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OK, I thought this was so ridiculously cute...

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My 5 y/o son started teeball today, and my three nephews are all on the same team with him. None of them have ever played before.


My youngest nephew, age 4, was told by the coach to run around all the bases.... "And make sure you touch all the bases!"


So he starts running, gets to first base, bends down and touches it... with his hand! Then proceeded to do the same thing at every other base. LOL. It was so funny and cute!




ETA: Okay I just posted this to page 2 but I don't know if everyone will read the whole thread, so I'm pasting it into this first post, too:




OK so now I can tell a cute story about my 5 y/o son, too.


We were showing his dad videos of Ben's first practice today, since his dad was at work and couldn't see it firsthand.


As we're watching one of the videos, a little boy on the team who we don't know came into view running toward home plate, and my husband went, "Who's that?"


My son said:


"His name's Hustle."


LMAO. I had to explain that no, his name isn't Hustle. The coach says "let's go, hustle!" to ALL the kids and it means "hurry up!"



Edited by NanceXToo
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My favorite from my DD's T-ball season last year was the little boy who was running the bases when a coach for the other team called at a player to "go get the ball"-so he left the base line, went, and got the ball! He had SUCH a grin on his face, too :).

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So cute!


We had a little guy last year who had just learned to slide. He had a great hit--out to center field--and could have made it all the way around the bases.

But! He though he had to slide into *every* base.

Once he dropped his bat, he ran down toward first and slid into the base. He got up and headed to second. He slid into second before picking himself up and running to third where, of course, he slid.

By this time the fielders had gotten the ball to the infield so we weren't able to see him slide home.



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OK so now I can tell a cute story about my 5 y/o son, too.


We were showing his dad videos of Ben's first practice today, since his dad was at work and couldn't see it firsthand.


As we're watching one of the videos, a little boy on the team who we don't know came into view running toward home plate, and my husband went, "Who's that?"


My son said:


"His name's Hustle."


LMAO. I had to explain that no, his name isn't Hustle. The coach says "let's go, hustle!" to ALL the kids and it means "hurry up!"



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My son said:


"His name's Hustle."




When my son was only 3 he was on his first Tball team. During one practice he was standing in the outfield, supposed to be going after grounders the coach was hitting but he had his glove covering his entire face. I yelled out, "Josh! Put your glove down! Watch the ball!" He shouted back, "But the sun's in my eyes!" :lol:

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:lol: Cute! I love all these stories. I miss T-ball!


Our funniest story is from my son's first game -- he was between first and second base when one of the basemen got the ball. He ran toward my son to tag him out, and my son promptly ran into the outfield and the kid chased him around and around the outfield! :lol:


Then there was always the kid in the outfield picking flowers instead of paying attention ...

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:lol: Cute! I love all these stories. I miss T-ball!


Our funniest story is from my son's first game -- he was between first and second base when one of the basemen got the ball. He ran toward my son to tag him out, and my son promptly ran into the outfield and the kid chased him around and around the outfield! :lol:


Then there was always the kid in the outfield picking flowers instead of paying attention ...


LOL....that's pretty funny!! I really do adore this age, the 4's and 5's! :)

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