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THIS forum. . .


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. . . Rocks.

I am so glad I found it. Thank you all. It never ceases to amaze me just how quickly I can get an answer to a question or concern I post. I wish I had utilized this forum when I first came across it a couple years ago. I probably would have been in a slightly better starting point. C'est la vie. Homeschooling has been one heck of a ride already and I'm just grateful to have you all as a sounding board from this point on.


I love how at any given moment there are a few hundred diverse parents scouring this thing looking for help or hoping to be a help- or both! It's nice to have a community so readily available.



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I am convinced that people here know everything.


Yeah, I'm becoming a little addicted to it.


Better this than Facebook... At least here I can be more productive. :)

:iagree: as well.

I am part of other forums and they are not as fast with answers and ideas. Right now that I am pregnant and have to have some rest, this has been such a huge help :D Especially getting ready for next year.

My curriculum perspective has changed and I feel inspired.

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I am so grateful for these forums because I don't have any IRL friends who use TWTM and have dc that are my dd's age or older. This forum is my homeschooling community :001_smile:.


:iagree: - it's the same for me, too. I don't think any of my IRL friends know anything about TWTM! It's a great place! :001_smile:

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