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I did my student teaching at Edgewood Elementary in Woodland Hills SD.:D Our co-op meets in Swissvale, and I know some of our families live nearby (I come in from Fayette County). I am wondering if they mean 100 families using the homeschool law, or if they are counting cyberschoolers......

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I'm in Schuylkill County.


Have you joined the PA Home Educators Yahoo email list? That would be a good way to reach out to lots of PA Home Schoolers and see if anyone else is in your area.


Also, have you checked out meetup.com to see if it has any homeschool groups in your area?

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I did my student teaching at Edgewood Elementary in Woodland Hills SD.:D Our co-op meets in Swissvale, and I know some of our families live nearby (I come in from Fayette County). I am wondering if they mean 100 families using the homeschool law, or if they are counting cyberschoolers......


My Oldest went to Wilkins Primary for 1st grade (Hs'ed 2 & 3rd)and she went to Fairless for 4th (worst school ever IMO I pulled her after a few weeks and went back to Hs'ing) I have a lot of teachers in my Family I beleive one works at Edgewood. We live close to swissvale. I used to take the girls to The center for creative play all the time I was so bummed when they closed it.


pitt gal


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Howdy neighbor! :) I'm in Chalfont.


Chalfont? is their more than one... because their is a chalfont boro right across the street from me...


ETA: doh its Chalfant that is near me.. I got excited for a second lol

Edited by MichelleC
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