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Oh my goodness! I have the worst, most embarrassing feet. All of the edge of my heel, both outside edges of the balls of my feet and the outside edge of my big toe have always been just horrible. They are hard, thick and cracked. I nearly have an entire shelf in my bathroom dedicated to the lotions, stones, etc to try and help. Lotions, pumice and socks only helped marginally after about a month. It's been so frustrating!


So, to add to my collection I bought this weird PedEgg thing last night. It's grossed me out since I first saw it and I was way too scared to try. It was amazing!!! My heels have no cracks and my feet look human! I'm going to HAVE to wear sandals today because I'm so excited. :)


This may seem trivial to many of you but if you knew how bad my feet had been, you'd understand. ;) I hope this helps someone else.

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I bought it last night at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I've seen it in several places though. It looks like a white egg but inside the case is what looks like...well, a fine cheese grater! That's why I didn't buy it for so long. I hate the way the pumice stone feels on my skin and I imagined this nasty cheese grater thing being worse. It didn't bother me at all. I used no real pressure at all. It's very gentle and you follow it with their file buffer to smooth it all out.


I wish I had thought to make before and after pics but I never imagined it would have made this much difference. I think it was about $10 and 3 refill graters were something like $10 for later.



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I have this type of thing, but by the Microplane company. I got it a couple of years ago...my feet have been awful for such a long time. I too have tried lotions, soaks, scrubs, stones, and the special socks....nothing works for me. This has helped, but you must keep up with it...once a week for sure, otherwise you will still get the cracks. Also whenever possible wear socks! I love sandals so this is the worst time of year.:glare: Good luck!

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Guest Amy in MS

OK, I thought I was the only one ever to use this. I found one in Walgreens the other day and bought it. I've always had gross feet. Major callouses (used the saw them off with steak knife as a kid). GROSS!!!

I love my PedEgg!


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Oh, thank you all. My feet are horrible, and I'm so sad that I haven't been able to wear sandals in the beautiful weather we've been having. I'd seen it online and was skeptical too, but your reviews have convinced me. I'm going right out to get one today.

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It rocks!!!


I saw them at Walmart last week. I bought one from Drugstore.com but I think that I saw them in CVS.


I have super bad, dry feet. I can put everyone else to shame.


I used this once and there was a HUGE difference. I didn't end up using it for another week as once it did its thing, my feet stayed really soft and scale-free. It is basically a microplane that captures the "residue." Worth $10 for sure.

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My official results are in:


Holy moly. Seriously, I would have paid $100 for this thing. I CANNOT believe how well it worked. My feet are awful, and I've used files for a long time. But files take a long lead time where I had to keep up on the work and keep going down further and further. This thing? Sandal-ready in one day. I wanted to cry.


I'm blown away. Thank you, Jessica!


ETA: I forgot to add that DH wants his own now too :lol:

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I'm blown away. Thank you, Jessica!


ETA: I forgot to add that DH wants his own now too :lol:


I am so glad it worked so great for you also. :) My husband also used mine where he had a couple of spots. Aren't they cute? ;)


I use mine, gently, about every 5 days to keep it up. It's been perfect. However, I overdid it once and really paid. Let's just say the feet are not like the mouth or eye. They do NOT heal quickly! ugh!

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