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Is there such thing as a cell phone that's just a PHONE?

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Yes & No. The cheapest phones still have cameras. That doesn't cost extra.


Phones don't have automatic internet or texting. ;) You have to pay extra for that.


if your child does try to text on a phone that isn't on texting plan, you'll see that the first bill. Make sure she knows not to text or download. Without a plan, you'll pay big.


We have a phone that is ancient, although it does take crappy pix. Somehow it's managed to survive many years. It's on our plan for emergenices for just $10/month and goes with whoever needs it. It does nothing, really. ;)

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I don't know but I know that DS12 has a phone (from AT&T) that COULD do all of that, but I have disabled most of it, on our AT&T account.


I did not order the data plan for internet, and disabled it on his phone line on the actual AT&T account, so his phone can not go online.


I disabled all texting on our account, because even though we don't text, we would get spam texts that cost us....so now we can not send or receive.


So essentially he just has a phone, no other services.

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The inexpensive tracfones don't have cameras. I think all or most phones have texting ability though. You may want texting because it works better if there are low bars or other problems with connectivity. It was more likely to work after Katrina than voice.



Texting is better than talking. This is one really good example. Texts work when talking is impossible. I don't know why people are so against texting. It's a great & superior tool.

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Can you get a phone that'll text but not access the internet? I don't mind texting; I just don't want to have to buy a data package like what I have to have for my iPhone. I think the last thing any 13 year old needs is unbridled access to the internet.


I guess I should go down to the AT&T store and see what we can get.

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Can you get a phone that'll text but not access the internet? I don't mind texting; I just don't want to have to buy a data package like what I have to have for my iPhone. I think the last thing any 13 year old needs is unbridled access to the internet.


I guess I should go down to the AT&T store and see what we can get.



Yes. I need to text with my teens. But if you don't purchase internet for that particular phone, that particular phone won't have internet. DC can't pirate your iphone plan. I have an iphone (obviously with internet), but the kids phones do not. (For money reasons, not worry ones as they are older and we've not had internet issues at home.) My dh has a company BBerry with internet, but we don't pay for that on our family account. My oldest doesn't even have internet on our plan. He can pay for that himself if he wants it. ;)

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Texting is better than talking. This is one really good example. Texts work when talking is impossible. I don't know why people are so against texting. It's a great & superior tool.


Agreed. I love being able to text my teen without worrying about interrupting whatever he's doing (play practice, math competition, etc.), and I love him being able to say "love you mom" without his friends listening in. That said, if you get a phone without a QWERTY keyboard, texting is pretty tedious to do, and if you don't get a texting plan then you can explain to your teen that it costs extra $$$ so they shouldn't do it. My teens rarely use the camera on their phone, and sending the pix anywhere also costs $$$, which they know.


Most (maybe all) phones offered with plans have cameras etc., but older model phones can be purchased on eBay, if you know what you want, and set up to work with your service provider.

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Can you get a phone that'll text but not access the internet? I don't mind texting; I just don't want to have to buy a data package like what I have to have for my iPhone. I think the last thing any 13 year old needs is unbridled access to the internet.


I guess I should go down to the AT&T store and see what we can get.


My son inherited his dad's old iPhone. DH took out the original SIM card and replaced it with the sim card from a regular, plain pay-as-you-go type of cheapo phone. He said it was like $20-something (at the AT&T store).


No internet. Some apps - like HeyTell (which is like using a walkie-talkie) and TextFree. My son's phone uses pre-paid minutes, and we just reload online super easily. Texts are $.15/each, but I'm not sure how much calls are. It's nice that we can tailor each month's "bill" to the needs unique to that month, you know? When he's with his dad, I can load up his minutes and still talk to him frequently. When he's with me, I can keep only a few dollars on his phone for "just in case" situations - I'm not paying the same every month no matter how much or little the phone is used. I like that.

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My Virgin Mobile phone is a cheapo that has no camera. I think you *can* access internet but it's a real pain--too slow and expensive. I tried once but it didn't work, so not sure. Texting is available and I occasionally use this--it can be handy depending on the situation.


Anyway, the phone cost $20 at Target and it costs $20 every 3 months to maintain service. I'm not a phone person so even paying by the minute, I still have $ left on my phone at the end of the 3 months.


There is no coverage outside the US if that makes a difference. But dh travels all over the eastern half of the US and has had no trouble with service on his.

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I have a T-Mobile prepaid phone. It does phone and text, nothing else, and I like it that way. No camera, no nothin'. The service is good and the rates are excellent. It's just a basic clamshell cellphone. I got it about 3 years ago.

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Look for 'old folks' phones. That's how they are marketed around here. Just a phone, nothing else. Big buttons too :-)

Doro PhoneEasy


However, I would be one to go with texting. it's just a better (from a technical point of view) way of communicating. You can text in a noisy environment. You can text and keep communications private from those around you. You can text when the signal is low. I wouldn't go with a plan that doesn't allow some texting.

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Ok, we got one this morning. We got the Pantech Breeze. It can access the net, but the ATT rep showed DD which buttons do that and told her that those buttons cost Mom money. LOL I kept the net access for her because often her father will text pictures to her and if we block the net, the pictures can't come through. She knows that if she accesses the net, I'll block it on the first offense (true offense, not accident--but she can click off of it before it loads, so there shouldn't be an accident).


Anyway, the phone was free with adding the line and I did get insurance for her phone, so I'm only out $15 a month for her to have this. Her dad is splitting the activation cost with me. And, having her on my plan and not his means he can't micro-manage her with it. My only stipulation is no net; he enacts arbitrary rules and punishments on a whim. With her on my account, he can't control it. :001_smile:

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Our kids use trac phones. They can text, call, one of them has a camera. You buy the amount of minutes you want to use. We've found it's only $10.00 a month for them to keep in touch with us and have plenty of minutes left over.


Tracfone. you can get the phones for as cheap as $10 and plans for $20/60 min./3 months. the phone has texting, but I won't let dd use it for fun or else she'd use up all her minutes. The phone is for emergencies or "We are ready to be picked up" type of thing.


This is very helpful -- thanks! I've been puzzling over what to get ... I just need a cell phone a few minutes a week, to call or text my teenagers, but when I need it, I really need it! I'd love to get an iPhone, but I already have an iPod Touch and an iPad ... and I don't want a plan that's $70 a month!! Off to look at Tracfones! :001_smile:



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