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When the sign says "20 mph when children are present"

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Hm, I've never encountered a sign like that. Most of the signs I see have hours (usually morning and afternoons when the kids are walking to and from school), flashing lights or something like that. I would assume it meant when the kids are walking to/from school, not when they are in class.

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My understanding is that when a sign is posted like that, it means when children are present - as in outside, on the school grounds (recess), walking on sidewalks, or visibly present to a driver. It is also my understanding that during school hours, when kids are inside classrooms, the speed limit also applies IF there is no type of fence between the school yard and the road. IF there is a fence blocking the road and the school grounds, then the regular non-school hour speed limit applies, unless kids are outside.

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Honestly it is going to depend on where you live. Some states it is any time school is in session, the entire time 7a-3:30p that the school zone is open, when one has to go 20 mph. Other states say only during the times that school is taking in and letting out.

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does that mean when children are on the school sidewalks or does it mean during all the hours that school is in session? I'm embarrassed that I'm asking this since I've been a driver for over 20 years but I started to wonder this as I was creeping by a school where all the kids were in the classrooms.


RCW46.61.440: (1) Subject to RCW 46.61.400(1), and except in those instances where a lower maximum lawful speed is provided by this chapter or otherwise, it shall be unlawful for the operator of any vehicle to operate the same at a speed in excess of twenty miles per hour when operating any vehicle upon a highway either inside or outside an incorporated city or town when passing any marked school or playground crosswalk when such marked crosswalk is fully posted with standard school speed limit signs or standard playground speed limit signs. The speed zone at the crosswalk shall extend three hundred feet in either direction from the marked crosswalk.

(2) A county or incorporated city or town may create a school or playground speed zone on a highway bordering a marked school or playground, in which zone it is unlawful for a person to operate a vehicle at a speed in excess of twenty miles per hour. The school or playground speed zone may extend three hundred feet from the border of the school or playground property; however, the speed zone may only include area consistent with active school or playground use.




It is my understanding that we shouldn't pay attention to the "when children are present" or "when lights are flashing" indicators. They are inconsistent from one school to the next and the law doesn't allow for a higher speed when children are not present.

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It is my understanding that we shouldn't pay attention to the "when children are present" or "when lights are flashing" indicators. They are inconsistent from one school to the next and the law doesn't allow for a higher speed when children are not present.


In that case, I guess I'd better keep to creeping along when no one is around - even though it bugs me.:D

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In that case, I guess I'd better keep to creeping along when no one is around - even though it bugs me.:D


That's what I do, too, and it does bug. I find it kind of galling that I have to go 20 mph by the high school but I'm permitted to blow past the Alzheimer's Care Center at 50. Where, really, is a driver more likely to encounter somebody who might need extra caution?

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In CA, the law is 25 mph when children are *on the street* either going to or coming from school, OR if the schoolyard is *unfenced* and children are playing in the *unfenced* schoolground. So if it is during school hours, but the kids are out doing recess or PE in the fenced schoolyard, the 25 mph speed limit does not apply. You need to look up the actual law in the dmv handbook in your state. It will define it for you.

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I think it's almost a speed trap. I hate it... I like hours.. or flashing lights... I'm looking around... thinking... "Are you a kid?? In college??" It's crazy here!!


I think no matter if it says "when children are present" or time limit, or even flashing lights --- I think they are all speed traps -- simply because they are not consistent!


Our county uses all 3 at different schools, so you can't just assume what sign you've just past and what it said because there are sooooo many schools/signs to remember, especially if you are not in that particular area often. How are we suppose to guess whats going on with this weird traffic alerting system? There is one in particular, that says 7am to 5pm .... it is the only one in the entire district that is marked for ALL DAY (which we do remember because every person we know has gotten a ticket there, I am exaggerating a little bit, but you get the point) -- But what are the hours for school? Are we to assume when they are not on holiday or summer break?


For us, we drive slow no matter what day of the week or month... I don't trust the signs and I have no idea when kids are in school (for obvious reasons) :auto: Sorry if you are behind us! :)

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Our signs say 'on school days' (or something like that - it does specify) and has hours.. I think it's 7:30-4:30... during that time, the speed limit is 30km/hour. (18miles/hour)


I recently noticed - after living here for over 2 years, duh! - that the high schools don't have "school zones"..just the younger schools. I find this strange in a way because guess who the ones roaming all across the roads are?? Yep, the older kids. They cross the road everywhere when school gets out - not just at the marked crossing - and they never. watch. where. they're. going. :glare:


(ok so it's not ALL of them - but it's a lot of them!)

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In California, it means "any time children are on the sidewalks in a school zone, any time of the day or night, any day of the week, during the school year."


Which really makes more sense than having specific times for speed limits. There are after-school and week-end activities, after all, so shouldn't we drive slowly then, if there are children milling around? Also, why should I have to creep through a school zone at certain hours when there are no children within sight? (Texas law)

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Wow, here in TN we have school zone signs with specific hours and flashing lights but we might see the other kind of sign in a neighborhood, near a park or playground or any other place a child might commonly be. In our case, I am pretty sure it means when children are physically present. We also have signs that say something to the effect of slow children playing which I assume means all the time.

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I'm glad you asked that because I swear the rules were different when I took my driving test 12 years ago. lol


I thought I learned that its always 20 mph in school zones. Now I see these flashing signs that say "20 MPH when lights are flashing/children are present".

On the signs with lights ,they seem to only flash during morning and afternoon when kids are coming and going.


So....does that mean the regular city speed limit is in effect when the lights are not flashing?


I have been confused by it, so I'm glad you asked this question. haha

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