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In general, how often do you end up seeing a doctor?

How often (on average) do you usually see a doctor?  

  1. 1. How often (on average) do you usually see a doctor?

    • Once a week
    • Several times a month
    • Once a month
    • Every 3-4 months
    • Every 6 months
    • Once a year
    • Once every couple of years
    • I never go to the doctor for anything
    • Other--I'm sure I forgot something!

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I went for years without going to the doctor for myself. Then, just as I was getting through the worst of my dc's medical problems, I made time to go for myself. Apparently, I thought I was reasonably healthy and I was not. That first appointment resulted and multiple tests and referrals and now I see a specialist every 3-4 months for chronic conditions. I still like to think of myself as healthy--I exercise, I eat right, it's depressing that I am not.

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I go for so long between doctor visits (except for my yearly gyn appointment) that a couple years ago, when I was really sick with the flu...so bad that I passed out when I stood up, my husband called to make me an appointment or get something called in for me only to find out my doctor was no longer in practice. It had been over 5 years since I had last seen her and in that time she'd switched from general practice to geriatrics. Oops!


I guess if I had waited another 25 years or so to call her, she could have seen me. LOL

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My primary physician: 1x/year -- She does a full exam, mammogram, pap test, and lab work. It's always the same: "You're healthy, but you need to exercise and lose weight." :tongue_smilie:


My endocrinologist: 1x/year -- I have no thyroid (had cancer, had it out). My endo does his own labwork, sometimes an ultrasound, and whatever else he does. This year, I think that my hormone levels really are "off" a bit, so I've made the appointment already.


An eye doctor: 1x/every other year -- This is what our insurance covers, otherwise I would go every year. I need bifocals now. :lol:


A dentist: 1x/every other year -- I've never had a cavity, ever. When I went to the dentist the last time, he said my teeth are so clean, my gums are so good, it was the easiest money he's ever made. :glare: He was humming and laughing to himself the whole time.



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Everyday, if I'm lucky. ;)


I couldn't resist saying that. :D


I don't go to the doctor for official reasons very often. I practicably lived at the dr's when I was a kid (I had a lot of health issues, then I had a brother with even greater health issues). I don't go to a dr unless there is something really wrong. I know that's not correct (I should get a annual check-up), but it's hard to make myself go.

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I'm pretty healthy, too, except for the extra baby weight. I actually have my first doctor's appointment in 4 years or so this week and I'm only going because I'd like to have some bloodwork done, check my vit. D levels and iron levels; I'm VERY tired all the time, even though I'm eating well and exercising (which usually helps with that for me!). Of course, I'm dreading it. lol

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I think. :001_huh:

I called my doctor's office on Monday, and the receptionist told me that they have no appointments open this week at all, because the doc was on vacation last week. I guess I'm supposed to be calling in the mornings at 8:30 a.m. and trying to get a same-day appointment, but that's not working out for me. If I knew a day ahead, I could arrange to borrow a car (my son's been taking mine to school), but I can't do that indefinitely without knowing which day might be the day I'll catch an open slot. :glare: This is why I usually wait it out rather than going in, I think. By the time I finally decide I can't stand something any longer, I can't actually get in to see someone. I have a little cry, take a little extra ibuprofen, and carry on. :nopity:

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I had to think that through, but we've been here two years, and I've seen two doctors - once for an ongoing pain under my ribs, which led to lots of tests and no diagnosis, and once for a Pap smear. That's it, apart from a medical required for immigration purposes. Of course, factor in visits for the two kids, and I'm averaging about every 2-3 months at the doctors' rooms...

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I have to go once a year or they won't renew my asthma prescriptions. Up until 5 years ago my asthma was very uncontrolled because my Drs never seemed to take it seriously. Then I finally found one that realized I wasn't a nutter who thought I had never outgrown my asthma, and ever since then my meds have kept things under control. If you're having asthma symptoms you need to make an appointment, even if they don't have one this week, just make one for as soon as they can fit you in. As others have mentioned asthma symptoms aren't something to just push off, things can go from uncomfortable, to bad, to worse before you even know what hit you. Trust me I've been there.

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I haven't seen a doctor in 10 years, but I did see my midwife during ds2's birth. That's the only time I can think of in recent history.


I have been thinking about going though. I even called my boys' GP's office to see if I could get in with him or a nurse practitioner. The wait time was pretty long though and I couldn't get an appt for before our move.

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