was there, as it turned out, not in any celebrity capacity, but just as an involved homeschooling father. You'll be interested to know: he's a real friendly, affable guy--only thing was, he didn't want to shake my hand at first because he was afraid of catching my cold. But I offered him the anitbacterial soap I had in my purse, so that was OK. I think we're going to set up a playdate for the kids soon. :)

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Hey tristangrace, why don't you, Harry and Susan pop on over to my beach cottage for sunset snacks? Winter was over in the place my dreams took me last night.


(And, for real, I actually did once fly over Ford's Wyoming ranch in a hot air balloon.)

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Harrison Ford.:D You know, I fell in love with him 35 years ago when he was Han Solo. I drooled over him as Indiana Jones. Our "relationship" has lasted longer than many people have been married. I love him. (Well, maybe I just love his characters, that's always kind of a sticking point with me and actors)

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