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If you have a mole on the palm of your hand, say "Aye!"

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I find this interesting. Both of our daughters have a single, round, brown, unraised mole on the palm of one hand, on the padded part below the thumb. Their moles are on opposite hands, but it seems so unusual to me that I thought I'd ask here to see if there are more moley-palmed people than I realize out in the world! :D


Aren't moles on the palms of hands and soles of feet pretty uncommon?


Just wondering about "stuff" while taking a lunch break here.

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wierd but yes - on my right palm.


Strange thing is - I wasn't born with it. It appeared within the last oh.... maybe 6 yrs? I used to have one on the pad of my pinky on one of my hands and that one disappeared years ago.


Yes, these really are moles I see - not dirt. lol :D

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I feel I would be remiss if I didn't mention something that dh has shared with me. (Incidentally, our entire family has to go, regularly, to a dermatologist for mole checks because dh's family has a prevalence for moles and I spent too much time in the sun in my teen years. :-{ ) Anyway, the fact is that moles on the palms of hands and soles of feet can have a greater tendency (than moles elsewhere on the body) to become malignant with time. We've had one mole removed from dds foot for this reason. Of course, it was fine at the time but our rationale is "in the bucket, out of mind", kwim?


Again, just wanted to share in case any of you would appreciate this insight and like to take some precautionary measures....


I find this interesting. Both of our daughters have a single, round, brown, unraised mole on the palm of one hand, on the padded part below the thumb. Their moles are on opposite hands, but it seems so unusual to me that I thought I'd ask here to see if there are more moley-palmed people than I realize out in the world! :D


Aren't moles on the palms of hands and soles of feet pretty uncommon?


Just wondering about "stuff" while taking a lunch break here.

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I have one that comes and goes on my hand in the same spot under the thumb and have had many a dermatoligist spend hours figuring out why it's there, lol.


it looked more like a freckle when younger, disappeared for years and is now a light mole that isn't raised.


it's very interesting that others have one too!

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While I'm at it, :-}, I will add that while no mole is ever "in the clear", flat ones can have a greater tendency to become malignant than raised ones. Hair growing in a mole can be a good sign.


I feel I would be remiss if I didn't mention something that dh has shared with me. (Incidentally, our entire family has to go, regularly, to a dermatologist for mole checks because dh's family has a prevalence for moles and I spent too much time in the sun in my teen years. :-{ ) Anyway, the fact is that moles on the palms of hands and soles of feet can have a greater tendency (than moles elsewhere on the body) to become malignant with time. We've had one mole removed from dds foot for this reason. Of course, it was fine at the time but our rationale is "in the bucket, out of mind", kwim?


Again, just wanted to share in case any of you would appreciate this insight and like to take some precautionary measures....

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