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Long shot but does anyone here think Bach Flower Essences work?

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I have had wonderful experiences with flower essences and have 2 complete sets of different Australian flower essences, so I guess I would have to say I think they work- as in, they have some effect :) I haven't played with the Bach ones much but have spent years with others and have great respect for them.

Sometimes they are great for that sort of thing- nightmares. Worth a try.

I used to call them "fairy drops" when I gave them to my kids when they were little. Sometimes I put drops in various family members' drinks :)

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I have had wonderful experiences with flower essences and have 2 complete sets of different Australian flower essences, so I guess I would have to say I think they work- as in, they have some effect :) I haven't played with the Bach ones much but have spent years with others and have great respect for them.

Sometimes they are great for that sort of thing- nightmares. Worth a try.

I used to call them "fairy drops" when I gave them to my kids when they were little. Sometimes I put drops in various family members' drinks :)


Thanks Peela, I am such a huge skeptic but desperate times call for desperate measures. My dh's cousin is sending me a couple of bottles of a personalized mixture. She owns an herbal apothecary and I;ve never asked her for help before.

It is just killing me to see my little one with so much anxiety, she feels everything so deeply. Right now her old Sunday school teacher is dying in agony of cancer with only days left and she is projecting the scenario onto her aunt's 2nd cancer diagnosis which came as a huge shock, she was only just declared cancer free in December. Fairy Drops is perfect, we are huge on fairies here. Thank you.

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I've only ever used the Bach Rescue Remedy and all I can say is that it works for us. I've personally had great results using it- calming anxiety almost immediately- as well as it working really well with my kids. It will get them out of a full-blown temper tantrum in one or two minutes- no small feat! Sorry, I can't comment on the rest but if they're anything like the Rescue Remedy then I'm betting you'll be pleased with the results.

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When I was in trasition with my first homebirth baby. I had reached a point where I said, "I can't take anymore!" but wasn't willing to transfer for that reason alone. I took a couple drops of Rescue Remedy and my contraction came to a complete stop for about 15 minutes. Just enough time for me to recoup and refocus and proceed with the rest of the labor. Now if that's not powerful stuff that works, I don't know what is.

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I'm a FIRM believer in "Rescue Remedy" for helping with anxiety. I, too, was a skeptic, but I've seen it work so many times that I stopped wondering how/why it works and just trusted that it does. ;)


Magnesium deficiency may be linked to nightmares. Conversely, too-high levels of B vitamins can lead to nightmares. If she's taking a multivitamin, consider skipping it for a few days to see if it helps, to see if decreasing her B vitamin levels is helpful.


One way to help her sleep, help her get plenty of magnesium and to relax, in general: try putting epsom salts in her bath at night. (Epsom salts are magnesium sulfate crystals.) Start with 1/4c in a comfortably hot bath. Let her play/soak for 20+ minutes, then wash and rinse. (If the epsom salts dry on her skin, it can feel itchy/dry.) Over a period of a week or two, gradually increase the amount of epsom salts per bath to 1-2 cups. Soaking allows her to absorb the magnesium w/o the side effect of taking magnesium pills (which can cause diarrhea).


Add some lavender oil to the bath for additional calming. If she likes the scent, try putting a drop or two on her pillow case, too. :)





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I am just so desperate to help my little ones nightmares I am heading out of the box.


I've never used this brand, thank you for asking about it! :001_smile: I'm going to order a few things from their website.


It made me think of this clip my husband showed me the other day:



FTR, We use all sorts of natural remedies, with great success.

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Thanks Peela, I am such a huge skeptic but desperate times call for desperate measures. My dh's cousin is sending me a couple of bottles of a personalized mixture. She owns an herbal apothecary and I;ve never asked her for help before.

It is just killing me to see my little one with so much anxiety, she feels everything so deeply. Right now her old Sunday school teacher is dying in agony of cancer with only days left and she is projecting the scenario onto her aunt's 2nd cancer diagnosis which came as a huge shock, she was only just declared cancer free in December. Fairy Drops is perfect, we are huge on fairies here. Thank you.


I just wanted to add- make sure you tell her what they are for, too (I imagine you would anyway). That way the power of suggestion is there too and she can gain some security from them- I know some kids who take drops for similar reasons to your daughter, ask for their drops and gain a lot of comfort from them.


BTW I agree with the magnesium, epsom salts, lavender suggestions as well.

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Rescue Remedy users here too-I give it to the dc and they have no clue what it is, so no placebo effect! It helps so much.


Might I recommend the children's version-same effect but it does not contain alcohol. I use the regular for me but it is a very strong alcohol flavor and I prefer the children's one for them. I think it might be a little more $$ but I feel strongly about them not getting used to an alcohol taste. :tongue_smilie:

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