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Will you consider hosting this summer for The Fresh Air Fund?

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Last summer, my family volunteered to host a Fresh Air Fund Child for the first time.


The Fresh Air Fund sends inner city children growing up in disadvantaged communities in New York City to host families in rural and suburban homes so that they can get out of the city and into the fresh air to enjoy a summer vacation their parents would not be able to otherwise afford. These children spend hot summers playing on concrete or not allowed outside of their homes for safety reasons. Many of them have never even walked barefoot in the grass. Ever.


13 Northeastern States (plus parts of Canada) are able to host these children, who arrive on buses from New York City at three different scheduled times throughout the summer. There is usually a one week trip, a 10 day trip, and a two week trip to choose from.


These children are aged 6-18 (6-12 generally but if children are invited back to the same host family each summer, they can continue going up until they are 18 years of age.) You can request a boy or a girl, and an age range. You can host just once or continue hosting each summer. You can invite the same child back or request a new one.


Last summer, we ended up hosting TWO children (at different times). Some of you may remember that we selected the two week trip initially, but our girl, who was 10 y/o and away from home for the first time, got VERY homesick and ended up going home after one week. So we hosted another girl, age 9, for one of the other shorter summer trips and that went much better. Either way, in each instance, it was very fulfilling to take these kids to lakes and wildlife parks and pools and so on. My daughter loved having a sleepover buddy for a week and getting to know these other girls. Many amusement places near us even let the Fresh Air Fund child in for free (our area rep gave us a list of such places).


This summer, we are looking forward to hosting again, and I think I may host two children at once this time- a younger boy for my son and a tween girl for my daughter. First time hosts can only host one child at a time but in subsequent years you can opt to host more than one if desired. We are going to do so, but only for the one week trip so we can see how things go. I'm looking forward to planning a weekend camping trip, a day at the lake and so on.


My area rep has told me that there is always a shortage of host families. Many children who would like to be in this program cannot participate, because there aren't enough families to host them. She says that some families will arrive at the bus stop on standby, just hoping that someone else backed out last minute and that they will get a chance to go instead.


If you would like further information on this program or would be interested in hosting, please visit:




Please note that there is no "typical" host family. I had no problem whatsoever as a homeschooling mom married to a tattoo artist for example lol. And some childless couples or couples with children who are grown and out of the home do this, too. You do have to fill out an application, allow the area rep into your home for a tour and an interview, pass background checks (everyone who is 18 and up living in your home) and so on before being matched with a child, but it was a pretty smooth process, and I was very glad to participate in the program.


ETA: You do not need to have a separate bedroom either although you do need a bed of some sort for the child to sleep in.

Edited by NanceXToo
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I'd be interested in doing this, but I'm thinking I might be too close.


We're only 10 minutes outside of Queens, in Nassau on Long Island. I'm sure my son would love it, but I'd almost think a kid would feel let down to find out they were only going to Long Island.



ETA - do you think they'd send us anyone, being only 25 minutes or so outside the city?

Edited by Renthead Mommy
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I am too far away from NYC, but this sounds like such a cool program. I wish our state did something like this...


Yeah it is too bad there aren't programs like this for other areas of the country- or maybe there are, I don't know!


From age 6-12, we hosted the same boy. The early years were the best. It was a good experience for our family.


Thanks for sharing your positive experience!


I'd be interested in doing this, but I'm thinking I might be too close.


We're only 10 minutes outside of Queens, in Nassau on Long Island. I'm sure my son would love it, but I'd almost think a kid would feel let down to find out they were only going to Long Island.


ETA - do you think they'd send us anyone, being only 25 minutes or so outside the city?


I'm sure they would! New York IS one of the "friendly town" states- some kids might feel better that they won't be so far from home- and as long as you are doing things with them that they can't do in their own neighborhood, I imagine they would still appreciate the experience!


I would... but we're in Ohio. Just too far.


Ah yep, Ohio is one state too far west, unfortunately!


For those curious, the approved states are:


Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia. Plus Southern Ontario, Canada.


So, do you recommend a shorter visit for a first timer?


Possibly- it may depend on the age and gender of the child you'd be requesting. If you were going with an older child, 11 or 12, maybe they'd do better with being away from home for one of the longer trips. But the younger kids, especially the girls, who haven't been away from home before may be more likely to get homesick. It MIGHT be a good idea to do one of the shorter trips- see how you like it, see how the kid does, see if you click enough with that kid to want to invite them back the following year, and if you do, you can always invite them for longer the next year. But if you're really gung ho about it and want to do a longer trip, you could always give it a try! I jumped in with the longest trip right off the bat, and I was fine with it on my end, it just didn't happen to work out with that particular child. She desperately missed her parents and wanted to go home before the first week was up. I also found out that she was scared to go on the camping trip we had planned during the second week. :P

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Do you know when you would need to apply to be a host family? I couldn't find that on the website. We are house-hunting now and may be moving later this spring/early summer. We couldn't host in our current house (too small), and definitely couldn't host while moving, but we would love to host if we were already in a bigger house.

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Do you know when you would need to apply to be a host family? I couldn't find that on the website. We are house-hunting now and may be moving later this spring/early summer. We couldn't host in our current house (too small), and definitely couldn't host while moving, but we would love to host if we were already in a bigger house.


I know she asked me to let her know about the dates I want to host by May 1st. I would think they'd still take people after that if necessary only because they always have a host shortage anyway. But keep in mind that the whole process can take a while- requesting more information on the site, waiting to get a packet in the mail which will include the name and number of your area rep, calling your area rep and scheduling an appointment for him or her to come to your house, waiting for the background checks to clear and references to be checked and so on.


The first trip to my area is in very early July, and the last is mid August I think, so you have some time, but I can't say exactly how much, know what I mean? On the site you can "request more info" and they will send you a packet in the mail, at least you can get that squared away for now and then take it from there?

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I know she asked me to let her know about the dates I want to host by May 1st. I would think they'd still take people after that if necessary only because they always have a host shortage anyway. But keep in mind that the whole process can take a while- requesting more information on the site, waiting to get a packet in the mail which will include the name and number of your area rep, calling your area rep and scheduling an appointment for him or her to come to your house, waiting for the background checks to clear and references to be checked and so on.


The first trip to my area is in very early July, and the last is mid August I think, so you have some time, but I can't say exactly how much, know what I mean? On the site you can "request more info" and they will send you a packet in the mail, at least you can get that squared away for now and then take it from there?


Thanks, I think we'll request more info and see how it goes.



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