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How do you get out of a bad mood?

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My in-laws are visiting from out of town and staying with my BIL's family. To be kind, we had them over for supper and a visit yesterday evening. MIL tells us that BIL would like them all to go to a nearby farm today for a fun outing. MIL knows we have school, but asks if I can come and bring the kids. I tell her that we could come and suggest some good times that would work for us. She promises to call today and let us know what time to meet them there.


No one has called. Now I have 2 very disappointed dc who don't understand why we couldn't go. Yes, I could have called, but when we went to BIL's house to visit Sat. I really felt like I was inconveniencing them. They told we could come visit at a certain time, but we get there as other relatives are leaving and are invited to a supper my kids won't (and dd can't) eat. I refuse to feel that way again. If they want us to come, they can call and invite us.


So now I'm really aggravated. I keep waiting for BIL to post pics of their trip to the farm on FB. I realise they could have decided not to go, but couldn't MIL have at least called to tell me that?!:mad:


Now. Help me get out of this rotten mood!!

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I get out of a bad mood by smiling. I force myself to smile. I force myself to dance. I tickle my daughters.


In this situation, I'd take my children to the destination as planned. I try my best not to let the actions of others influence our plans.


Yes, MIL was out of line. She asked you to change your plans, and then she didn't follow through. Not cool.


Now smile and take your kids out for some fun!

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Is MIL forgetful (Maybe she forgot that she had said that, or maybe the plans changed and she forgot to tell you)? Is she conflict-averse? (Maybe BIL wanted it to be "just them" and she was afraid to tell you.) I try to brainstorm alternatives to WHY people acted unkindly instead of assuming the worst. This is hard to do but it does help!


Beyond that, go outside or listen to music you love or eat chocolate or vent to your dh (if he can talk at work for a little bit). I like the suggestion to just go to the farm yourself too! And stay off FB. ;)


Sorry about this situation -- it stinks.:grouphug:

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MIL finally called at 2:45. I told her yesterday that I could meet them after 10am, but had to head home around 1pm so we could finish school and ds could take a nap.


So she wanted to know if we could meet them in about 30 min. :glare: Um, no. First off, at that time of day it would take me 30 min to get there. Second, dd still had 45 min of schoolwork left and ds was still asleep. I politely told her what we were doing and she seemed a bit surprised that we couldn't go. :banghead:


Now I remember why we moved 1,000 miles away.

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I have an extremely difficult time communicating with my MIL as well. To the point where I have to minimize contact or I will go crazy!


as for getting in a better mood, the number one thing for me is to listen to music. Some other ideas...


-- take the kids out for ice cream (and listen to fun music in the car)

-- plan out all the ways you will be a better MIL when your kids grow up and get married

-- go for a walk

-- clean the house

-- scrapbooking always makes me happy... anything creative and fun and productive.

Edited by RanchGirl
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