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Teachers Bistro 3-7-2011

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Time to come on in, relax, and enjoy your lunch, along with some conversation other than "teaching".


What's for lunch today? Me and dh: hot dogs. Kids: chicken nuggets.



What's news with you today? Me: my bday is Friday and dd and I are heading out of town for a girls' overnight, just she and I!


Any pets in your household? Us: 1 dog, 1 cat, 1 fish.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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Ahh, My favorite part of the day. I came here hoping someone had opened the Bistro. Just send me over a nice hot gourmet coffee of any type and I will be ever so thankful!


What's for lunch today? We bought a cheese pizza at Sam's this morning. The kids ate that and I ate a hot dog instead. For dinner I already have chicken taco soup in the crockpot. Yum!



What's news with you today? NOt much really. Just trying to stretch everything as far as possible unti the next payday. Still waiting on tax refund but starting to lose hope there. We need to build a chicken coop for the 25 chicks my son ordered for 4H and really need that money to build it. We inherited 3 goats when we bought this house last fall and finally found someone to come check their hooves yesterday. I could tell by looking they were bad, but they are much worse than I thought. She spent 2 hours on one goat just trying to get them so he could walk normally. Imbedded in one hoof we found pieces of wood that had likely been there over a year judging by the growth marks. That makes me so very mad at the last owner. And this goat is supposedly the one they took the most care of because it was trained to be a show goat. It still brings tears to my eyes. My friend didn't make it to the other 2 goats and will have to come back. Scary part is, their hooves look even worse than the first one.


Any pets in your household? 3 cats, 3 goats, too many tropical fish to count, and 25 baby chicks on order. I really want to add a dog, a pig (well, for meat not petting), and some other animals but that will have to wait, or so says dh lol.

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Lunch- Crud. I forgot to eat lunch. The kids had pb&j on fresh, homemade bread, and grapes.


News- I took my girls out yesterday to buy seed starting supplies (waiting on our internet ordered seeds). We went to the store without coats. Now the ground is dusted with snow and the trees are weighed down with ice. :glare:


Pets- 2 dogs (GSD/Rottie, Rottie/Lab), 2 cats (annoying and obnoxious)

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Hello everyone. It is a nice time for some adult conversation.



What's for lunch today? The girls had macaroni and cheese. I am eating a grilled cheese and bacon sandwich.


What's news with you today? My husband took advantage of a Groupon deal to get me a one hour massage. Now to figure out when I can schedule it. Also, our tax refund should be here soon and I get to spend a good portion of it this year. It's stuff for the kids but I get to spend the money.


Any pets in your household? 1 cat. We had another one, my precious boy, but we had to have him put to sleep in June. I still miss him. I am considering getting the girls a kitten. They have never been through that stage with an animal as already had our cats when they were born. Not certain I am ready to jump to a puppy though. I can confess it here but honestly, I hate dogs. I know I am going to have to suck it up eventually as the kids and dh all want one but I will delay it as long as possible.

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Lunch - Homemade chicken and rice soup for both myself and DS


News - We ran into some dear friends at IKEA this weekend and they told us about the Mandarin teacher they are using. She charges HALF of what DS's Mandarin teacher charges and from what I have seen, she is better. WHOO-HOO - we will be changing after spring break. The savings pay for DS's piano lessons!!!


Pets - One little ole lady chihuahua (12.5 years). She is a sweetheart :001_smile:


Have a wonderful afternoon.

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Mommaduck, I take it you're preparing for a little one?


Yes :D I can't stand the idea of bringing home a little one to anything less than a spotless house. I'm quirky like that. This way I know there is no excuse for anything to fall apart while I'm in the hospital, because I took care of it all myself. I've spent the past couple of hours thoroughly cleaning just my bathroom (this includes oiling all the wood, organizing cabinets/closet, etc).

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What's for lunch today?


What's news with you today?

Any pets in your household?

Talk to me! :bigear:


Lunch for me is burgers and fries out with friends :)

The kids are having pb&j

Hubby is having leftovers


New with me? I'm having lunch with friends in about 10 minutes then I'm going to stop and finally buy myself a new pair of jeans (which might work better if I bought them before the burger and fries ;) ) My favorite pair is almost see-through on the bottom. I can't keep waiting until I am the next size smaller anymore.


Pets: 2 sweet dogs, 2 mean birds and 1 little fish that was a science experiment and is still alive.

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Hi Ladies! Happy Monday!


Lunch - a mixture of different things today. One had a turkey sandwich, the other a PB&J sandwich, both had strawberries and a cheese stick. I had leftover blueberry pancakes and strawberries.


News - My eldest son passed his taekwondo belt test on Saturday! He's now a high white belt, and it was such a joy to see him beaming when they handed him his belt. My youngest son's birthday is this weekend. We're having a small friend party for him on Friday, so I'm just trying to get all that together amidst an already busy week. I can't believe he's turning 4... where does the time go????


Pets - one very large and muscular tuxedo black cat named Jax. He's my boy!


Enjoy the rest of the day! It's quiet time now at our house... My favorite time of day! :D

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Lunch: Crackers, cheese, turkey, and other nibbles for kiddos; leftovers (mashed potatoes and green beans) for me


News: Not much new here. We are hoping to skim our pool and get it heated up enough to get in this week. We bought this house at the end of October and haven't used the pool yet. I think this will be its inaugural week!


Pets: one dachshund, Jake. He just came over and gave me his "take me out!" look.

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Lunch: cheese and crackers, fresh pineapple for me


News: Ds was asked to fill in last minute on the Science Olympiad team for his high school. He competed as a freshman and sophomore but was in Austria last year for the competition and for one reason or another didn't sign up this fall. The state competition was Saturday. Without any preparation since competing in the same event two years ago, he medaled in Fossils :D


Pets: Ds has a few fish but we don't have any other pets due to allergies.

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