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I just registered for an 8K!

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I have done a couple of 5Ks, but I haven't been running for about a year because of all the crap I went through last year with my mental health. I ran Tuesday night, just one little mile, but it's a start. I just signed up for an 8K! I am scared already, and it's not until August! EEEEEKKK!!!!

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Have fun!! I ran an 8k in Philly in November--it was a blast!! I found for me I needed to know mentally that I could go 5 miles so I slowly got up to 6 miles on my long run and that helped me to feel prepared and really have fun with it.





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Ah - Nakia - what's your secret? I would love to run (good exercise, free, etc.) but I just can't get to it :confused:


When I first started two years ago, I had never run a day in my life. Not on purpose anyway, lol. I did the Couch to 5K plan at http://www.coolrunning.com. I swear by it. I didn't feel like I needed to start that slow this time, so I'm going to try and increase by half a mile a week until I get to five miles (which is 8K). This week is one mile. It is hard and terrible at times, but worth it. I felt better psychically and emotionally when I was running consistently! And the fact that I need to lose 40 lbs (at least) is a big motivator! I've lost about 7 so far, just watching what I eat the past month. So I know running will help that. There are sooo many inspiring runners on this board!!! Oh, and it helps immensely to have a running buddy, at least for me. My best friend runs with me. :)

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Woo-hoo! You can do it! 8K is a fantastic distance. My dream exercise plan is to run four days a week with my long-run being a weekend 5-6 mile run and then strength train the other two days. I was on track but then injured my knee again in January. :( I just joined a gym for a month-long membership with the hope of getting back on track. I have found that signing up for a race is highly motivational. Congrats!!!!

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When I first started two years ago, I had never run a day in my life. Not on purpose anyway, lol. I did the Couch to 5K plan at http://www.coolrunning.com. I swear by it. I didn't feel like I needed to start that slow this time, so I'm going to try and increase by half a mile a week until I get to five miles (which is 8K). This week is one mile. It is hard and terrible at times, but worth it. I felt better psychically and emotionally when I was running consistently! And the fact that I need to lose 40 lbs (at least) is a big motivator! I've lost about 7 so far, just watching what I eat the past month. So I know running will help that. There are sooo many inspiring runners on this board!!! Oh, and it helps immensely to have a running buddy, at least for me. My best friend runs with me. :)


That looks really good.. thanks for the link.


I wish I could find someone to run with - I'd feel safer, as well as be more motivated. The only person I know who would do this with me lives 30mins away and she's fitter than me, so I have some catching up to do. I just need to find a local snail!!

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